
Valkyr Strike

Exaltion command systems ready. Ready for unit login. Unit 18294. Codename: Potential. Login request....Verified! Attention all units! Prepare for strike! In the beautiful world named Earth X, mysterious event hit the planet causing the Great Flux Storm and the storm began to corrupt the citizens, turning them into Flux Beasts. Those who can control the Flux Energy are known as Valkyrs and these Valkyrs are known for their Flux Drives and their various Flux Forms. One Valkyr in specific has a special flux known as the Inner Flux, a Flux Drive and Form that is extremely rare and only known to be harnessed by her ancestor. There is one problem though, she's completely careless and naive. She doesn't understand the power of her Flux nor does she understand the power of a Valkyr. Join our heroine as she grows and learns about the power of her Flux and learns about the true meaning of a Valkyr.

IndifferentLeo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First Lesson

The next day, I was already prepared for the first day of class. I was already dressed and ready to go. Raika and Elysion were ready as well and we met up in the living room. We were all dressed in our academy clothing provided by the academy themselves.

Once we were fully prepared, we left our dorm and headed out to go to the main building. We walked to the courtyard and noticed Hinako talking to another woman. I jogged ahead and tapped Hinako's shoulder.

"Ahh, Hinako, Raika, and Elysion. Congratulations again on making it. This is the part where I would show you the classrooms, but I've hatched a better idea. While hitting the books and library is very important, it's also important to receive battle experience. That's why I have decided to put you three through a test." Hinako said.

"A test? Come on, we literally just had a test not too long ago." I whined and groaned.

"Think of that as an Entry Test. This is your first lesson of the school year." Hinako said then summoned her greatsword then pointed it at us. "Your first lesson! Teamwork! You must work together to defeat me, your teacher!"

I looked at Hinako then my eyes sparkled. I smiled and nodded. "Well! If that's all then we'll be sure to ace this test!"

"Heh, confident aren't we? Well I do love confidence, but I'm afraid confidence isn't gonna help you win this one. Come at me whenever you're ready." Hinako said then jumped backwards, putting space between us and her.

"I'm ready!" I said then ran ahead to Hinako.

"Wait hold on! We don't know how strong she really is yet!" Raika warned.

I attempted to go for a strike at her face, but Hinako dodged it and kicked me away. She threw her sword at me and I grunted then blocked the sword. I groaned as I was blown away. The sword returned back to Hinako's hand then she dashed to me. I landed on my feet and caught my breath. I looked a bit surprised to see her in front of me. Hinako dodged a beam that was shot at her by Elysion.

Hinako skidded backwards and smirked. "Heh, I see you've got her back." She sensed Raika behind her then dodged her attack then kicked her away.

Raika groaned as she hit the ground then rebounded on one knee. Lightning crackled around her body then she dashed to Hinako in lightning speeds. I dashed to Hinako as well and we both bellowed as we went for an attack at Hinako. Hinako dodged our attacks then the woman she was talking to appeared beside Raika and kicked her away. Raika grunted and rolled backwards then slid backwards on one knee.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. She was also a part of the test. Say hello to your Class Monitor, Yutori Suou." Hinako smirked.

Yutori looked at us and placed one hand behind her back and a kept another in front of her. She got into her fighting stance then her eyes shined.

I looked at Yutori then cracked my knuckles. "This...is starting to become fun! Let's take them down!" I said and my Flux Energy powerfully spiralled around my body.

"Nngh! This energy..! This has to be the nature portion of her Flux Drive." Hinako said as she felt my energy levels becoming more powerful as the battle went on.

"Even if it seems impossible to win right now...I won't quit until I know it's over!" Raika said as she stood up then awakened her Flux Form.

"Agreement: We shall fight until the fight is over." Elysion said then awakened her Flux Form.

Yutori looked at me and dashed to me. I looked at her then blocked her attack then smirked. She was a bit surprised then grunted as I punched her stomach. I bellowed and knocked her into the air with an uppercut. Raika appeared above her and knocked her back down. Yutori recovered then grunted as Elysion appeared behind her. Hinako threw her sword, using it as a shield to block the attack coming from Elysion. Elysion looked surprised then grunted when Yutori kicked her away. I caught Elysion and slid backwards. Raika appeared in front of us and blocked a massive fire beam coming from Hinako. An explosion happened and Hinako watched the smoke.

"Is it over?" Yutori asked.

I emerged from the smoke, spinning then went for a kick. Yutori blocked the attack then grunted. I bellowed and sent her flying then a beam struck her down to the ground. I landed on the ground and energy swords formed behind me. I shot them at Hinako and time slowed down. Raika grabbed the energy swords and set them up then set up her lightning clones. Time resumed back to normal then they all crashed down at Hinako and a massive explosion happened.

"Things seem to be heating up down there...Yet Yuka still hasn't shown her Flux Form. Come on, I know you can tap into that power." Ihono said.

Hinako bellowed and the smoke cleared. Raika grunted as she was pushed away by the raw energy Hinako was releasing. Hinako's hair was now a flaming crimson red, her eyes shined a pure gold and flames surrounded her body.

"This is my Flux Form. It's called the Crimson Triumph. And this...this is my Flux Drive!" Hinako bellowed and raised her sword in the air. Powerful flames surrounded her sword and she slashed downward. "Crimson Detonation!"

A massive beam of pure red fire was shot at me. I grunted and caught the beam with my hands then groaned loudly as I was getting pushed backwards. The beam was burning my hands beyond belief, but I didn't want to stop pushing because I would end up taking a direct hit and I didn't want that.

"Yuka!" Raika yelled and dashed toward Hinako to attack her, but Hinako's energy pushed Raika away.

Elysion grunted as she caught her and slid backwards. "Worried: Raika, are you okay?"

"I am.." Raika said and got out of Elysion's arms.

"I won't quit! I have a dream and that dream must be...completed! I...Will...Win!" I yelled then an explosion happened as the beam came into contact with my body.

Hinako watched and grunted holding her head. She looked at the smoke and noticed a bright light shine. She dodged an energy sword that was flying straight at her. She grunted as more energy swords were fired at her. She deflected them all then noticed the smoke clearing. I spread my wings and looked at Hinako. Yutori was also in awe when feeling my energy.

I let out a battle cry and vanished. Hinako looked surprised as I was already in front of her. She blocked my attack and slid backwards. I appeared behind her and struck her back then caused her to fly forward. I appeared in front of her and kicked her away then fired energy blasts at her, striking her. She deflected the energy blasts then landed on the ground.

I bellowed and attempted to fire an energy beam at her then my heart thumped and I reverted to normal and fell to my knees. I panted and coughed. Even after fighting through the stress my body experienced from being in my Flux Form, I was still too weak to handle my Flux Form.

"She was actually able to fight in that form this time." Raika said in awe.

"Amazement: She was able to overwhelm Miss Hinako. Pity: It is a shame she couldn't stay in that form for too long just like the last time she used it. Discovery: Her body isn't used to that kind of power and it may have something to do with her Inner Drive." Elysion said.

"Her Flux Drive?" Raika asked.

"Hypothesis: Her Inner Drive enhances her Condition via Willpower, Nature, and Potential. That alone makes her as strong as a base Flux Form. Her Drive causes her condition to be constantly rising, but because her body isn't too used to that power, her body experiences a lot of stress so whenever she taps into her Inner Flux, her body feels that stress even more and it's multiplied and it forces her out of her Flux Form." Elysion explained.

"Huh." Raika said and looked at me, crossing her arms.

I stood up and panted then looked at my hands. I balled them into fists and grit my teeth. "Why...why can't you let me stay in my form..?"

"It's your body telling you that it isn't time. Even in your Drive State, your body is warning you that if you push yourself too hard you will experience too much stress and it will force you out of your current form." Hinako said.

"But why is it just me? Raika and Elysion can stay in their Flux Forms." I complained.

"You still don't understand your Flux Form yourself. You don't know your limitations. You're naive to what your own body is telling you. People in the past have experienced Flux Overload and to explain what it isーA Flux Overload is when your body is overflowing with Flux Energy and undergoing too much stress. If it isn't controlled, you'll have a heart attack with a zero percent chance of surviving it." Hinako said.

I looked at Hinako then looked down. "I can't be number one if I can't even keep up with everyone else when it comes to Flux Forms. Raika is correct, I can't keep relying on my Drive. There will be times where my Drive can't get the job done!"

"I understand how you feel and we've all been down that road before. Now it's your turn to experience the road to greatness and success when it comes down to your Flux Form. I'll help you master your Flux and by the end of the year, you'll have no problem with your abilities." Hinako said then pat my shoulder. "Now let's head to the classroom. I have to start my lessons."

I watched Hinako walk off with Yutori following behind. I sighed and felt Raika pat my back. I looked at Raika and Elysion and they smiled at me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have it mastered before then." Raika said.

"Agreement: We believe in you." Elysion said.

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you. Now let's head to class."

Ihono watched the three of us head into the building. "She was able to fight only for a little. From what I saw she can't even control her power. She fought wildly and within a minute she was forced out. I need more information. I have to understand the secrets to her Flux so I can know more about her ancestor."