

"Good work, everyone! Another day without as much as a scratch! You're all getting better at this!"

In the landing zone of the forty fifth base, five Valkyries were in the process of putting aside their equipment after a long day of work. While on their patrol they ran into a number of Calamities and engaged them in battle. Though it was more hectic compared to the usually calm days of their region, the five managed to deal with the enemy easily without any of them sustaining any injuries.

"Well, they were just a bunch of C class Calamities this time." R2 said, her shoulders slumping over the moment her propellers were taken off.

"There were more than twenty!" D2 yelled in protest. "Class C or not, we weren't prepared to take on that many!"

"Well, does it matter? We have already dealt with them." C1 said before yawning. The drone beside her looked like it would make for a good pillow.