
villainess : Antagonist story

HORRIBLE GRAMMAR READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! *Warning* (This book will have some mature content, if you are uncomfortable reading mature content then please don't read it.) Everyone wants to know the story of the protagonist. But what about the antagonist? Two girls, both became the antagonists of their own lives without knowing why. Destiny causes their paths to cross as they meet in club as strangers and leave it as potential friends for life. Tulip Anderson, the daughter of a wealthy family. Yet, ironically, most don’t know about her existence, the limelight having been stolen away by her twin sister. All she wanted was her parents’ love but they were too occupied with her twin to care about her. All her life, the story was about her sister and Tulip’s role was the villainous twin. Lily Lawrence, wife of Zachary Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence Enterprises. Entangled in a loveless marriage, her husband hates her and the reason? He wasn't ready for marriage. She was forced upon him by his grandfather. Everyday Lily saw a different girl leaving his room and slowly became a shallow, scheming woman. Just to get back at those adulterers. She only wanted her husband to respect her, since he couldn’t love her. But in the end, he only saw her as the woman who forced him into a commitment he didn’t want. Two girls with two different stories, this is about how they become the greatest of friends and journey to change their destinies. ------------------------------------- The picture is taken from Pinterest. To discuss anything you could contact me on my discord id mehu#7456

mehu · Thành thị
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Photoshoot (Part 1)

Inside Tulip living room.

Tulip sign looking around her surroundings 'It's so lonely without Lily. And more importantly who will cook for me. Those late night gossips with a glass of wine. I'm already missing everything' Tulip thought.

Small hands hug her from behind "Mumma"

A small smile appear on her face. She turns and grab little bun in her arms, hugging him. "Mumma are you missing Lily aunty?" little bun said facing Tulip.

Tulip eyes widen in amazement "My son knows me so well!"

Little bun proudly look at his mother "Obviously! I'm your son. Don't worry Mumma I will never leave you"

Warmth spread inside her heart, she hugged her son tightly 'You are the only reason of my living. My parents left me, My friends left me, Sol left me. If you haven't born, my life would have turn into a complete chaos' a tear roll down on her cheeks but she quickly wipe it.

Suddenly little bun try to get out of her hold "Mumma can't breath", Tulip thoughts get broken. She realise that her hold is too tight and so loosen her hold. Little bun cup her cheeks " Don't worry Mumma I will grow up quickly and take care of you", Tulip give him a soft smile and kiss his palm "As my son says. But don't worry Little bun your Mumma is very strong".

" I know my Mumma is the best " little bun said with a proud smile.

After few minutes little bun interrupted the silence between them "Mumma can we go to dad office. He told me I can go whenever I want.....Please Mumma please I haven't saw my dad for a long time and that day you promised me that if I sleep on time you will take me to meet dad"

Tulip sign, indeed she promised. So, all she could do is nod.


Tulip and little bun arrive at the Sol office. It's a first time for little bun to visit his dad office. He only had visited his mother office several times. As they reach the entrance, the door automatically opens. They enter the office but Tulip gasp seeing people rushing with documents, the atmosphere of the office seems tense. At the right side she saw a group of people surrounding Sol, who appears cold and aloof. He is saying something to which the employees face is turning pale. She is contemplating to go forward or backward.

Sol eyes landed on Tulip and his son. He walk towards them. Everyone inside the office gasp seeing their boss expression soft who few minutes before were on the verge of blowing.

Little bun smile looking at his father and run towards him "Dad". Everyone eyes widen when they see a small boy who looks like their boss exclaiming dad. This information is something new and soon would be the hot topic of whole office. But what more scary is seeing the happy smile on their boss face holding the boy.

Sol mood turns bright seeing his son. When he saw Tulip and little bun moving backward his heart leaps from fear. He knew if he didn't stop them they would leave. He look at his employees " Everyone meet my Son".

"Hello everyone my name is Leo Anderson" little bun introduce himself. Everyone gush at the cuteness of little bun. But several murmuring is going on in between the employees after all most of them knew about the scandal of Anderson daughter. But nobody has a guts to say anything infront of their boss. Sol on the other hand, a bitter taste left his mouth, he wanted his son to have his name but at the same time he knows he can't do that. It will not be a justice towards Tulip moreover he wasn't there for them.

A foreigner is looking at the Tulip from up and down. A grin spread across his face "You will be my model" he exclaim with twinkle in his eyes.

Tulip gasp "What me? Model?" looking confusedly at the foreigner. Travis sign and awkwardly come to clear the situation "Ma'am actually he is a famous photographer Jack. Actually Our company is launching a new series of wedding gowns and for that we need model. The female model we have hired won't able to turn up due to accident, her ankle got twisted today and because of which she won't able to turn up. Now we don't know what to do without a model at shortage of time"

"No" Sol said.

"She is perfect. Her height and body is perfect for the dress. And moreover if you guys disagree then I shall take my leave. She will be my model or else I leave" Jack arrogantly said.

Sweat forms on the employees head. They got stuck between their boss who is looking at Jack murderously and on the other hand Jack completely ignored his glare and nonchalantly sit on the chair. Both of them stubborn on their path.

Many of the employees look at Tulip with hope. Tulip shudder with the hopeful look she got from the employees. She sign "OK. I will do but I'm warning I'm not a model so don't expect much"

Jack eyes turn delighted "You don't need to worry about that. Just be natural and calm"

"No. Tulip you don't have to get yourself trouble" Sol softly said holding her Tulip.

"It's okay. It's not a trouble" Tulip said not meeting his eyes.

Inside the vanity room.

Tulip hand is shivering holding the wedding gown. All those humiliation, mocking words, mocking laughter come back one by one. She still remembers a girl waiting for the man she fallen in love, longingly waiting for the groom to arrive. With every minute passing her heart is getting heavy. Still hopeful that he will arrive. The man she love will arrive. But that day the girl's fairytale shatter into pieces. That day she no longer believe in fairytales.

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