
Not just a rumor.

The news about two Valkyries visiting the old city spread quite fast. It caused some fear to spread among the population, but what most didn't know was that their presence was delaying a tragedy in the making.

In the corner of an abandoned building near the orphan's playground, a man listened to the conversation some of the kids were having with the aliens. Normally anyone with a sane mind would never dare to spy on those creatures; their senses are supposedly far superior to those of humans, allowing them to see in the dark and through walls. Nevertheless, the man had come prepared, and thanks to the suit he was wearing, his presence wasn't detected at all.

After a while, the first alien disappeared, taking with her one of the kids. The second one followed soon after. The man waited until those who stayed behind went inside. He then waited some more, and as the silence of the night lingered, he finally tapped the device on his wrist and made a call.