
Villainous Undead-(Moved to a New Link)

A young boy born after a series of unfortunate events grows up despised by his "family" .He tries his best to get freedom, to simply have have a chance to live in peace , but it all ends in tragedy.The boy who had become a young man ends up dead, but this turns out to be the beginning of his undead life.

Dagan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Flaming Spear

It was midnight on a moonless night. The army was using Qi torches to see through the dark. This was the only way as it seemed that the closer they got to the town, the darker the night grew.

With the torches that burned spirit qi to produce light, they could still see in the darkness but it was becoming harder with each meter they moved towards the town. The night was silent and in this quiet, the prince noticed that not a single sound could be heard. The only sounds in this night we those produced by the horses and the breathing soldiers. No insect or animal sound could be heard. This was very abnormal. Even the sound of crickets which were know to inhabit this past of the Sky continent in great numbers could not be heard.

The quiet was now starting to become creepy with this realization.

'Something is very wrong here 'thought the prince as he firmed his heart for any developments. The Righteous Prince absentmindedly looked forward as though in anticipation of something. After a few minutes, his heart skipped a beat.

He had neither seen nor heard anything abnormal but his instincts were screaming at him to turn around and flee like the wind. The prince felt his blood go cold as he felt a sinister power permeate the world. The prince raised his right hand to stop the march. His soldiers were very loyal and would never dream of disobeying his orders.

The entire battalion stopped it's match immediately.

His men were confused by the command buy they still follows the order with out question. Over the past two months, the prince had only allows him men to stop their march for food and to freshen up. The town was still over half a day's raid away and yet the prince had ordered the match to stop.

Something else had to be going on. The prince looked into the fields that surrounded the army as though he was looking for something .His forehead was covered in beads of sweat yet the night was so cold that some of his men were shivering. When the men saw their commander sweating buckets in this cold night, they grew concerned. Some of them thought that the prince had casually fever.

The prince raised his hand once again to stop the discussions. He was about to grow doubtful of his instincts when he heard footstepsoving towards the army.. The only thing in that direction was the ghost town. He did not think it Norma to run into someone coming from the town at this time of the night. His suspicions grew rapidly and for this reason, he ordered his men to prepare for battle. They all raised their spears and pointed them towards the approaching darkness. They were ready to fight to the death. Their eyes were filled with an unwavering determination that could it be achieved after countless bloody battles.

Some of the men even hoped that they were do lucky as to run into the culprit so fast. They wanted to quickly dispatch their foe and return to the capital where civilisation and luxury met to create a society fit for humanity.

The soldiers were busy dreaming about returning home when they saw a shadowy figure approaching.Soon ,they realized that it was not a person but a pair of red eyes. These eyes were noodles red and with in the red olggbt that they emmited,they saw the epitome of evil.

As the figure moved closer, it seems to be absorbing the little light present on this cold night. The place was growing ever darker with each step the figure took.

As they watched the figure approach, they realized that it moved no different from a ghost. At one point, they would see it far away,afte it taking just a single step, they would see the creature to have moved over two meters closer to the army. These bizzare movements clued with the red light that robed some solideirr of they sanity was enough for most men to turn tail and seek safety in the hands of their mothers. The eyes tthey saw were not the eyes of a human being. They were the yes of something unclean. These were the Symbols of evil.

The figure moved ever closer and soon, it was just one hundred feet away.

The prince could no longer stand back and look on.

"We are the righteous army if the glorious Cloud Empire. Identify yourself. You have two seconds to do so. "shouted the prince as he ordered his men to prepare to attack.

All the spears that were pointing towards the figure lit up with powerful yellow flames.

They were using an art from the army called Flaming Spear. This art was just a Qi gathering stage art but it was quite powerful. The army had used it to surpressing it's neighbors and even conquered many if them.

The fire from the spears lit up the night sky exposing the figure within tthe darkness.

When they saw the thing that had caused so much tension, horror and anxiety, the prince instinctively ordered all his soldiers to attack. It was as though his very core was telling him that the creature before him had to be killed, destroyed, annihilated and wiped out at all costs.

The soldiers sent powerful flame spears rushing toward the figure. It was the skeleton that was barely conscious.

The fire that was shaped like spears was being shot out by the spears held by the soldiers. This art was simply and lacked any kind of complexity buy this was actually one of its great points. The soldiers could easily master it enabling them to bring out its full power.

The skeleton looked up at the fires that were shaped as spears raining down on it. It did not feel anyhing like fear but it somehow knew that it would feel pain for the first time in its life.

Boooom, the fires hit their target with a loud explosion that lit up the sky and painted the horizon red.