After Arthur pledged his sword to me, I asked him about what happened in the Tower of Joy.
"What happened in the Tower of Joy?" I asked him.
"Well, we were waiting for Rhaegar to come but Eddard Stark came instead." He replied. "We prepared ourselves for battle and approached Eddard face to face. He then presented me your letter and told me that you were the one that gave him our location. Since Rhaegar told you our location, I chose to trust your letter and let Eddard see his sister but he was still too late." I lied about that one, sorry brother for using you.
"Lyanna died after giving birth to a boy and Eddard took him with him." he continued. "He told me that he will treat him like his own son, so I let him take the boy mostly because of the boy will be safe in the north just as you said. After that we headed to King's Landing and when Robert heard the news that Lyanna died, he relieved us from our duty because we took part in Lyanna's "kidnapping". Then I sailed for here to pledge my loyalty to you after I heard that my sister escaped."
"What about your sister? Ashara Dayne was in love with Eddard if I'm not wrong." I asked
"You're quite knowledgeable for a 7 year old, it doesn't feels like I'm talking to a mere 7 years old. It feels like you are an adult in a kid's body." he said.
"This world makes you mature early especially when you have the mad king as your father and the danger is everywhere." I joked.
"True enough. Ashara has gone back to starfall. I'm sure she will forget about Eddard as time flies." he answered.
"Ser Arthur, can you teach how use two swords? I would like to learn if my teacher is the Sword of the Morning himself." I asked him.
"We'll start tomorrow, the journey from King's Landing was tiring for me." he replied.
"Fine, I'll let my servant take you to your quarters" I said.
Now I have Arthur Dayne as my teacher. If Arthur Dayne didn't come here, I would have chose to learn the water dance in Braavos.
The next day I changed my schedule to swordsmanship with Willam in the morning and dual wielding in the afternoon. It's currently in the afternoon and I'm with Arthur Dayne for my lessons.
"Are you ready for your lessons my prince?" he asks.
"I'm always ready Ser Arthur." I answer.
"Let's see if that is true." he said and then tosses me two sticks. "We will use this for our lessons for now. Wielding two swords has a lot of disadvantages especially when you are in the battlefield, you don't have a shield to block your opponent's attacks so you need to learn to parry instead. It also has many advantages, like you can fight more enemies and you are much faster to strike your enemies down. If you are skilled in dual wielding then you will rule the battlefield. Dual wielding requires speed and ....."
After our lesson, Arthur praised me because I was learning fast. I also learned a new skill, maybe the skill and my intelligence attribute helped me to learn the techniques fast.
[acquired skill : Dual-Swordmanship lvl 1/3](passive)
284 AC
It has been 9 months since we escaped King's Landing. There is currently a Great Storm in Dragonstone and the royal fleet of the Targaryens are getting destroyed and there's nothing I can do about it. My mother in her room, currently in labor and will soon give birth to Daenerys. Stannis is already on his way here to capture Dragonstone so we need to head to Braavos after my mother's labor.
I'm currently waiting nervously outside the door of my mother's room waiting to get called. After my mother's screams died down I heard the cries of Daenerys, then the maester opened the door after a few minutes.
"Prince Vicerys, your mother is waiting for you." the maester said.
I entered the room and I see my mother looking weak while holding Daenerys. My mother called me to her side.
"Viserys come meet your sister." she said.
I walked to my mother side and looked at Daenerys. She has silver and purple eyes the same as many Targaryens.
"What will be her name?" I asked.
"She will be Daenerys Targaryen the first of her name." she answered.
"It's a beautiful name" I said.
"and she is beautiful." she said. "Vicerys" She called me and held my hand.
"What is it mother?" I asked as my eyes started getting watery, I know what she will say next, that she will not make it. I did not know who my mother was when I was at earth and my aunt just let me be so when I got reincarnated here, I experienced a mother's love for the first time in my two lives. Even though I'm the son of the Mad King who she did not like to marry, she loved me as any mother would and would sometimes shield me from my father's madness.
"I might not see Daenerys grow up, my body is already weak." she said. "Promise me Viserys, that you will protect your sister from any harm. Can you promise me that Viserys?" she asked as she looked into my eyes and I looked back.
"I promise mother" I answered while crying.
"Now I can die without any worries, stop crying Vicerys, you would be a king someday. I can't look after you anymore but remember that I will always love you." she said. Daenerys started to cry again as her hand falls from my hand. After that I took Daenerys from my mother's embrace and left the room.
I cried the whole night after that.
The next day we held a ceremony for my mother and cremated her body. We then head to the remaining ship to depart to Braavos, Stannis is heading here and we won't have time to escape if we stay longer.
Before we left, I managed to take all the gold I could find in the treasury, now I have over 7 million gold in my inventory. Only Me, Daenerys, Arthur Dayne, Lucerys Velaryon, Willam Darry, and Albert Sunglass boarded the ship with a few sailors and wet nurse.
2 months after we escaped Dragonstone, I see a large stone warrior, it's left hand is resting on top of a ridge, while the right hand is thrust into the air, holding the hilt of a broken sword. We finally arrive at Braavos.
Next chapter would be 9 years later in the year 293 AC
I'm very tempted to skip to 298 AC to the start of Game of Thrones but I would miss important things so I'll do it in in the future.
I can't do anything about the skips since there's nothing much to do with Viserys being 7 years old.sorry about that if you hate the skips.