
Valkyr Strike

Exaltion command systems ready. Ready for unit login. Unit 18294. Codename: Potential. Login request....Verified! Attention all units! Prepare for strike! In the beautiful world named Earth X, mysterious event hit the planet causing the Great Flux Storm and the storm began to corrupt the citizens, turning them into Flux Beasts. Those who can control the Flux Energy are known as Valkyrs and these Valkyrs are known for their Flux Drives and their various Flux Forms. One Valkyr in specific has a special flux known as the Inner Flux, a Flux Drive and Form that is extremely rare and only known to be harnessed by her ancestor. There is one problem though, she's completely careless and naive. She doesn't understand the power of her Flux nor does she understand the power of a Valkyr. Join our heroine as she grows and learns about the power of her Flux and learns about the true meaning of a Valkyr.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Trio

The woman began to charge up an attack at Raika then unleashed a powerful beam at her. Raika created a shield out of her lightning to block the attack then groaned when it shattered. She had to jump off the building to save both herself and save me for a second time. She used her lightning wings to safely get us to the ground.

She looked at the clock and caught her breath. "Fifty minutes left.."

The woman landed on the ground, on one knee then stood up and looked at Raika and me. She held her hand out at us. "This is the end of the line for you two."

Raika noticed the woman summon a mecha exoskeleton behind her then the Mecha began to fire missles at us. She used her sword to deflect the missles and they exploded in the sky. She looked back at me then noticed I was standing up.

"Just stay down...you can't keep pushing yourself." Raika said.

"If I don't push myself, I can't succeed in my dreams! That's why I'll fight!" I said and summoned my sword. "Besides, I have to get my payback for her shooting me!"

"False: You jumped in front of my attack. You were already down, so I saw no need in finishing you off. Remark: I am surprised you are still standing." The woman said.

"Who are you?" Raika asked.

"Response: My name is Eve Elysion also known as the Ultimate Creation." The woman said.

"Ultimate Creation." Raika said and braced herself. "Her Flux Energy is rather high. I'm surprised at the fact that-"

A girl screamed and fell to the ground. She pointed at a Flux Beast and the three of us looked at the Flux Beast.

"A Zombie Class Flux Beast: Flux Ronin." Hinako said. "We forgot to tell them that we fight Flux Beasts here as well."

"Well...they now know." Ihono laughed.

The Flux Ronin swiftly rushed ahead and slashed at one of the women. The woman tried to block the attack then groaned as she was blown away. The Ronin roared and her aura surged wildly around her body.

"Reaction: It is a Flux Beast and a strong one. Suggestion: We should take it down before it ends up killing someone." Eve said then transformed into her Flux Mode and a full Mecha exoskeleton formed behind her with a naginata and a cannon on its arm.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" I said and awakened my Inner Drive. I rushed ahead and had a big smile on my face.

Raika rushed behind me then vanished and appeared in front of the Ronin at lightning speeds. She slashed and hit the Ronin, sending her flying into the air. I appeared above the Ronin, summersaulting then kicked the Ronin down.

"Go for it!" I said.

Eve held her arm out then the exoskeleton thrusted the naginata forward, stabbing the Ronin. "Attack." She commanded then the exoskeleton fired a powerful beam at the Ronin.

The Flux Ronin let out a monstrous scream then disintegrated into tiny Flux Energy particles. The beam thinned out then vanished. We looked at each other and heard more beastly roars and the women screaming and retreating.

"Attention all future Valkyrs, here at Valkyr Academy teamwork is key here! Our lessons consist of true battle experience and without that you'll never grow to understand what it means to be a Valkyr! Orientation doesn't only consist fighting each other but helping each other. There's a reason why only 20 will make it. Let's change it to 21. Seven teams of three! Form your teams! Defeat the Flux Beasts!" Ihono announced.

I smirked and smacked my fist against my hand then cracked my knuckles. I looked at the Flux Beasts approaching the courtyard. "Heh. There's three of us and a lot of Beasts to slay. Let's do this!"

"Right." Raika said.

"Agreement: Let us take down the real enemy." Elysion said.

We rushed ahead to the Flux Beasts and they roared then rushed over to us. One by one the beasts went down and the other women watched in awe. That was enough to motivate them into fighting the beasts as well.

"Elysion!" I called out and took an energy blast for her then an explosion happened.

"Concern: Are you okay?!" Elysion asked and watched.

I bellowed as I came out the smoke, spinning. I kicked the Flux Zombie's head, kicking their head clean off. I landed on the ground and panted. I stood up and smirked.

"She took a direct energy blast and came out without a scratch. Her Flux Drive has to be the best I've ever seen." Hinako said.

"That's the power of Inner Drive. Their condition is constantly rising so that means her endurance, stamina, and durability will always be rising." Ihono said.

I looked at the remaining Flux Beasts then heard the final bell ring. Beams of light struck down the Flux Beasts then caused them to disintegrate into energy particles. I looked around then noticed large holographic screen appear in front of all of us.

"Congratulations on completing your Orientation ladies. The 20 who made it will appear on the screen...now!" Ihono said and a screen showing who made it appeared.

"Yes! I actually made it!" One woman said.

"Me too! We did it!" Another giggled.

"Celebration: I made it." Elysion said.

"I made it too." Raika nodded then reverted back to normal.

"Yes! I made it also! I'm on top baby!" I cheered and laughed.

"Congratulations Valkyrs who made it and the ones who didn't, we will accept you for next year's orientation." Ihono said. "I know you all are tired so come over to the Dormitories and we will get you all settled in."

"I am beat. All that fighting had my body pretty tight and I don't really like that feeling." I stretched then yawned, following the others to the dorms.

"You were pretty good out there. The way you came out of that smoke and kicked that zombie's head off was pretty cool." Raika smiled.

"Agreement: You surprised me when you took the attack for me. Inquiry: Why did you take the attack for me? I would've been fine." Elysion looked at me.

"Because we are a team now, are we not?" I answered and looked at Raika and Elysion.

"Confusion: A team?" Elysion asked.

"Come on! We worked so well together and we have to be the strongest out of the group not to brag! Two people who can go into their super forms and a mega awesome girl who can survive anything? That's a dream team!" I said.

"They aren't called Super Forms. Besides it's only our base Flux Forms. I tried to tap into my Super Flux but it nearly killed me." Raika said.

"Same thing!~" I said then placed my hands behind my head.

Raika looked at me then smiled a bit. "So carefree. It wouldn't hurt to be just a little vigilant."

"Meh! I'm always prepared for danger! Danger is my middle name!" I smiled.

We finally made it to the dorms and walked inside. We all were in awe of how large it was on the inside. We were in the main lobby and it already felt like a dream.

"Alright ladies! Thank you for coming in a timely manner. I know you all are tired so I will make this as quick as possible! Congratulations on making it through Orientation! I know Orientation took a quick turn, but you all prevailed! You all are official first years!" Hinako said.

The lobby was filled with cheers and happiness.

"Alright now onto our dorm rooms, you are free to customize your rooms however you see fit! The minimum requirement of people in a room is three and the maximum is four. Your rooms are like apartments so you'll have two beds, two baths, a kitchen, living room, and a laundry room. If you need me or any other of the staff, we will be in the staff section of the dorms." Hinako said.

"This is so cool!" I said. "Man I can't believe I was considering another Academy before this! So do you two wanna share a room with yours truly?"

"Why not. I've known you two the longest and we seem to...tolerate each other at the slightest." Raika said and smiled.

"Agreement: At the end of the day, Orientation was only a test. I hold no bad blood against either of you." Elysion nodded.

"Let's go get our room then!~" I smiled then walked ahead to the front desk.

The three of us registered to have our dorm and signed a contract regarding the dormitory. After registering, we got our keys and went straight to our dorm.

I sighed happily and looked around. "This is the life now. I can't wait to become number one!"

"Calm down, you still have us to surpass to become number one. Yeah you have your Inner Drive, but you can't rely on that forever." Raika said.

"I-I know that! Just you wait! I'll have everything mastered!" I scoffed then walked straight to the couch and laid down.

It wasn't even five minutes and I was already out like a light. Raika and Elysion watched me and smiled then decided to head to their rooms and got some rest as well for the night.

"Inner Drive. Inner Flux. The Lady of Potential and Will, Uraki Asamura. Willpower, Nature, Potential. Asamura...it isn't a bloodline Flux because only Uraki is only known to have this Flux aside from Yuka. There's still so much I don't know about this Flux despite being a distant aunt. I should try to figure more out down the road. After all it's been a while since she was born since I've last seen her." Ihono said and stretched then went to bed.