
Ushinawareta konton no densetsu no buki失われた混沌の伝説の武器~the lost legendary

Group of Highschool Children who were reincarnates of shadow heroes are going to fight against demonic sorcerers and monster. Seven legendary weapons were passed down and were chosen by the reincarnates to be the heroes lurking in the shadows to keep humanity safe

shem1_ · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

Discovering abilities and the truth about the world.(pt2)

Shemazu was reading and learnt that the artifact that he had acquired was known as the Lost legendary weapons of chaos. Also there are six of them apart from his own. He wanted to know who they are, and more so who are these legendary heroes and why he is being referred to as a reincarnate. Doing further research he found out that the legendary heroes were once powerful entities that worked in the shadows and fight against sorcerers and monsters that threatened the earth and the whole of humanity. Witlam appeared over Shemazu's shoulders without him even knowing and asked 'what are you reading?'.

'Uhm ….it's a book about legendary weapons of chaos and the heroes from the past that wielded them'. 'Oh interesting...hey uhm what if I tell you that something strange happened', 'Oh like what', 'I was at my part time job, and was taking out the trash and and a dagger....it talked and I touched it and it disappeared ever since, I've been bearing a wolf tattoo on my arms'.

'Oh that's interesting.... because the same thing happened to me, I touched a scythe and it disappeared and now I've got a snake tattoo on my back'. The room was filled with silence, 'Meet me at the school gym…and bring the book with you, we're gonna uncover this whole mystery tonight'. 

It was now 9pm and Shemazu just arrived at the school with the book just to find Witlam already waiting, 'What took you so long', 'oh it's nothing really' Shemazu responded. 'Ok, let's start this operation' , Witlam had a rope in his backpack. They threw it over the high school gates and used it to climb over, in which they both got over safely. Even though they both had gotten over, they were also spotted by Hanzo and Mattuo who pretended like they had seen nothing. On their way to the school gym, Witlam heard the security guard, him and Shemazu quickly hide themselves in a nearby bush. When the guard came and shone his flashlight he had spotted nothing. The guard went away and they both hurried into the gym and closed the door behind them. They used their phone flash to read the book. The book said 'if you want to withdraw your weapon of chaos, say come to me and the name of the weapon'. ' I'll  go first,' Witlam shouted. 'Come to me dagger of maliciousness' an aura formed around him that glowed dark red with black mist and he got murder on his mind. The murderous intent was so heavy that even the security guard felt it and he was paralyzed. His strength was increased by tenfold with a mana of (10,100/10,000). He ran around the gym and because of his speed he was able to create after images of himself. Shemazu who was eager to try said 'come to me, scythe of poison and atomic matter manipulation'. A good amount of dark aura surrounded him and the staff, he looked like a shadowy figure and even though his strength wasn't buffed, his control over matter was so sharp it would be deemed impossible and his manna (50,000/50,000). Hanzo and Mattuo went into school late at night to follow them without them knowing. They were peeping through the window and saw everything and decided to turn back before they were spotted. Witlam and Shemazu turn off their abilities and go home before they are spotted.

The next day at school Shemazu and Witlam were in the library, and was reading the same book to get more information. Hanzo and Mattuo opened the door and marched over to where Shemazu and Witlam were. 'We saw you last night in the school gym' Hanzo whispered in Shemazu's ear his face looked like he had seen a ghost.'What do you mean by that's Shemazu nervously asked. 'I've seen both of you guys transformation and I'm joining the library club too'.