
Chapter 44: Home-Fires

“Chatterton,” Declan said, coming out of his house with a suitcase.

“Sir,” Chatterton said, opening the back door.

Ducking into the backseat, Declan got ready for the long ride. Everything was hanging in the balance, and Tuesday and Polly were his last hope. All their problems could be solved with one cunning plan. Then again, things were sure to only get worse if they happened to fail.

The door closed with a click, and Declan settled in, the soft leather seat creaking beneath. It was madness of course, but madness had yet to steer him wrong. Lots of people would, had probably had, described him the same way, mostly behind his back to keep up their own appearances. The fact was, he was a little strange, even in his circles. Which, if anything, could only be an advantage if it came down to possibly hiding from his many possible enemies. Even if it was Anders that he feared the most.