
Villain: I became a god

Not my work or cover! Su Mo Transmigrated into another world and became the Male Succubus with infinite bloodline potential. On the surface he is an ordinary earl in the human world while in secret he is the Succubus demon god. One day beings from another eWorld transmigrated and is given the identity of either a Villain or Protagonist, and he Su Mo was a villain

FoxyTale · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Soul Purity

As he was trying to understand what was going on, he watch the team getting closer to the carriage and the smile on his face gradually fell from his face.

"The third team of the eighth regiments o temple knights greets the Holy Maiden!" The captain of the temple knights saluted and yelled loudly.

Obviously the captain and the team doesn't know what was showing on. For them, the queen's status as the holy maiden is more important than that of a queen. So, when they greet the queen they call her the holy maiden instead do the queen.

The queen's eyes swept over the team and landed on the protagonist. She said nothing but her face was cold which confused the captain of the team. Since the queen didn't say anything, he didn't dare to leave and just stood there waiting for the queen's orders.

Not long after, in the distance a carriage came quickly. When he saw the flag, The protagonist expression changed again.

'Even the people from the court are called?' The protagonist is starting to be less optimistic. The inquisitors are equivalent to law enforcements of the Holy See, it's just they don't judge ordinary people and they don't even care about most criminals.

They judge infidels in the kingdom and they oversee the people the entire Holy See. In addition, they prevent demons from making trouble is also an important part of their job. In fact, there are many heretics in every kingdom because there are more then one god.

If some people believe in gods other than their kingdoms religion, they will often sneak into the kingdom of that god and then the court cannot judge them as they can't involve themselves in other kingdoms affair.

People in the Holy See also fear the inquisition because although the common people can't do anything tot them, the the inquisitors can.

"So what if the people from the court are here? I'd not believe they will kill me just for a small provocation. Hmph, I am a protagonist with more than 100 luck!" The protagonist comforted himself.

Soon, two men wearing dull black robes with emblems embroidered on their necks got off the carriage.

"Pressing judge…" the protagonist recognized the emblem on their robe and his heart sank. Even the people of the presiding level were dispatched. He hadn't thought this either, this was the orders of the holy maiden, it's common sense high position judge would be here.

"Holy maids, what are your orders" both of the presiding judge didn't talk noises and went straight to the topic.

Th queen didn't look at Su Mo, instead her eyes swept across the temple knights. Her gaze made the knights tensed, although they were confused and had no idea what was going on, now that inquisitor of the presiding judge were dispatch something must have happen .

The queen was silent for a second before looking at the presiding judge.

"Presiding judge Chris, may I ask, because I'm about to step down as a Holy Maiden, even a reserve knight of the Holy See can disrespect me and even blaspheme me with disgusting eyes?" The queen said coldly.

Her words instantly shocked the protagonist as his face changed greatly. He never imagines that his provocation towards Su Mo would be change to her. He done messed up, because if it's just a provocation to Su Mi then he might just be let off with a few scolding since he's just a count but now that his action suddenly change to the queen, this matter is blown completely out of proportion.

The pressing in judge Chris was also horrified by the queens word, the queen has never said such words before since such thing has never happen before.

"Holy maiden, rest assured I will definitely give the Holy Maiden an explanation" Chris quickly salute to the queen and said solemnly.

"Who is it?" Chris turned around and said with a fierce tone.

"My lord, I am wronged, I didn't think of such thing to…" the protagonist quickly begged since he wouldn't be able to hide this even if he wanted to so he quickly ran out and wanted to clarify.

Unfortunately, he never imagined that as he was speaking the presiding judge Chris moved his hands. In the next second, his eyes darken and he vomited out a mouthful of blood. Immediately afterwards, a rope suddenly appeared and tied him up.

"Holy maids, what should I do with him?" Chris asked after tying the protagonist up.

The queen looked at the protagonist before glancing at Su Mo who just nodded slightly which she understood.

"This person is not only disrespectful to me but also to count Blackstone, expel him from the temple knights and hand him over to the count" she said lightly

"Count Blackstone?" Chris was taken aback.

People of the Holy See, even if they make a mistake should be handled by the Holy See.

"Count Blackstone will handle it for me, is there a problem? You might not know but the count will also participate in the blessing ceremony. That's all, keep him here first, after we go through inspection he will take him" the queen said and went back in her carriage without waiting for Chris to speak.

Her words made some sense fats ll, Su Mo will participate in the blessing ceremony which means he qualified.

"I will detain this person first, after the count has dealt with this matter he can come to the court to find me" Chris said.

On the other hand, the protagonist vomited another mouthful of blood after hearing this.

'Want it, why is this happening to me!?' The protagonist was completely desperate. He never expected the consequences of provoking Su Mo would be so serious.

There were some protagonists he provoked before, for example, Jerol who he also provoked with his eyes but Jerol could do nothing to him and he was a Marquis while Us Mo was just a count. In fact, if he was a little careful even a Duke level villain can do nothing to him.

But Su Mo, a small count has just caught him with someone else's hands.

'What do I do? How can I save myself!?' The protagonist thought in a hurry.

He then quickly opened the protagonist forum and was just about to ask for help when he was hit in the neck and passed out.

"Drag him back, don't let him wake up" Chris said coldly.

Two temple knights dragged the unconscious protagonist into the carriage and headed to the dungeon. The church was big and naturally tons of people came here to pray so they could see the commotion that happened. However, they could only watch from a distance and don't know what happened.

"Tang Hua is finished!"

When the temple knight protagonist was dragged away, in the distance, the person hidden in the crowd narrowed his eyes.

This man is also a protagonist.

He didn't see the whole thing but he did see the scene where the temple knight was knocked out and dragged away.

Afterwards, the protagonist opened his forum and quickly sent a message to his group. In the new moon kingdom, the villains aren't the only ones making an alliance. In this group, there are more than 20 people and some more on the way.

[What? Tang Hui was taken away? What happened?]

[I didn't see the whole thing but there is a villain there. It should be the Count of Blackstone]

[Count of Blackstone? Even a Duke couldn't be so brazen in the headquarters of the Holy See, how did a count do it!?]

[Did Tang Hui Provoke the other party? I persuaded him to be less aggressive in the early stages but he didn't listen]

[So what if he did? It's just a count, how can the court be involved?]

As the news was spread, the group became very lively. Tang Hui became a temple knight but was knocked out in the headquarters by the inquisitor and dragged away.

The point is that there is also a villain there. No matter how you looked at it, the villain must've done something. Naturally, the protagonists in the capital are concerned about this.

What they care about is not Tang Hui's life or death but the process. The capital is a safe place and the Holy See headquarters is the safest place. These few days, even silver level villains had no way to deal with them, however, now a protagonist was dealt with and they don't know how it even happened so they were very uneasy.

[By the way, the queen of the new moon was also present. She and count Blackstone seem to have came to the Holy See together]

At that time, the protagonist saw the queen in the carriage before driving off.

[The queen was also there? No wonder! The queen is also the holy maiden!]

[Count Blackstone used the queen to deal with Tang Hui, it makes sense]

[I agree, their relationship must not be ordinary if the queen helps him]

[Umm…I'm a little nervous, I just joined the palace guards]

[Don't worry, the queen is a holy maiden, that position naturally restrict her from love]

[Anyway, the count Blackstone is probably a formidable enemy!]

[Everyone, be careful these days and don't make any mistakes]

Everyone expressed their opinion in the group forum. This incident had a big impact on these protagonists , it seems that the Holy See is not 100% safe.

However, since the relationship between the queen and Su Mo is not confirmed, there are not many protagonists who are too worried, just a little uneasy.

In their opinion, the main thing is that the protagonist names Tang Hui was too arrogant. This guy's favorite thing to do is provoke villains.

[I think the count is as difficult to deal with as the Duke heirs]

[whatever, just be careful when you encounter the count]

Behind the cathedral was another tall building.

In a wide hall, a pure white holy light shone down on Su MO's body. This is the routine inspection by the Holy See. All those who participate in the blessing ceremony are subject to inspection.

In fact, there are many inspections you have to go through but with the Queen's help, Su Mo only needed to go through the last inspection.

Under the shroud of Holy light, if Su Mo let out the slightest bit of demon aura, he will be discovered. Even if a person signed a contract with a demon would be detected.

The power of contract is invisible but as long as it is signed, there will be traces. At the same time as the holy light shrouded him, a special magic spell circled around Su Mo.

This magic spell seemed to touch the threshold of the sacred which means it can destroy souls. Of course, not to see people's thought but to check their purity of their souls

"Count, please don't resist, this is the last inspection" a cardinal's voice sounded.

Su Mo made a "Hmm" without resisting.

The divine aura enveloped him and Su Mo can feel it scanning his soul. However, even the white light of the system can't see his through his demon form, even if this spell was bestowed by the goddess of new moon, to him, it's nothing.

"What…" At this time, a soft voice sounded. Immediately afterwards, the cardinal stood up at the control panel of the magic spell

"Why is his soul purity so high!?" The Cardinal looked at Su Mo with surprise.

"Cardinal Phelan, what's wrong?" The queen walked over and asked.

When she saw the number on the disk used to control the divine spell, surprise filled her face. The number displayed on the disk was way higher then when she did this.

She is the Virgin of the new moon goddess. As the holy maiden, the most devout believer, in the whole Holy See, no one's soul is more purer then her…until now.