
Chapter 43: Sweet Revenge

Their heels clicked in rhythm on the sidewalk, as they avoided the human traffic. Polly only ever seen Tuesday in boots. Hot pink Doc Martens. Not always the same pair, but a few different ones, so they were constantly there. As much as part of her style as the many Hello Kitties.

There were no pretty pink or cute kitties that day. It was all business, or at least as close as they could. Polly got back into the black dress with a lot of help. Tuesday was a bit more bereft of formal clothes. Falling back to what she’d worn to her sister’s wedding. Praise be to the heavens that she hadn’t been a bridesmaid. Actually, looking professional and sexy in slim-line blue and red. Complete with pants, the suit even had a pocket-square in pale pink to match how her hair had been.

She’d figured, probably correctly, that her pink hair might have been a red flag to the building’s security. So, she dyed it black to match the extensions, added, so she could do them up in a severe bun.