
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

The battle begins

[Forests of Yugakure]

"This truly was unexpected, Kinkaku, Ginkaku. The village really valued you for your contributions what a shame you have to die now."

"Raikage-sama, we're all like super disappointed in how chill you've been. And seriously, naming your successor A? That's, like, totally lame, am I right, Ginkaku?"

"Kinkaku, why are we wasting time talking? Let's just start fighting already."


The last command the Anbu heard, but a warning drowned out by the deafening roar of the tempest unleashed on them. Whirling blades of wind sharper than the swords they held carved through their flesh and bone, first tearing it up then grinding it as an arc of crimson died the ground red and their severed digits landing on the ground not even permitting a peaceful burial as another wave of fire incinerated them or at least what was left of them.

'Coil of Wind', 'Coil of Fire'

The gold and silver brothers possessed five ninja tools said to be from the sage of six paths.

This was the first ninja tool Bashosen – literally a banana fan that allowed the users to exert the abilities from any of the five chakra natures on a mental command.

"Hahaha, look at the fodder Ginkaku"

"Pfft, Kinkaku they were but ants not worth using the other tools."

Yes, they were asses not even sparing the dead from their taunts but their strength all than made up for it.

The Raikage though seething with rage, maintained his calm contemplating his next move. The brothers were not ones to underestimate and he knew they were a challenge his successor currently was not equipped to handle and one he could'nt face while having to protect another.

"A, I declare you the third Raikage"

"Sensei, what do you… Ahhhh"

The second Raikage flung him away knowing that it was likely he would not return from this battle and chose to bet on the future.

"Raikage-sama", Kinkaku said mockingly and Ginkaku continued, "Now that was unexpected. You do know that we will kill him right after we kill you right."

"Are you two gay? Completing each other's sentences and always calling for the other every time you speak. But a forbidden relationship between brothers, kinky but disgusting."

"Ginkaku look at this, he is taunting us."

"I know right Kinkaku, it's kinda kawaii"

They vomited out 4 objects, the remaining tools of the sage of six path.

Kokinjo – Golden Canopy Rope – Draws out the "word soul" of whoever it touches

Schichiseiken – 7 star sword – Severs the "word soul" from the victim and records the word they have said the most in their lives.

Benihisago – Crimson Gourd – After completing the above two, it steals the persons "word soul", effectively trapping them within the gourd once they utter their most commonly said word.

Kohaku no Johei – Amber Purifying Pot – Seals whoever responds to their name, unconditionally.

"Let the fun begin" *2


"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

The laments of the third Raikage could be heard through the forests of Yugakure as he was running away realising that he would only be holding the second Raikage back with his prescence.

'Sensei was I too weak to fight by your side.'

He ran and ran even more. Running away from what caused him anger, pain, frustration, desperation and self-loathing. What could he do he was just too weak to even prevent what threatened his beloved teacher. All these years of training only to end up running away like a coward.

He suddenly stopped.


"Why am I running away like a coward? Was I not trained so that I could be the shield that protected my people and the spear that pierced through my enemies."

The laments of a child. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists so hard they started bleeding. And then he realised, why he had to run, why he couldn't protect his sensei, why he couldn't be the shield or the spear he wanted to be.

Yeah, that's right. He was WEAK. He was but a child, a 20-year-old CHILD.

His face tightened, filled with determination and resolve. He took an oath that day, his voice echoing through the deep forests of Yugakure scaring all the life around him.

"I promise you sensei and all my fellow people, as the Third Raikage, I will become the strongest, so strong that I will be the wall that protects and the spear that pierces through all"

This was the day a man and a legend would be born. The man with the strongest spear and the strongest shield. Defeating a tailed beast being but a part of his legend. A man so strong only his spear could pierce his shield. He is the man that would one day be heralded as the strongest Raikage to have ever lived one that struck fear into the hearts of even his future generations.

A man that protecc and a man that ataccc.



The allied forces emerged from their concealed position within the mountains, driven by a mixture of motivations. The shinobi wearing faces filled with the determination to show off their villages' and personal might, faces filled with lust and greed, ready to plunder the bountiful land of the Uzumaki, faces filled with bloodthirst salivating at the chance to drench the soil with the blood of their unsuspecting foe.

And yet amidst this cacophony of emotions, all harboured one common thought, 'This would be a quick battle', but all of that quickly turned into confusion first and then fear and dread as the sky around them started to turn into an ominous purple hue, one that foreshadowed their end, their descend into oblivion.

"The whirlpool whispers welcome, but the center sings oblivion. "

"Disappear foolish invaders, don't incur the wrath of the Uzumaki in your next life"

Ashina's voice booming through the battle field sounded like a death knell, signifying the end of their meaningless existence.

As if on cue the ground erupted, exploding into an infinite chain of tag a phenomenon akin to the Sage of Six Path's creation of all things. This intricate manipulation of chakra utilized the Yin nature to envision and the Yand to Materialize. The mutually multiplying exploding tags was but an extremely basic use of this, yet something beyond the comprehension of the majority. Such was the genius of the Uzumaki, the ones that aided the Second Hokage in creating the tags.

The sound of the explosions drowned the cries and screams of the allied forces as their faces contorted in disbelief, pain and horror. Limbs were torn asunder and flesh scorned beyond recognition, the battlefield became a garden of suffering and despair.

Comrades who they had shared meals and laughter lay scattered, with their flesh thrown around mangled and scorched like a puzzle pieces that came straight from hell.

From arrogantly thinking of the Uzumaki's as pigs to slaughter to becoming the pigs being slaughtered. Fate sure loves jokes.

After what seemed like an eternity the sound of the explosions died down showing a wastelands filled with pieces of scarred flesh, the ground as barren as ever with the explosions simply vaporising the blood.

The Uzumaki's started celebrating their victory. Having vanquished invaders from the three ninja villages together being a feat worth celebrating. But only two people remained stoic with grim faces realising that the battle was not over.

A tiny dome made solidly of earth cracked only to reveal a fat person wearing the headband of Kumo completely fine.

"Nee, what just happened. Jinrui where are you. What happed where is everybody."

The fat man was slowly losing his mind.

"Were we not going to slaughter the Uzumaki and play with their women and children."


Still not getting over his denial on the situation he reached a point where he his mind was long gone. The voice in his head doing him no favors.

'Yeah, those bastard Uzumaki's killed the one person who took care of you. Do you not want revenge. I'll give you the power you want just set me free.'


'Accept it kid they ain't coming back even if you call me names'

The entire battlefield shook. A dark tide of chakra swept across the land. Chakra that carried pure hatred and malevolence. Chakra that even shook the most veteran of shinobi to their core, their very souls shaking as the figure in front of them started to take shape.

Even Ashina and Genji were not left unaffected.

After all the power of a tailed beast is not something a human shinobi should be able to handle.

"All of you get out of here. Those who are able to move, grab as many as you can. Genji and I will handle the jinchuriki."

The Uzumaki forces sprang into action, their movements coordinated and purposeful as they executed their leader's precise commands.

"We have to finish this up before he gets to his eight tails form."

Genji muttered under his breath his frustration owing to the chaos in front.

"Damn, I really did not expect them to protect the Jinchuriki even at the cost of their lives. The Iwa shinobi really were quick at making their decision."

Ashina chuckled grimly at Genji's observation, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Haha, now at least we get to flex our muscles in front of the young'uns."

"Don't die too quickly old friend"

He laughs in the face of danger, the laugh that protects those that stand behind him. Even as he looked right in the face of a Bijuu, a being that is feared not as a threat but as a calamity that only leaves destruction in its wake, he stood there his towering figure being a testament to his courage amid the chaos, embodying the very essence of leadership and valour.

Such was the stature of the man known as the Ruler of the Abyssal Whorls, The Uzukage – Ashina Uzumaki.


1684 words. My current highest.

I'll try putting out the next chapter in a few hours. Don't wanna ruin the continuity.

I would love ideas on how I could improve on or change the way I write fight/action sequences.

Give me your powerstones or else you get Rick Rolled randomly everyday for the rest of your life. LOL.

Have a wonder ful day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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