
Body Evolution Pill

'To make me the best villain handler in the entire universe you say?'

[ Yes, the system's goal is only that. ]

'I see, I see.'

'System, are you high by any chance?'

[ Bahahahahahahahahaha ]

[ Ah host, you truly do crack me up at times, even though you are a bit of a dummy. ]

[ For now, there is no reason for you to think too much about me and what is happening, the end goal of you being the best is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time, decades, probably centuries won't be enough either, so just relax and go with the flow. ]

'That's easy for you to say, you're not the one with a voice in your head that's constantly talking to you.'

[ I am, though, I constantly hear your annoying voice, sometimes I even block out your thoughts so that I don't have to listen to them. ]

[ You know, you really do have a problem, all that deep hatred you keep inside of you, the inability to trust anybody nor develop any kind of relationship will hurt you in the future, you have to relax a bit. ]

'Shut up, you don't know anything about me.'

[ On the contrary, I have seen your memories, so I know everything, and just so you know, as painful as your childhood was, you have to learn to let go, man, go and fall in love, live a little ]

I decided to simply ignore the voice in my head until I reached my apartment.

[ Hey, you know I can still hear you, right? ]

Even though the slight buzzing of the voice annoyed me a bit, I was able to shut it off and fully focus on my thoughts and surroundings.

It took me slightly longer than 20 minutes to arrive at my apartment. I wasn't going to continue living here for much longer, to be honest, as it's on the outskirts of the city and is quite small. I rented this place out mostly because of how cheap it was, and no matter what kind of neighborhood I was in, the agency prided itself on being able to keep its people safe, and after living here for months now, I truly never had any issues.

Parking my car next to my neighbor's run-down Chevy from the 90s, I locked my car before going up the stairs and reaching the third floor.

The building had a total of 5 floors, and even though there was an elevator, only god knows how long it has been out of function. I placed my key inside the lock before opening my door and entering the apartment, upon which I was able to see a package that was waiting for me on the table.

'Is this the reward you told me about?" I asked the system, who, for some reason, didn't answer me.


'Are you angry that I ignored you?'

Nothing, not even a single sound was heard.

I guess it's better that way, I won't have to constantly hear the nagging.

[ Who the hell is nagging you bastard?! ]

I spoke too soon, the nagging has returned, poor me.

[ Just open the damn package and take the pills, take the red one, wait, no, the purple one, the body evolution one first, the red one comes after that. ]


[ Because you're pitifully weak right now, and if you were to take the strength pill, your body will be damaged, your muscles will tear themselves from the boost and even your bones and skin will crack. ]

'I see, sounds dangerous.' I opened the package before looking at its contents. Two pills could be seen, both in a separate glass box while the third reward, the Beginner Training Manual, was not a book like I was expecting it to be.

[ What, of course not, that would take you wayyyy too long to read and comprehend, this little baby will be immediately absorbed by you, allowing you to know the contents of the Manual in an instant. ]

I stared at the small crystal that was in the box, and suddenly, the crystal shone a brilliant purple before turning to dust and scattering in the air.

'I didn't do anything.'

[ I know you didn't ]

'So what now, do I get a new one, considering that this one was faulty?'

[ It's not faulty you dunce, just think of the words Beginner Training Manual and you will see. ]

Upon doing what the system told me to do, I suddenly opened my eyes in shock as I was able to see it. Inside of my head, in my mind, I could see pictures and videos connected to the manual. Much new information started flooding into my brain as I suddenly grabbed my head in pain for a couple of seconds.

For 5 seconds, great pain assaulted me before finally dissipating and allowing me to breathe normally.

[ Oh, I forgot to tell you, the Manual should have been used after the purple pill as well as your body, as well as your soul, will undergo a change upon consuming the pill, allowing you to store the information easily. ]

'You did that on purpose, didn't you?'

[ What, who, me?! ]

[ Never, I'm the system, I'm here to help you, never will I do anything to hurt you. ]

'Tch, annoying bastard.' I clicked my tongue in frustration before taking the small glass box and looking at it.

'So, what do I do?'

[ Strip naked, go in the shower, and swallow the pill ]

'Strip naked, why?' I asked the system, but I was already doing what I was told.

[ Just trust me on this, it's not necessary, but after everything passes, you will see why I told you to do that. ]


[ You're a lot calmer than I thought you would be, considering what I know about you, as well as the constant questioning from you before, I was fully prepared to have to answer a ton of questions before you finally took the pill. ]

'Well, in the end, I will take it, so why bother?'

'After all, Nicht was the one that has placed you in me, I trust that kid, I don't know why I trust him, but I do, so I will trust you, for now.' I said as I stepped inside the bathroom before sitting down below the shower.

I opened the box, and a delicious fragrance immediately spread out through the bathroom, making me gulp slightly as I stared at the pill in my right hand. It was a bit smaller than a table tennis ball, so it would take some effort to swallow this thing.

'Do I chew it or?'

[ Just place it in your mouth. ]

I shrugged my shoulders and did as I was told. The moment the pill entered my mouth, it suddenly melted and went down my throat. I felt nothing for a moment as the cool liquid went down my throat before I clenched my hands as my body started burning up.

[ Don't worry, you will feel some discomfort, some itch, as well as the heat, but it shouldn't hurt, at least not too much. ]

The system was clearly enjoying this as what it said started happening. I could feel incredible heat coming from the depths of my body before everything started itching. I couldn't move, however, so the itch never ended.

Suddenly, from inside my stomach, I felt some pain, and it only continued intensifying in power, but luckily stopped before it got too much. For the next half an hour or so, I was doing my best to push through the itching and the heat, before my eyes finally closed as I lost consciousness.

The next thing I remember, I was opening my eyes, and a horrible stench immediately assaulted my nostrils. I looked around myself, only to find some black goo that covered my body and had hardened. Some parts were even down on the floor.

I quickly stood up and grabbed the door of the shower before swinging it open, only for the door to break from the force. I stared at the handle of the door that was in my hands while glass now littered the floor of the bathroom.

'System, what the hell just happened?'

[ Congratulations, upon taking the pill, your body has gone through an evolution, making you stronger than an average man, of course, compared to those so-called heroes, your current strength could only place you at around E-grade. ]

I gulped.


It was a low rank, the lowest to be honest as grade F villains and heroes are rookies that had just started out, but it was still something.

I, who have never in my life had any powers, now have superhuman strength.

[ Don't be too happy, this is mostly because your body has still not fully absorbed the power, in a couple of minutes, your strength will diminish. ]

Just like that, my hopes were shattered as the damned system poured cold water over me.

[ But, you still haven't taken the strength pill. ]

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