
Valkyr Strike

Exaltion command systems ready. Ready for unit login. Unit 18294. Codename: Potential. Login request....Verified! Attention all units! Prepare for strike! In the beautiful world named Earth X, mysterious event hit the planet causing the Great Flux Storm and the storm began to corrupt the citizens, turning them into Flux Beasts. Those who can control the Flux Energy are known as Valkyrs and these Valkyrs are known for their Flux Drives and their various Flux Forms. One Valkyr in specific has a special flux known as the Inner Flux, a Flux Drive and Form that is extremely rare and only known to be harnessed by her ancestor. There is one problem though, she's completely careless and naive. She doesn't understand the power of her Flux nor does she understand the power of a Valkyr. Join our heroine as she grows and learns about the power of her Flux and learns about the true meaning of a Valkyr.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Flux Beasts and Flux Forms

"Alright class! Let's get today's lesson on the road!" Hinako said and held her book in one hand then tapped the board with her wand in the other.

"Uhm...Miss. There's literally only like four of us in this class. Me, Raika, Elysion, and the Class Monitor. This doesn't feel like an actual class." I said.

"Well...of course there's only you four here. No one else compares to you and I teach the B to A Rank Divisions. Divisions lower than B are taught by the teachers who aren't Battle Compatible. Since you three are literally the best out of the bunch, it's only right that I teach you all." Hinako said.

I scratched the side of my head then shrugged. "Alright I guess."

"Now let's talk about the Great Flux Storm and what it brought upon our world. The Storm happened 30,000 years ago during the Lost Era. The storm caused a phenomenon called the Flux Corruption and created the first set of Flux Beasts known as the Genesis-Class. The Genesis-Class Flux Beast was named Aoex . Aoex is known as the Mother of the Flux Beasts and it is said that she's still out there somewhere." Hinako said and holographic images of different Flux Beasts from different classes appeared on the board.

"What are those?" Raika asked.

"These are the different Flux Beasts that are represented from their respective classes. There are Seven Classes of Flux Beasts. Genesis, Judgement, God, Royal, Templar, Knight, and Commoner. I have listed them from strongest to weakest." Hinako said then noticed Elysion raise her hand. She pointed at Elysion.

"Inquiry: What is the strongest class you have faced against?" Elysion asked.

"Personally, I have faced off against a God-Class Beast. That was back in my military days when I was in the FBPA, the Flux Beast Prevention Association. The group has disbanded after we defeated Alwvlotnia." Hinako said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Alwvlotnia." Hinako said.

"What?" I asked again, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Alwvlotnia." Hinako repeated herself.

"How the hell are you even pronouncing that? That doesn't even sound like a real name!" I groaned and scratched my head.

Hinako smiled and looked back at the board then a holographic image of a woman appeared on the board. "Let's get back on topic. This is Aoex. Like I said, she's known as the Mother of the Flux Beasts. Do you see anything that strikes you?"

The three of us looked at the picture of Aoex.

"Yeah. She looks...Human." I said.

"Correct. It's not the she looks human. She IS human." Hinako said. "She's the Genesis of the Storm, but not only that...she's known as a Deity."

"A Goddess?" I asked.

"Yeah. Since the events happened 30,000 years ago...there were many Deities after her, but only 13 survived the war against the Valkyrs even one Valkyr became a Deity after defeating Aoex." Hinako explained.

"13 Goddesses?" I asked.

"Well not all of the Deities were women, but majority were women." Hinako said.

"So who was the one who defeated Aoex?" Raika asked.

"Her name was Uraki Asamura. The Lady of Potential, Nature, and Will. Also known as the woman who wields the Gem of Trinity." Hinako answered.

"Asamura?" Raika asked and looked at me.

Elysion also looked at me then looked back at Hinako.

"That brings me to my next segment of the lesson. Flux Forms and Drives." Hinako said then tapped the board with her wand. Three different pictures appeared on the board. "You have three Flux Forms. Those forms are, Base Flux, Super Flux, and Hyper Flux. Very rarely will anyone awaken a fourth stage called the Perfect or True Flux Form." Hinako said then tapped the board again. "Awakening your Flux Form is the easy part. The hard part is controlling your Flux Form."

I looked at the board and looked at my hands. "Controlling the Flux.."

"Two different outcomes can come from the inability to control your Flux Energy. One is called Decadence, the state of becoming corrupted by the Flux Energy and turning into a Flux Beast. The second outcome is called Flux Overload. The state of having your Flux Energy become so uncontrollable to the point where you have a heart attack and die as a result. It's happened to so many of my comrades." Hinako said.

"How can you control the Flux Energy?" I asked.

"There's something called Resonation. It's the art of harmonizing your Flux Energy with your very being. Having a perfect Resonance with the Flux within will result in you having complete control over your Flux Form. Let it be known that not everyone has what we have. Especially when it comes to you, Yuka. Because you hold the Inner Flux, that only means you have the Gem of Trinity within you and because of that, it means you have to resonate with that Gem." Hinako said.

"The same goes for Raika and Elysion." Yutori added.

"That is true. Raika and Elysion also have Gems within themselves, but it's hard to pinpoint what Gems they have, but it's known that you three are descendants of one of the 13 Deities of the Lost Era including me and Yutori. Unfortunately Principal Ihono isn't a descendant, but she is extremely strong." Hinako said.

"And what about Flux Drives?" Raika asked.

"Flux Drives. They are either Final Attacks or a Passive Ability like Yuka's Inner Drive. You can't just constantly use your Flux Drive either as it takes a lot of Flux Energy to use and overusing your Flux Energy is a no bueno." Hinako answered. "That's the basics of everything you need to know so far. That concludes my first actual lesson. Make sure to hit the library to get more knowledge on the 13 Deities and the Lost Era of History."

The bell rang for lunch and we gathered our things then got up to head to the cafeteria. I couldn't really focus on anything other than the tips Hinako told me about controlling my Flux Form.

We made it to the cafeteria and I got my lunch with Raika and Elysion. We sat at a table and ate lunch together.

"If the three of us are descendants of one of the 13 Deities, that means we are at the top of the other students by default." I said.

"Rebuttal: While that is true, that only means we are more dangerous than the others plus the others won't really look at us normally anymore." Elysion said.

"Also this is the first I've ever heard of these Deities. There's so much we don't know about our own history that our old schools never taught." Raika said.

"To be fair, why would they teach you three that stuff?" Ihono said as she sat with us at our table.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "That's important history they failed to teach us."

"While it is important history, you weren't fighting while in a public education. It simply wasn't going to work out. That's why they teach you about the Dynasty Era or the Sengoku Period or whatever it was called. It's like America, they teach you useless shit that they'll never use in the real world. Skills and knowledge that you actually need aren't taught in public school 99% of the time. That's why our academy is so prestigious. We actually teach students what they need to learn, but only if they are able to show for it." Ihono said.

I looked at Ihono and blinked. Now that I've gotten a closer look at her, I definitely felt like I knew her from somewhere. I shrugged it off and looked at my food. "I know I can definitely show for the teachings I will receive. I'm gonna be the very best! The uberest of Valkyrs! The best heroine this world has ever seen!"

Ihono smiled and giggled softly then stood up. "I hope you complete your goals, I'll be in my office if you ever need me."

We nodded and Ihono walked off. We continued to enjoy our lunch until the bell rang and we got up to throw away our trash then we headed to the library to study.

"Alright, we are looking for books that contains the history of the Lost Era. I actually wonder why it's called the Lost Era." Raika said as she looked in the bookshelves for books.

"Hypothesis: Maybe it's called the Lost Era because the history was lost?" Elysion asked.

"That may be the case but I feel like it's more complicated than that. No one calls an era 'Lost' unless it was meant to stay hidden. What do you think, Yuka?" Raika asked then turned around and noticed me sitting in a chair, reading a comic book.

I noticed Raika take the comic book out my hand. "Hey! What the hell! I was reading that!"

"Come on, Yuka...We are supposed to be studying upon the history of the Lost Era and things like that, NOT slacking about ready comic books." Raika sighed.

"Ugh studying is like extremely boring though!" I groaned.

"Come on you were so excited about learning the history of our kind like twenty minutes ago. What happened?" Raika asked.

"I'm more of a fist to face learner. I can't just read words and expect to get smarter and better like that." I shrugged.

Raika facepalmed then sighed. "Here I'm gonna pick out the books and we are going to study together. As a team."

"Ugh, fiiiine." I sighed.

Ihono sat in her office on the phone with someone. "Yeah, it's confirmed that she has the Gem of Trinity within her. I'm afraid it's gonna take more than just a few lessons to get her to fully awaken her Gem. I'll find some way, I'm also curious about her ancestor. No I don't need any help and I'm not gonna allow any bad to come at her as she's my distant niece. Yeah, I'll see you when exams start. Yeah. Bye."

Ihono hung up the phone and looked at her computer screen. She was hooked upon knowing more about me and my power. She felt all happy inside that I was truly attending this academy so she can have more time with me to study upon my power.