
Whispers of Madness. Part 04.

The screams came and never stopped. Some conveyed horror, others conveyed wrath. Several halos shone with the dark crimson color of the Fallen, appearing among the crowds one after the other.

A woman lifted her hand, her nails jutting out like large black scythes, and brought it down on the soldier beside her, cleaving his body in half with a single strike.

A short distance away the survivors moved back from a man who had just pushed a woman to the ground and began ripping her clothes. Two men tried to pull him away from her only for their arms to catch on fire moments after they touched him.

Two men began punching each other without a warning, their faces twisted with gleeful grins. Four women surrounded a young girl, pulling on her hair and clawing at her skin.

The same scene repeated all over the abandoned airport. At first their movements seemed thoughtless and random, but after a while it became apparent that there was intent behind them.