
Higher Being.

Seeing the gathered children caused Nino to imagine what her future with the Doctor would be. In it the two of them had a daughter and all of them seemed extremely happy as they spent time together.

For some reason she didn't understand, that one fantasy caused her to blush. She already knew that her feelings for him were growing quite fast, but now she was imagining them having a child together. The very thought left her with a great deal of happiness and embarrassment at the same time.

"Oh! If it isn't Ms. Nino!"

An old voice forcefully dragged her back to the real world and her blush disappeared as if her entire body grew cold. When she turned to its source, angry that her daydream was interrupted, she saw old Ramla in her wheelchair, being pushed by the same assistant they met before.

"Hello!" Juni greeted cheerfully. She didn't seem to realize the old woman couldn't see.