
Ushinawareta konton no densetsu no buki失われた混沌の伝説の武器~the lost legendary

Group of Highschool Children who were reincarnates of shadow heroes are going to fight against demonic sorcerers and monster. Seven legendary weapons were passed down and were chosen by the reincarnates to be the heroes lurking in the shadows to keep humanity safe

shem1_ · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Discovering abilities and the truth about the world.(pt1)

August 12, 2009 The school bell rang with Shemazu being for school. "Oh no I'm gonna be late" he said with despair in his eyes. He was running from his home with a toast in his mouth, 'no time to lose' he said to himself, and the more he approached school the more out of breath he began to be. Not looking where he was going he crashed into Witlam , 'watch where you're going' he said to Shemazu. With him not having friends he said nothing and then walked past him and head to his class. In the freshman classroom, the teacher was teaching and Hanzo was sleeping as usual. Witlam, Muttuo, Shemazu and Kabu not paying attention, the teacher threw markers at the five of them ' It's the first day of school pay attention YOU IDIOTS!!' He exclaimed. 20 minutes after there was a knock on the door, Gonshira and Shanlee were at the door, 'please come in' , said the teacher. They immediately took their seats and began to listen. After school, Shemazu was walking home by himself, when he was approaching home he heard a whisper. He couldn't make out the words but as he began to search where it's coming from the whisper began to get clearer and the voice said 'master and leader of the heroes grab onto me' he was scared of the scythe. The weapon spoke to him again and said 'be not afraid just reach and grab me'. Without much further thought he touched it and dark mist began to surround him, he has acquired the scythe of poison and atomic matter manipulation.

Witlam was at his part time job and was going to take out the trash. It was already 8pm and he saw an old-looking dagger. 'Legendary reincarnate grab on to me', he suspiciously touched the dagger and it glowed blood red emitting murderous intent and 'woosh' it disappears into his hand 'WHAAAAATTTT!!' he shouted, he seems to be fine but even though he was overwhelmed he was able to grasp the situation and went back in, and pretend like nothing had happened.

Kabu was at his home playing a game and his mom shouted from downstairs 'kabu you better be in bed before I get up there!!' In his room a blue light was shining from in his closet, it was a floating spear. 'Legendary reincarnate grab onto me' he tried to hit the spear but instead the spear was absorbed. Kabu in instate of great shock he passed out.

Hanzo was at his favorite shooting range, making accurate shots, as soon as he was about to choose a different gun an when he heard a whisper from an old SW-10 sniper rifle spoke and said 'Legendary reincarnate grab onto me' he was a little spooked out, as to why a gun can talk but he risk it and took it up, and it shone green and disappeared into him.

Mattuo was on school duty so he stayed over and was cleaning the school staffroom, then inside of the staffroom a pair of sai appeared floating it said 'Legendary reincarnate grab onto me' he was mesmerized. Being a positive person he grabbed onto the pair of sai, which emitted a purple dark glow and disappeared into him.

Shanlee was walking home with Gonshira then he heard a whisper. 'Gonshira did you hear that?' he asked 'yes I've heard it but what could it be?'. 'Let's check it out'. Then they found the floating brass knuckle and the kitana said 'Two legendary heroes in one place, makes the job way easier' both of them disappeared inside of Gonshira and Shanlee.

Shemazu, who was curious to know if others possess a legendary weapon like him, began to research. The next day he joined the school library club. In the afternoon he was dusting off some old books and a silver book with golden lining about the lost legendary weapons of chaos dropped onto the floor and he picked it up and read about it.