
Vele Bianche

In an era after the Great Apocalypse, lies a world riddled with demonic contracts. Remnants of wars sparked fears through mankind, prompting them into playing right under the she-devil’s thumb. Sylvia Porfirio, a damsel in distress in need of a job stumbled across a mischievous flyer which offered her a job. Vele Bianche, a café so hidden that almost no person knows. Unbeknownst to the desperate Sylvia, Vele Bianche turned out to be an organization stabilizing the wall between devils and humans.

mAsQuerade_ · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter XVII: Goose Chase

The quiet tapping of shoes against the cold, marble floor echoed inside the dark and empty hallways of the Viridis Lapis mall.

Silhouettes overshadowed by the soft streams of silver moonlight could be seen from outside the windows of the giant establishment. They were quick, silent, and frantic. It was to the point that people that saw them began to think that the entire mall was haunted by the spirits of those who died inside of it.

The sound of someone breathing heavily, the sound of footsteps echoing through the dark rooms and the lack of life that could be seen almost made the rising rumors true, yet they were all just that. Rumors.

"God damn it!" Flavio cursed at the top of his lungs the moment he reached the Mall's central plaza that was illuminated by the moon.

He took a moment to take a deep breath, crouching over from the exhaustion his body felt as beads of sweat streamed down his chin and onto the floor. It wasn't just him though. One by one, all of the other members of the Vele Bianche cafe ran down from the hallways that stretched from the plaza like a giant spiderweb.

"Did you guys find her!?"

"Where can that Tamodachi be!?"

"Gamma isn't gonna be happy about this!"

Dante, Arturo, and Marco sighed out of frustration as they stared at each other before turning their attention towards the two girls in the group.

"Sorry... I don't really know where she went." Carmella apologized while gripping on her knees. "She just went to buy a meal then all of a sudden, she didn't return."

"Oh, my god! Running on heels isn't something that I signed up for!"

"Why did you even wear heels when you're in a mission."

"I'm allowed to dress fashionably!" Dorotea exclaimed at Salvatore who slowly walked out of the shadows to join them.

"This is really a problem." the red-haired man whispered while rubbing the side of his face where his scar was. "... And Gamma is the least of our problems."

"You're telling me that man is the least of our problems!?" Flavio deadpanned. "We're gonna be on the menus I'm telling you!"

"Aha! So you do realize that Gamma can sell human meat!"

"Not now you tasteless bastard! We must find our missing Tamodachi!"

"Ugh, where did she even run off to!" Carmella groaned and grumpily sat down on the edge of the nearby fountain. "Seriously..."

"Have we checked all the bathrooms?" Flavio asked. "She might have fallen inside one of the toilets."

"... I don't think that's even possible." Dante mumbled before grimacing. "... Or if I want to see that."

"Shut up you two," Dorotea huffed. "We aren't going anywhere like this, we need to fix this before they who must not know figures out that we fucked up!"

"Dorotea is right, we need to keep moving. Otherwise, we'll all be cooked." Piero heaved a sigh and popped a cigarette in his mouth.

"Let me get that for you." a cold, monotonous voice offered as a metal lighter appeared together with the spark of a small flame that lit up the cigarette in an instant making the mohawk-haired man smile.

"Hey! Thanks man!"

"No problem" the voice replied. "Can you tell me what's the situation right now?"

"Oh, of course I can." Piero nodded as he took a whiff of the cigarette and sighed. "You see, me and the boys here have just fucked up."

"Oh? Can you tell me why?"

"Sure can." Piero continued and didn't pay attention to the horrified stares of his companions nor how much Flavio was shaking his head for him to stop.

"We lost contacts with this girl names Sylvia, and now we're looking for her and can't."

"I see." the voice muttered before heaving a sigh. "Give me a cigarette."

"Oh, sure thing."

Piero fished out another stick and turned around to give it to the man he was speaking with. His face immediately flushed white as he stared at Gamma who was towering over with his icy gaze.

"Thank you, Piero." Gamma nodded and placed the cigarette between his chapped lips before glaring at the others making them flinch.

"I'm glad you all realized how much you all fucked up." he started as Delta appeared beside her and lights the cigarette for him. "But I'm afraid the woman you're looking for is no longer here."

"... You know something boss?" Salvatore asked while stepping forward for the group.

"Of course, I know something." Gamma deadpanned. "I had a hunch this might happen, so I had Filippo do some background checking for us."

"What did you find out boss?" Giusto asked while hiding behind Flavio.

"Not that much, I just assumed that she'll be kidnapped sooner or later." he explained and tapped the cigarette on his fingertips.

"Then... What's the plan?" Dorotea muttered in a cautious tone as he walked up to Gamma and looked at him straight in the eye much to Delta's shock.

"Well, Dorotea." Gamma started and pats Delta's head. "We do, the only thing that we'll be good at."

A smirk found its way on everyone's faces as one by one they turned to look at each other and leave until it was only Dorotea and Flavio left to face off with Gamma and Delta.

"Boss, do you mean..."

"Yes Dorotea," Gamma nodded and turned his back towards her. "Do not disappoint."

Flavio and Dorotea both lowered their heads at the same time, "We won't let you down." they shouted before running back into the shadows leaving only the embers of Gamma's cigarette lighting up the dark.