
Vertex: Aspects

Marcus has woken up disoriented, missing memories, and woefully unprepared for this new world. Dangerous, unforgiving, and enigmatic, this unfamiliar place seems destined to end his life. Marcus isn't the only one who's found themselves stuck to this new realm, and he'll need to come to grips with facing whole new species, many humanoid and not. Learning from those who've withstood this world's trials will only be the first step in his journey to survive. This world, despite having some functions similar to that of a video game, has no value in attributes. Skills and traits are earned, and no arbitrary stat checks will be giving him any kind of chance at survival. Armed with only an unorthodox ally and a status screen, he's going to need to think quick and fast, or he won't see the next sunset, more or less make it back home. If he even can.

Rellamuse · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

A Conversation

The smell of day-old chinese filled my nostrils. The unmistakable stench of day-to-day waste wafted up and through my brain, almost as if the smell was attempting to bestow the knowledge of disgust directly into my head. Despite the smell, my vision remained completely uninformed of my surroundings, especially as my body ached and screamed out in protest of any kind of movement.

Movement was, unfortunately, necessary, and so I began to move. Extending my hands forward, I felt a warm, sticky plastic and groaned in disgust. As light began to break through the newly formed crack, I recognized a green, metallic structure I knew all too well, though never this intimately.

A dumpster.

I could not for the life of me remember how I had ended up here, nor did I understand why. I often found myself joking about how I belonged in the trash, but I never thought someone would take it so literally.

I forced myself to crawl out of the garbage-filled cocoon I had found myself in, and flopped out on the ground with a solid thud. The vibration and effort reverberated throughout my body. The ensuing nausea and pain were unwelcome, and refused to pass quickly, even as I rose to my feet. The sun found itself blocked out by thick dark clouds, which I was unbelievably grateful for, given the state of my head at the moment.

[Physical and mental initialization has begun, please hold still...Initialization finished… Adjusting parameters for new inhabitant… Parameters adjusted… Beginning HUD integration… Beginning HUD inte-inte-integra-…. Error in HUD integration… Error in failsafe check… Resuming in background for general processes…]

[Debuff Registered: Disoriented - Decreased stability, physical, and mental fortitude.]

'Oh fuck me, my head is splitting apart! And this smell is not helping!'

[Debuff Registered: Stench - Decreased social status and initial favor with strangers.]

I was beginning to understand why I woke up in a dumpster. Some relatives of mine had been diagnosed with clinical schizophrenia. I never thought it would be hereditary, yet here I am with the voices in my head to let me know otherwise, as if the dumpster wasn't enough.

[Debuff Registered: Fatigue - Decreased stability, physical, and mental fortitude.]

Yeah, well, that one is nothing new.

[Debuff Registered: Extreme Pain - Decreased stability, physical, and mental fortitude.]

My hand braced my weight against the damp brick. The alleyway I had crawled out into, seemingly narrow and short at first, seemed to grow in length the more I stared down the path. The loud thumping and body aches began to be replaced with a warm pleasant sensation, as my mind was filled with the machine-like voice once again.

[Debuffs cleared… Status checked and fulfilled… Movement and stability normalized… Allocations matched with initial attribute detection… Unusual stat spread detected… Bonus points and traits will be acquired for new inhabitant… Bonuses confirmed… Beginning secondary initialization…

[Hello Marcus, I am your guide. I am named as Cyathella. I have detected distress in your current mental state. May I ask what is wrong?]

"What's wrong? You're asking me, what's wrong?" I spoke aloud, unsure if the voice was even real. In the same moment I spoke aloud, I realized what I must look like to anyone passing by on the street, which caused me to end my question in more of a harsh whisper masking some of my exasperation.

[That is correct. I would like to best advise a solution to resolve your distress. We must begin your secondary initialization before too much time passes. It is in your best interest for survival.]

"Oh god. You're not just some delusion in my head are you? You're actually speaking to me… in my own head."

[That is correct. I am your guide.]

"My guide to what?!" The harshness of my voice creeping up above a whisper as the anxiety started to kick my heart up in pace.

[Your guide to survive.]

"Hold on. Hold on. Survive what, exactly?" The anxiety mounting in my voice only made my heartbeat quicken that much faster.

[You don't know why you're here?]

"Of fucking course not lady, I don't even know how I'm here, more or less the why!" I was shouting now, completely given up on remaining calm as the gravity of the situation was beginning to dawn on me.

This is real. This is completely real. I'm not crazy, and now I have an A.I. in my head telling me I might fucking die. I could already feel the vertical movement of bile from my stomach as my heart pounded in my ears. I choked down some deep breaths and focused on one brick in particular to try and calm my nerves. Amazingly, I was actually calming down until the A.I. spoke up again.

[Your heart rate has started to calm down again. Have you begun stabilizing Marcus?]

"Fuck! Right. Yes, yeah, I'm calming down. Just give me a moment to breathe here." My breaths became less labored the more I tried to reflect back on everything that had happened so far. In an incredibly short amount of time, I have found myself in a dumpster, I have briefly touched on potentially being incredibly mentally ill, I have had a conversation with a brain robot-[I am an AI, not a brain robot.] Fine, whatever, an AI, and I have been informed my life is potentially in danger.

[Not potentially. You are, in fact, in grave danger, and I would recommend for optimal survival chances that we begin our immediate escape from this area and find shelter.] The A.I.'s voice rang out in my head with increasing clarity the more she spoke to me.

[You will notice our ability to communicate is improving. Our compatibility will improve the more you interact with me and utilize the resources I have available for your benefit.]

"Okay, okay, Let's focus then. What do I need to do?"

[We have enough time to safely begin the secondary initialization. This step requires the most direct input. We will first take a look at your current stat spread based on you when in optimal condition.]

A screen flashed into view before my eyes, and I let out a muffled shriek as I threw my hand over my mouth. The fear of grave danger helping my reflexes to keep me as quiet as possible. The screen itself was nothing I hadn't seen before, but being presented with the idea that I am now represented by this screen was almost impossible to stomach.


Marcus Coleman

Race: Human






Spatial Inventory






Quick Study

Intimidating Glare

Training Wheels (Temporary)

"Are you telling me I'm inside a video game or something?" My voice a harsh raspy whisper as my brain struggled to process just what I was looking at.


"Just a no?!" I whisper yelled aloud, as I remembered the A.I. could seemingly read my thoughts. 'Do you even know what a video game is?'


'Would it kill you to answer my questions in more than a yes or no format?'


'Great, now you're sassy and being tight-lipped about the most important subjects. Look, just, where am I?'

[You are in an alleyway.]

'Oh my god.'

[The less time you waste on questions that when answered, will no doubt lead to more questions, the sooner we can begin your second initialization and seek shelter. I feel the need to inform you, once again, that you are, in fact, in a situation of mortal peril. Please rethink your priorities, as I would like you to survive more than five minutes.]

'I hate you and I hate this. Fine. Start the initialization, but don't think I haven't noticed how you've been dodging my questions. You're clearly self-aware and the "I'm just a rigid computer who only knows ones and zeroes," act won't work on me later. What do I need to do?'

[Based on your current situation and unfortunate human disposition, you have been granted a boon due to your being human. It is rare to acquire this boon for most.]

'I am certain you're insulting me right now.'

[You have 10 skill and trait points. These are normally a great challenge to obtain. Please choose quickly as we do not have much time. Disclaimer: This process is irreversible. Don't mess it up. Oh, and hurry.]

'Oh god. I used to spend hours in character creators, and now I have to not only do one for myself, that's permanent, but also while in mortal danger?!'


'That was a rhetorical question and you know that.'


'That is not helping.'


'Fine. I can make this work. I need to get a grasp on how the skills and traits system works in tandem with me before I make any decisions on how to allocate my points. Are the changes immediate? Are they permanent? How can I know if they're active or passive effects? Are there redundant skills that would be a waste to invest in? Will my body change physically to allow for the possibility of certain traits, or will they be inherent regardless of my physical form? These aren't the only answers I need, A.I. Break it down as best you can for me. This is important.'

[Traits and Skills become available when certain conditions are met. They can be gained through actions and events in the world, as well as become available when in possession of other Skills or Traits. There are Skills that are limited in quantity, as well as Skills that are only available through certain methods. The changes are immediate, as well as permanent. All Traits are passive and do not require active thought to use. Skills are a mixed bag. You will inherently know when seeing a skill if it will be passive or active. For the time being, focus on Skills and Traits that will increase your physical fortitude and senses, so you can be on par with other inhabitants in this realm.]

'Wait. Then that means even with these extra points, I'm still massively behind the curve?'


"...wait, did you say other inhabitants?" I spoke aloud, as the reason I was in apparent mortal peril began to dawn on me.


"Then we need to go faster. Give me a recommended skill spread for initial survival until I can find a safe space to prioritize a proper breakdown of the rest of the systems at play."

[TRAIT: Cool-headed acquired. Increased mental fortitude under stress, as well as greatly decreased mental debuff duration. Tier two and below Mental attack skills will be resisted. Tier one skills will be resisted as well as reveal the attacker's presence to you.]

[For the time being, you must become more aware of your surroundings. Due to your initial low start, you will need to run from most encounters. Your survival is impossible if you are unaware of an approaching threat. I recommend acquiring Enhanced Senses.]

'I'll trust your judgement on this.' As I'm applying the point into Enhanced Senses, I finally notice the ???'s on my status board. "What are these?" I accidentally ask aloud. 'God, it's so hard to shut up.'

[I do not know.]

'You don't know? Are they left hidden because you don't know what they are, or do you not know what they are because they're hidden?'

[I do not know.]


I finish allocating my skill point and immediately upon finalizing, my vision fish-eyes. It felt like somebody took my field-of-view slider and cranked it to max with all the subtlety of a fucking car crash. I throw my hand out to catch the wall and miss, as I drunkenly stumble to the ground. Luckily, despite falling into the asphalt of an alleyway, the only wound I receive is to my pride, as I roll around and try to gather myself.

I open my eyes and press my hands into the ground below me. My vision has a much easier time adjusting to its new enhancements when the only visible object is a plastic fork a foot from my head.

Anxiously, I cast my vision upward, slowly, as I try to take in as little as possible to help adjust. The colors of the world pop much more vibrantly, with even the decayed red of the bricks more noticeable. Cracks and tiny fissures run through the marred landscape of the nearby street, as well as up the structures that contain the alleyway, before going unnoticed but now a prominent detail easily seen.

The soundscape of the city overwhelms me for a passing second as car horns and laughter bounce around in my head like a DVD screensaver. Sounds begin to filter themselves out, handled by, I'm assuming, my brain ignoring noise that poses no benefit to process. Maybe, it's the guide, assisting my head in handling my new senses. Even my sense of touch is enhanced with the hairs of my fingers becoming slightly ticklish. I swear I could pinpoint just where the humidity laid its moist grip on my body.

Finally, I found myself stabilizing. The world is righted once again, even though I'll more than likely never be able to return to seeing the world in the way I had previously. I realized the more I improved my senses, the more the world would change with me. There may even come a point where I don't recognize it anymore.

Not sure if I even would in the first place.

New Skills and Traits Available!

Points Available: 10

Runner (Trait)

Accelerated Movement (Skill) (Tier 1)

Echolocation (Skill) (Tier 1)

Regeneration (Trait) (Minor - Tier 1)

Metallicize (Skill) (Tier 1)

Shade (Skill) (Tier 1)

Enhanced Athleticism (Trait) (Tier 1)

Bird's Eye View (Skill) (Tier 1)

'Whoa, that's a hell of a list.'

[I do not recommend spending all of your points. Our first objective should be to reach the nearby Hub. It is a place in which we can reveal your given Aspect.]

'Sorry, what exactly is an Aspect?'

[An Aspect is-We do not have time. We need to go. Now. Please head south and do not stop. Do not run. Walk normally, and keep a stiff face. Ignore your surroundings and follow a direct path. Carefully observe the people around you and move like them. They will not see what you will. Remember this. Please.]

Upon hearing the A.I.'s "Please," my heart felt as if it stopped. A deep chill washed over my body. My newly improved hearing was useless as blood thundered in my eardrums. The only noise louder being a single pair of footsteps that pressed on me like claustrophobia on a cave diver. I needed to get out of this alleyway and onto the street.


I quickly dumped a point each into Bird's Eye View, Runner, Accelerated Movement, and Enhanced Athleticism. I wasn't sure what BEV would do for me, but I knew to trust my gut. Indecision would get me killed right now, and as the footsteps grew louder with my new skills beginning to take effect, I knew it wasn't the A.I. that filtered out the rest of the noise in the world.

It was my survival instincts.

[Move. Now.]

One foot after the other carried me south out of the alleyway. The people walking there gave me a quick side-eye as I exited, but otherwise carried on not caring about my presence. The moment I turned to follow the flow of pedestrians, the footsteps stopped. This time, the final fall of the repetitive cadence had come from behind me, and it took my full willpower not to turn around and look as it stopped.

The pedestrians undeterred kept marching along, and so I followed, unwilling to risk anything as the feeling of death creeped around me, drilling holes into my back. The shadows themselves played with my vision as the clouds rolled in the sky above. Unbelievable pressure pushed down my shoulders as I kept pace with those around me. Each breath was difficult, the air itself thick with some unknown force crushing my very will to move. The clouds above blocked out the sun entirely, and a dark rumble tore through up above.

[Debuff Registered: Fear - Please do not panic.]

'Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Always start with the left, keep it normal, don't get stiff. Knees unlocked, breath steady.'

4 years in JROTC felt like a waste and yet, suddenly, it was saving my life.

My legs shook as a cold sweat covered my body. My footsteps made a soft thud against the ground, which felt so much louder knowing someone was looking for me, as if the reverb of my own body would be amplified over the others.

I noticed a bus stop up ahead on the other side of the street. It looked slightly damp, with a street light nearby that seemed to be wilting more than standing straight. I realized that was just my vision wobbling, and I wasn't sure if it was from the pressure or my eyes still adjusting to their newfound strength.

A small person stood waiting on the crosswalk to move over, humming to themselves. The other pedestrians were holding conversations in the smaller groups, so I figured it might be a good idea to approach someone and hold a basic conversation to blend in. It might even help reduce my anxiety and remove this fear debuff.


Approaching the lady humming to herself at the crosswalk, I opened with a friendly, "Hey, how's it going?" I settled in next to her, while pretending to also have business crossing this street. I only needed to go further south according to the A.I., but I was going to need to cross the road eventually. I can't walk through buildings after all. Whoever was searching for me more than likely knew I would head directly towards the nearest Hub.

Of course, this was assuming everybody received a Guide in the way I have.

Getting no response from the Guide from my line of thinking, I began to wonder if it was just as scared as I was. This train of thought prompted me to wonder if the A.I. was tied to my life directly, and if I died, it would die too.


I refused to show my surprise on my face at the sudden response from the A.I., and just kept my head clear. It was at this moment that I realized the woman I had greeted was no longer humming.

I turned my head back to see if I had missed her returning my greeting and found her eyes boring into mine, wide and black. She had leaned towards me, an unnerving and much too large smile on her face. Her teeth reached back to her ears, and her humming was now resumed, but guttural and lacking the soft melody it had before. She never blinked, even as the humming took on a quality of that of a laugh.

[Debuff Registered: Abject Terror]

[Debuff Registered: Scrutiny of the Devil]




[Debuff: Abject Terror - reduced effects by Cool-headed.]

[Debuff: Scrutiny of the Devil resisted by ???.]

Her eyes continued to be locked with mine and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. She wasn't human. She wasn't even partly human. She would kill me where I stood if I so much as blinked wrong. I realized now why the footsteps had stopped.

She knew she didn't need to come to me.

I had come right to her.

Hey y'all, due to the limitations of Inkstone's formatting tools, I've had to designate Cyathella's dialogue with these brackets: [...]

Independent character thought that Cyathella can hear is classified with apostrophes: 'Me think.'

Information being processed by the protagonist that won't always receive replies from Cyathella will have no grammatical indicator.

Please leave any kind of comment if you notice mistakes. I'm completely open to constructive criticism.

Thanks again for reading!

Rellamusecreators' thoughts