
Exhausting day. Part 01.

"And that's finally done." Heaving a long sigh, Sam plopped down on the soft coach allowing his tired body to relax.

"Good work today, Doctor." Nino said with a smile, casually slipping into the spot on his right.

"It has been an exhausting day." Ichigo stood by the side, hesitant to follow after the Japanese doll.

The award ceremony itself took most of the day, but the stress it caused didn't compare to the party that came afterward. Sam wasn't by any means a lower class individual, even before becoming the new Head General. His parents had quite the high positions before their passing, and even without that he, had his achievements in the health industry to propel him to greater heights. Still, he found the couple of hours he spent with the supposed upper class of their post apocalyptic society some of the most unbearable parts of his life, defeating even the times he had to listen to Alice raving about her fiances.