
Villain Support Agency ( On Hiatus )

In a world where superhumans and villains clash with epic regularity, a secret organization exists, hidden in the shadows, known only as the Villain Support Agency (VSA). Enter the Villain Support Agency, a clandestine organization that offers guidance, training, and resources to aspiring supervillains. Led by the enigmatic council, the agency is a melting pot of diverse and unconventional individuals with extraordinary abilities, all united by their shared desire to challenge the status quo. Frustrated with the seemingly untouchable heroes and their self-righteousness, the protagonist of the story, Carl, joined the agency as a handler, a person that helps the villains out and does his best to do what is best for them. As Carl becomes acquainted with this new underworld, he encounters many characters, each with their own motivations and ambitions. From the mischievous trickster to the mastermind strategist, Carl learns that villains are not just one-dimensional evildoers but complex individuals driven by their own desires and dreams. One faithful day, Carl gains an opportunity to not only become better at his job and rise through the ranks of the organization quickly, but to become much more than a simple 'handler'.

TheReign · Kỳ huyễn
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146 Chs

Strength Pill and Spiritual Sense

'Right, the strength pill, so, what will that do?' I asked the system as the latter scoffed at me.

[ It will give you more strength, what the hell do you think it would give you otherwise? ]

'Hey, I'm just asking, sheesh.' It seems the system can be quite snarky at times, dammit, why couldn't it be a robotic voice that simply answers my questions and gives me some tips, aren't there a ton of novels with the same plot?

Why did I have to get one that is snarky, not polite, and just loves making things difficult for me?

[ Hey, don't make me give you another mission right now, go and take the pill, take it in the shower as well. ]

'By the way, what the hell did the pill do to me?'

[ Right, I forgot to explain. ]

[ Alright, here it goes. ]

[ The body evolution pill is a pill that will change the structure of your body, as well as your innate talent, making it far easier for those that were talentless and had no hope to become superhuman to do so, just like you. ]

[ People like you, the talentless wastes of oxygen, can turn into talented people who can improve their strength and become powerful in the future, think of it as placing a powerful foundation for a house, one that can withstand much more than what you were previously able to. ]

'I see, well thanks for the explanation.' You didn't need to insult me so much though.

I walked back to my living room, completely naked, before taking the second pill, the red one that gave me a slightly bad vibe, before going back to the shower. I stared at the pill with vigilance as the bad feeling was still with me, it wasn't like this with the Body Evolution Pill.

'Hey, this one will work the same way as the previous one, right?' I asked the system as I clenched the pill in my hand.

[ Yup, same. ]

I nodded my head before putting the pill in my mouth, causing it to dissolve right away.

[ It's gonna hurt like hell though. ]

The system suddenly said, but before I was able to say a single thing, incredible pain assaulted me as I actually bent my body forward and collapsed on the floor in a fetal position.

The pain was … well, it was unlike anything I experienced before.

"You said it would work the same way!" I managed to say as my body went through a spasm thanks to the incredible pain I was experiencing.

It was as if somebody was using a knife and was cutting and stabbing me from the inside.

[ Well, it does, it just destroys your muscles completely before regenerating them, it does that about 10 times before they are finally powerful enough for you to be called superhuman. ]

'I'll get you for this, you bastard of a system.'

[ Yeah, yeah, try surviving the first couple of missions first, then you can try acting high and mighty. ]

I spent the following 1 hour in my shower, not moving a single inch and continuing to be in the fetal position as the unimaginable pain continued assaulting me. Honestly, at one point, I truly did believe I was going to die.

After an hour, however, the pain started subsiding before being fully gone. I panted heavily before trying to get up, but my knees were weak and I immediately fell down on them. I tried to lean against the shower, but the damn glass actually cracked as I exerted strength.

[ I did tell you that you will gain superhuman strength, right now, you are actually a bit more powerful than a grade-E villain or hero is, but still, slightly below a grade-D, get used to your strength first, try doing some of the exercises from the manual before touching anything. ]

I nodded to the system as I was far too weak to fire back a snarky remark. I was weak both physically and mentally as I didn't expect the pain to be so powerful, nor that it would continue for an entire hour.

I thought of the manual, and soon, the entire manual appeared in my head. I flipped the first page with my thoughts before looking at what was to be done.

It seemed … shady, to be honest.

I was to do a horse stance, but contrary to the usual one, where your legs are the main focus and your back is supposed to be straight, I needed to turn both my feet to the side and hunch slightly. I did it, but it was … weird.

'System, did you give me some fake manual?'

[ Exercises that are meant for those above a normal human will of course not follow the same rules as those for normal humans, you're not going to exercise your core, nor your muscles, but the energy that is inside of you. ]

[ This stance is one of the most basic and simplest ways for one to get in touch with the power they have, of course, had you read what was written below the exercise, you would have known that. ]

'Tch, alright, I admit, I was a bit too impatient and didn't read it.'

[ You're a fool, just like I previously said. ]

[ Luckily for you, the basic moves aren't dangerous, but make sure to fully read the more advanced ones, a mistake and you will suffer the backlash, which can in the end turn you into a vegetable. ]

I gulped in slight fear before nodding my head. I started following the steps that were written in the book. After assuming the weird horse stance, I was to take the deepest possible breath and hold it in for as long as I can while clenching my abdominal muscles and trying to use my spiritual sense to sense my energy.

"Well, this is easy." That is what I would have seriously said if I knew what the hell that meant.

"If I had any idea what a spiritual sense even is, what the hell did you give me, you fake system?!" I shouted in anger, standing straight and hitting the showerhead with my head by mistake. Immediately, the shower broke and water started coming out, so I had to quickly press the switch so that the lower, smaller, shower head was in function so that water wouldn't continue squirting out.

"Dammit, look at what you made me do!"

[ Hey, I told you that your strength is now different and that you need some time to get used to it, as for the spiritual sense, yeah, I didn't mention it because I did think you knew about it. ]

"Stop lying, you said you looked through my memories, so you know damn well I have no idea what it is!"

[ But you do, from the couple of novels and mangas you have read, you should know as they are mentioned. ]

"Those aren't real, so how the hell should I know what spiritual sense is?!"

[ Oh right, the novels and mangas aren't real, but a system that helps you out, the existence of heroes and villains that each have superhuman abilities is real, makes sense, makes perfect sense. ]

"Just … just tell me what it is, I don't want to break everything in my apartment before learning to control my strength."

[ Alright, alright, don't be such a crybaby. ]

[ Spiritual sense, just like the name implies, is the sense that each superhuman has, you have noticed how the higher ranked villains and heroes can seemingly spot someone that is miles away, and that they can even notice people who aren't making a single sound, right? ]

'Yeah, but I thought those were their abilities.'

[ Wrong, in most cases, it is them utilizing spiritual sense, a power they managed to learn after destroying the many secret clans and organizations in the past that had similar manuals and ways to make a normal human superhuman ]

[ First, you need to completely calm down and close your eyes. ]

Upon hearing her voice, I nodded my head before doing as I was told.

[ Assume the horse stance before trying to visualize your abdomen, you can start by visualizing the outside of it before trying to get a glimpse into how it looks like on the inside, just focus and try your best to do so. ]

I nodded and tried to do so for the next 30 mins.

It was only then, that I suddenly opened my eyes in shock.

"I did it, I was able to see inside!"

[ Why did you open your eyes, you're supposed to focus and use that energy you dunce! ]

"Ah, sorry." I scratched the back of my head in slight embarrassment before once again doing what I had been doing for the previous half an hour. This time, it took mere seconds for me to get a glimpse of the inside of my body.

[ Good, now we're talking, try your best to follow the heat that you should be able to feel from the sense, it will lead you to the power. ]