
Urban tycoon

An essential weapon of the nation, a fierce tiger unleashed! He, both righteous and wicked, destined for a fate of unending turmoil! Bearing the chains of life and death, he commands the wheel of destiny! Standing at the forefront of the tide, he sings loudly in the wind throughout his life! He only wears the most intimidating facade, only steps on the most ruthless of foes! His life is a brilliant saga, forged in fierceness, dancing in the vast sky!!!

DaoistlpXQ8U · Thành thị
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30 Chs

Huang Bai

Chen Liuhe chuckled, "I think her proposal is quite good."

From the depths of her heart, Shen Qingwu said, "To someone like Chen Liuhe, the idea of being obscure is completely meaningless. There is no place where you can hide. Even without Qin Ruohan today, there will be other people or things in the future."

Furthermore, how many people in this world are unwilling to see Chen Liuhe truly immerse himself in this vast world and become a mere drop in the ocean?

"Haha, to receive praise from Qingwu is worth more than a pound of aged Maotai." Chen Liuhe smiled, paused, then glanced at the somewhat misty-eyed Qin Ruohan and said indifferently, "I know about your situation now. You can leave."

Upon hearing this, Qin Ruohan's expression tightened, and she anxiously asked, "Are you still unwilling to help me?"

"What does helping you have to do with driving you away? Do I have to keep you for dinner just because I'm helping you? Chen Liuhe retorted ungraciously.

Hearing these harsh words, Qin Ruohan truly felt an urge to retort. She had never seen such an unromantic and stingy man. What's wrong with having a meal together? Could a meal really make you bankrupt?

But now that she was asking for help, she could only swallow her pride and cautiously ask, "Since you've decided to help me, shouldn't we discuss a plan of action? Are you just going to let me leave like this?"

Those people gave you three days, right? What's the rush? Chen Liuhe said impatiently, "Live for the moment, you know? My consistent principle is, never do today what can be done tomorrow."

Upon hearing this fallacy, Qin Ruohan really doubted whether she had asked the wrong person, putting all her hopes and her fortune and life on such an unreliable person. Qin Ruohan felt a bit desolate.

Shen Qingwu chuckled lightly and said, "You should go back for now. If my brother is going to help you, even in Hangcheng, let alone across the country, people who can take away your fortune and life are rare."

In the end, Qin Ruohan left the courtyard full of apprehension and doubt. Chen Liuhe did not say anything to stop her, jokingly saying, "You come to ask for help, and you want to eat for free first? Where in the world can you take advantage like this?"

Comrade Chen Liuhe's petty and calculative nature definitely has the potential to be struck by lightning.

After Qin Ruohan completely disappeared from the courtyard, Chen Liuhe's face was filled with the same lazy energy as always. He smiled and said, "Qingwu, where are these rare individuals you mentioned? Do they exist?"

"The phoenix feathers have not yet been born, and the unicorn's horns no longer exist." Shen Qingwu tugged at Chen Liuhe's clothes, smiling calmly.

"Haha, no wonder everyone in the capital knows that my favorite is my little sister. From childhood to adulthood, our Shen family's little sister is the best at cooperating with me in boasting." Chen Liuhe laughed heartily.

Shen Qingwu remained silent, smiling gently. From childhood to adulthood, she had never cooperated with this brother who had no blood relationship in boasting, because in her heart, he had always been the man closest to a god!

At this moment, a thin middle-aged man walked in through the courtyard gate. The man appeared to be in his thirties, wearing dirty clothes and clearly balding. Not only did he have a set of thievish features, but he also had a pair of unsightly large yellow teeth.

The entire person could only be described with two words, besides being sleazy, he was also ugly.

Just by looking at his appearance and attire, you could tell that he was definitely someone who would find it difficult to make ends meet, but he had a name that was completely incompatible with his fate, Huang Bai.

Chen Liuhe's residence was also rented in this courtyard. Although Chen Liuhe had only been here for half a month, he got along quite well with this neighbor who had nothing going for him. The two of them often boasted and talked nonsense together.

This guy was also an interesting person, never having read a day's worth of books and barely recognizing a few characters. He belonged to the group of people who struggled from the small mountain valleys to the big cities, not having much experience, but having stolen, cheated, begged for food, and even swept the streets.

Although he had struggled hard in the big city for more than ten years and was living worse day by day, this guy never thought of rolling back to the mountain valley to accept his fate.

In his own words, he said, "I don't have any face, but I can endure hardship. As long as I don't die, I can eventually make something of myself!"

"Sixth Brother, Little Sister, both of you are here." Huang Bai, who could drink but had a weak tolerance, was suddenly enthusiastic as he approached. His greatest virtue was that no matter what setbacks he encountered, no matter how much hardship he endured, he could always laugh it off and never complain or curse fate.

"Tsk tsk, Sixth Brother, did you see that woman just now? She was so beautiful. I, Huang Bai, have never seen so many beautiful women in my life. Just her pair of... and those long legs, they're enough for me, Huang Bai, to enjoy for a lifetime." Huang Bai smiled, revealing his yellow teeth without hesitation.

But neither Chen Liuhe nor Shen Qingwu showed any sign of disdain. They never looked down on anyone, nor did they look up to anyone.

"I was so absorbed just now that I almost fell into the puddle outside the yard. Damn it, haha, but it was worth it." Huang Bai chattered on.

After a pause, Huang Bai laughed again, "Little Sister, Lao Huang knows you are not an ordinary person. Don't mind if Lao Huang's words are not up to standard, don't compare me with you."

Shen Qingwu smiled faintly. She did not dislike this market-savvy man who could chat with her brother. Instead, she somewhat appreciated him. How many people like Huang Bai, who could struggle so hard and live without resentment or complaint, were there?

After washing the vegetables, Chen Liuhe smiled and said, "Huang, you've been doing things that strain your eyes and starve

 yourself to death."

"Hehe, there's no way around it. In my whole life, I haven't been willing to spend fifty dollars on a prostitute. Those women, even if they are prostitutes, are at least two thousand dollars and up in grade. In my whole life, I probably won't even have the chance to lick someone else's feet. I can only use my eyes to fulfill my wishes." Huang Bai chuckled.

"Hehe, how about eating together tonight?" Chen Liuhe, who was reluctant to treat Qin Ruohan to a meal, invited Huang Bai without hesitation.

"Alright! I still have half a catty of undrunk sorghum liquor in my room. Shall we drink it tonight, just the two of us?" Huang Bai was also not polite: "With this much, we can at least do something if there's any trouble."

"Deal!" Chen Liuhe smiled.

Dinner was not sumptuous, with a few vegetables, some meat, and Huang Bai even took out his own treasured pickled tofu. It looked a bit messy, but Chen Liuhe didn't mind at all. The two of them ate with relish, accompanied by the sorghum liquor that Huang Bai had gathered from all corners, costing no more than five yuan per catty.

There was only half a catty of liquor, and they drank slowly, as if neither of them wanted to finish it all at once, saving it for later. After finishing her meal, Shen Qingwu went back to her room. In the courtyard, under the moonlight, Chen Liuhe and Huang Bai chatted away.

"Sixth Brother, Lao Huang knows that you and Little Sister are not ordinary people, and must have great stories." Huang Bai loved drinking, but his tolerance was not good. After just a few ounces, he was already a little dizzy.

"What do you mean?" Chen Liuhe smiled and asked. He had asked many times for the other party not to call him Sixth Brother, but Huang Bai insisted, and Chen Liuhe didn't insist anymore.

"Ordinary people look down on others, but ordinary people have never looked down on me, Huang Bai. Even the street sweepers look down on me, only Sixth Brother and Little Sister don't." Huang Bai said unabashedly, showing no sign of inferiority.

The words were rough and illogical, but they seemed to reveal a truth, hitting the nail on the head.

"Why, if life is so bad, why do you insist on staying? Facing the earth and facing the sky, a life like that doesn't seem bad." Chen Liuhe asked.

Huang Bai grinned, "At least here I can still struggle, I can feel that I am still alive. If I really go back, I won't even have the chance to struggle. If I don't live up to a person, at least I have to live up to a dog-like appearance. Even if I can't bear it and go back to the mountain, nine out of ten of my offspring will still be poor people who face the earth and rely on the mountains, and will never see the market in their lives."

"In fact, my requirements are not high. I haven't dared to think of great wealth and glory. As long as I have food to eat, and can marry a lively wife, not too beautiful, just enough for me to willingly treat her well for a lifetime." Huang Bai said.

Chen Liuhe listened with a smile. In his opinion, Huang Bai was far more adorable and respectable than many others.

Huang Bai took a sip of the fiery white wine and said, "Sixth Brother, if you think highly of me, feel free to give me orders if you need me in the future. Although I don't have much ability, this hundred or so pounds of meat can still do something."

"Good!" Chen Liuhe nodded and joked, "How about this, I'll take you, you take a bowl, you cry, I shout, find a tourist attraction, and we'll be bosses together?"

Huang Bai was first stunned, then burst into hearty laughter.

Late at night, Huang Bai, who had drunk three or two cups and was already a little drunk, was sent back to his room by Chen Liuhe. After cleaning up the remnants of the meal, Chen Liuhe didn't care if Qin Ruohan was asleep and directly made a phone call to her.

Without saying much, he just casually asked about the general situation of the opponents, such as their names, identities, and affiliations. Qin Ruohan wanted to tell him everything, but Chen Liuhe didn't give her much time, cutting off the call in just two minutes.

Since he had decided to wade into this murky waters with Qin Ruohan, Chen Liuhe naturally had to be prepared.

The reason he was helping Qin Ruohan had nothing to do with pity or sympathy. It was solely because of what his little sister had said, which reminded him of the little sister from a year ago.