
Villain: I became a god

Not my work or cover! Su Mo Transmigrated into another world and became the Male Succubus with infinite bloodline potential. On the surface he is an ordinary earl in the human world while in secret he is the Succubus demon god. One day beings from another eWorld transmigrated and is given the identity of either a Villain or Protagonist, and he Su Mo was a villain

FoxyTale · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Unexpected Situation

"Is it done?" In the magic spell, Su Mo asked. He heard what was being whispered.

His soul purity is measured really high. This was because after his Succubus bloodline evolved to a certain stage, it began to evolve his soul.

For the Holy See, the purity of the soul is, to a certain extent, equivalent to the degree of piety or faith. Like the queen, her soul purity tested by the Holy See is very high but if she goes to the Holy See of other gods, it will naturally fail.

Su MO's soul is very pure. This is the effects of the succubus bloodline evolution. Bloodline does not determine the strength of the individual but determines how fast their growth will be and their limit so due to Su MO's never ending evolving bloodline, Su Mo just keeps getting stronger.

Even if he has no gold finger, his bloodline will keep evolving while making him stronger at an even faster rate. Of course, Su MO's bloodline is no match for many powerful bloodlines from other innate demon gods.

Naturally, when a person with a soul purity as high as Su Mo suddenly appears, he will definitely be suspected. If there's no identity or status, you will be investigated and maybe even locked up by the Holy See. That's why Su Mo has been in the new moon kingdom for such a long time, of course, it was also just a whim before he wanted to be ingrates in the kingdom.

"Lord Phelan, could there be something wrong with the magic spell?" At the magic disk, a bishop asked.

"Impossible, this is a sacred magic spell given by the goddess, there's no possibility of it being wrong" Cardinal Phelan said.

"Then, how should we deal with this matter?" The bishop asked.

"Pray first and see what our goddess wants. As for the count…" When the cardinal said this he subconsciously looked at the queen.

Soul purity is so high, if it was someone else, they would stay in the Holy See first and then do various background checks.

The world of gods has a special law that prevents gods from interfering so easily. This was to avoid casualties brought by the gods to the land and creatures, as do the demon gods in the abyss, if they descend they will also be severely suppressed.

If it was a general crisis, the gods would bestow their powers to their Holy Son or Holy Maiden. The higher their soul purity the easier it is to communicate with god which also means they can carry more power.

If Su Mo was an ordinary person, after being investigated and there's no problem, he will be cultivated by the Holy See and may even be able to become the new Holy Son of the new moon goddess.

However, Su Mo was the count of Blackstone. At the same time, his relationship with the queen is not simple so he wants to see what the queen wants to do first.

The queen glanced at Su Mo and said "since there's no problem with the inspection, I will take him away first then follow the orders of the goddess "

The cardinal pondered for a little while before nodding "Okay" then closed the magic spell through the disk.

"What's the matter, queen?" Su Mo asked when the queen walked to him.

The queen hesitated a little but still said "There is no problem with the inspection. You can participate in the blessing ceremony but…there is also something else…"

Su Mo looked at her.

The queen breathed in and said "It was detected that your soul purity is high, higher than mine…if the goddess confirms there is no problem, she may choose you to be her holy son.."

When she said these words, she was actually quite worried because once Su Mo chose to be the holy son…it's…he will never marry.

"You don't have to worry, the goddess has never chosen a holy child before. I guess she will give you more blessing" the queen said, although she was worried she didn't want to worry Su Mo.

"Oh" Su Mo said "Holy Son…that's fine"

Hearing his words, the queen relaxed a little.

"Well, when the goddess sends down an oracle I will tell you as soon as possible. There is a side hall in the palace, you can live there for now. In this way, it can reassure the Holy See" the queen looked at Su Mo eagerly.

"Alright" Su Mo nodded which made the queen happier.

Lord count, here he is" in the dungeon of the inquisitions, the protagonist was handed over to Su Mo.

Arya who followed Su Mo put the protagonist inside a space bag.

Su Mo glanced at the dungeon, according to the system prompt there should be another protagonist here.

After reaching the silver level villain, once the distance of the protagonist is close, the system will show the specific distance. He didn't say much and left with Arya.

"That man was taken away by count Blackstone. Unfortunately the presiding judge's magic is too powerful, I couldn't wake him up" after Su Mo left, in the dungeon, a man in black robe thought.

He is the protagonist in the dungeon of the inquisition. In the dungeon. He was a small boss but he couldn't do anything.

After the protagonist is taken into the dungeon, he tries to wake him up and figure out how he was caught by Su Mo but he failed.

'Damn t it, time is too short. I'd better just stay here and sign in' the protagonist thought.

His gold finger is a sign in the system so he plans to hide here and sign in silently to become stronger. It's just that time was short and his strength is not particularly strong.

"What? One protagonist from the temple knights was taken by count Blackstone?" In a mansion in the capital, Jerol's voice sounded.

In the capital, villains and protagonists basically can't do anything to each other, still the protagonists are constantly under surveillance.

There are a lot of eyes in the capital so what happened in front of the Holy See headquarters was quickly reported by these villain's subordinates .

The news really shocked Jerol as well as the other villains that have received the news. Not long after, the villains that were close to each other gathered together.

Su Mo can actually capture a protagonist in front of the Holy See headquarters? How can they not be surprised ? They couldn't do anything to the protagonists for days yet Su Mo has done it just a day after arriving.

"Have your informer seen clearly how the count captured the protagonist?" Asked a Duke heir.

The villains shook their heads, their informer didn't see anything. Actually, their informants aren't very high status and just commoners in disguise that went to the temple square to pray so they can just see what happened nearby.

They weren't able to approach and count only see at a distance because the knights brought by the queen prevented it.

"According to my subordinate's report, the queen was also there so I guess the count must have used the queen to deal with him" another Duke heir said.

"Plus the queen is also a holy maiden. Her power in the Holy See is definitely not small"

"From this we could see that their relationship is not simple"

The villains exchanged their information, their conclusions were similar to the protagonists who were informed of this, Su Mo was suing the queen to deal with the temple knight protagonist.

Naturally, they could not imagine that the fact that the protagonist was dealt with was because the queen didn't like how a small reserve temple knight looked down on Su Mo who was just a count, or in another case, being defensive because she loves him.

Of course, they couldn't have thought that the relationship between the two was so good that the queen is eagerly thinking of marrying Su Mo after she stepped down the position of being the holy maiden.

Nevertheless, the villains were surprised and impressed by Su Mo.

"I'll just say that the count is not simple, Jerol, try him out and see if you can pull him in our alliance. We'll proceed with our plans in a few days, every villain they could recruit is important for it" said a Duke heir.

"It doesn't matter if you can't pull him in. I have a feeling that there's something wrong with him, don't let him know our plans"

"Well, one more person means one more strength but one less person also means one less share"

Several Duke heirs spoke.

Su Mo guessed right and that they really were planning something against the protagonists, and their attitude towards Su Mo is not positive.

"The Holy See Actually handed Tang Hui over to donut Blackstone?"

At this time, in the royal palace. Two people from the palace knights were talking in a low voice.

The palace is divided into outer and inner. The outer palace is where the king handles political affairs, meets officials and nobles or receives foreign guests. The inner palace is the residence where the king and queen live.

Generally speaking, whether it is the king or queen, in the inner palace, they usually station female knights and magicians. The outer palace is mostly just male subjects.

It is not so simple to join the palace guards and the background checks are very strict. The two knights had a simple background so they signed up to become a place knight after getting stronger through their gold fingers and they passed.

Of course, they can only be considered a lower class of knights and aren't high in status, their status is somewhat similar to a dishwasher in the kitchen. But even if they just ran errands, it is still difficult for villains who are nobles to attack them.

After knowing that the Holy See handed the protagonist to Su Mo, they were puzzled and a little uneasy.

"Li fei, if the queen has a good relationship with count Blackstone, aren't we in danger?"

"Don't worry, no matter how good thier relationship is, the queen is not stupid and knows that the count used her to deal with that temple knight. I don't think she will let it happen if he tries again"

"Maybe you're right, the count can't get involved in the affairs in the place. Let's not go out in the next few days so he doesn't have A chance to do anything?"

Although the two protagonists were a little uneasy they still decided to stay in the palace because their gold finger is related to being a palace guard.

"Stand up, the queen's carriage will be here soon" at this time the voice of the captain of the guards sounded.

The two protagonists quickly stopped chatting and stood up. Soon they were at the palace gate and could see the queen's carriage slowly drove in with Su MO's carriage following behind.

"Cathy" the queens voice sounded a she carriage stoped.

"Your majesty" Cathy replied.

"Send an extra team of guards responsible for the safety of the count" the queen said.

"Yes your majesty" Cathy replied.

"Captain Yomo, take your square with me"

In the gaurd sqaud she called, the two protaganist happen to be apart of it.

The two carriages continued to drove as several gaurds followed to the palace.

"My lord, we are here" Arya said.

After entering the palace, Su Mo brought only a few people including Arya.

She opened the door of the carriage before Su Mo got out of the carriage as the queen also got out of hers.

"In the next few days you should stay here, here is a token, you can use it to enter and leave the palace at will" the queen said as he handed a token to Su Mo which he took.

"Well, I'll be heading out now. If there's any news I'll send someone will inform you" The queen gave Su Mo a sweet smile and got back in the carriage because she still has stuff to deal with.

"What, how did he appear in the palace!?" At this moment, when the two protagonists saw Su Mo, he was immediately shocked.

"Don't worry too much, isn't it normal for nobles to visit a king or queen in the palace?" The two chatted quietly through the protagonist panel.

After the queen's carriage left their team of guards did not leave which puzzled the two protagonists, the two then say Su Mo looked in their direction lightly.

"He found us"

"So what? Does he dare to attack us in public?"

"Just don't provoke him, we don't want to end up like that guy"

The two protagonists are not too worried but they didn't want to provoke Su Mo or they'll end up like the temple knight.

Sure enough, Su Mo retracted his gaze before walking towards the palace and soon disappeared into the palace.

The two protagonists breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone be serious, Count Blackstone is the queen's guest. If something goes wrong we'll be in big trouble" the captain of the team said loudly.

"What!?" The two protagonists were stunned.

"Captain Yimo, are we…going to stay here?" The two protagonist found the Captain and asked,

"Of course, we are responsible for protecting the count. If the count wants something, you take his orders, alright?" Captain Yimo said in a stern voice.

"Yes Captain" the two looked at each other.

They never thought that Su Mo, a villain, could live in the palace. It has been a long standing rule not to keep guests in the palace but now Su Mo has just broken that rule.

Although this is just the outer palace, it proves that Su Mo has an unusual relationship with the queen.

The two weak protagonists were actually sent to protect Su Mo!? This is no different than sending two sheep to protect a wolf.

"What should we do? He will probably take the opportunity to attack and kill us" one of the protagonists panicked which caused the other protagonist who was calm before to panic.