
Urban tycoon

An essential weapon of the nation, a fierce tiger unleashed! He, both righteous and wicked, destined for a fate of unending turmoil! Bearing the chains of life and death, he commands the wheel of destiny! Standing at the forefront of the tide, he sings loudly in the wind throughout his life! He only wears the most intimidating facade, only steps on the most ruthless of foes! His life is a brilliant saga, forged in fierceness, dancing in the vast sky!!!

DaoistlpXQ8U · Urban
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30 Chs

Trouble is coming

Comrade Chen Liuhe, full of indignation, was completely unaware of this. He continuously cursed those people for being shortsighted, believing that with his demeanor and intelligence, he could not only be a junior manager but even a general manager, implying that his talents would be somewhat wasted.

As he gazed at the gradually setting sun, Chen Liuhe, with a touch of stubble on his chin, had a look of vicissitudes, embodying a melancholic charm that would captivate anyone under the age of eighteen.

Flicking away the cigarette butt and crushing it under the cheap Liberation shoes worth ten yuan, he casually shook his head with less than an inch of hair on top, gave a disdainful look at the real estate company, then rode his bike towards Hangcheng University.

When Chen Liuhe returned to his residence with Shen Qingwu, before even entering the door, he was surprised to see a red BMW parked outside, with a tall and graceful woman standing beside it.

Seeing the woman, Chen Liuhe frowned slightly. Shen Qingwu, who was good at observing people's words and expressions, asked softly, "Brother, do you know her?"

"Not really," Chen Liuhe replied. The tricycle stopped outside the gate, and Chen Liuhe didn't pay attention to the woman's pleased expression. Instead, he carefully helped Shen Qingwu down from the tricycle before saying to the eagerly watching woman, "What's the matter?"

"I need your help with something," Qin Ruohan said hurriedly.

Chen Liuhe looked her up and down and said, "Then you should hurry back to where you came from. I have to cook, and I'm very busy."

"Do you refuse without even knowing what it is?" Qin Ruohan's face tightened as she spoke.

"Heh, it doesn't matter what it is. I don't have the time to get involved in your business," Chen Liuhe waved his hand and walked into the courtyard, ignoring her.

Qin Ruohan stared blankly at Chen Liuhe, her face pale. She bit her lower lip forcefully, looking helpless and desperate, with a mist seeming to fill her eyes.

Shen Qingwu, with a calm expression, glanced at Qin Ruohan, showing neither joy nor sorrow. However, the expression on Qin Ruohan's face at this moment made her sigh slightly, as if it had evoked a touch of resonance or memory in her heart.

Such an expression seemed to have appeared on herself a year ago. At that time, when her grandfather passed away and her brother was imprisoned, in the deep and unfathomable waters of the capital, she was alone facing the cold eyes and sarcasm around her, and even revenge.

Back then, perhaps she was as helpless and desolate as the woman in front of her.

"In trouble?" Shen Qingwu asked inexplicably. Although she was young, she was no longer a naive girl. After so many years in the capital's melting pot, she had not only been influenced but had matured in mind.

Moreover, as a terrifyingly intelligent woman, her experiences over the past twenty years could not be summarized by just misery or twists and turns. It would be more than enough to write a book.

She wouldn't pity or sympathize with anyone, just because the woman in front of her, who should have been given a score of over ninety by her brother, made her feel a moment of reluctance.

Upon hearing Shen Qingwu's words, Qin Ruohan nodded with tears in her eyes. She was really in big trouble, facing a huge trouble. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to Chen Liuhe's door. From the moment she appeared here, it proved that she had no choice but to treat Chen Liuhe as her last straw.

Shen Qingwu nodded without saying anything, maneuvering the wheelchair into the yard. Just when Qin Ruohan was in despair, Shen Qingwu's voice came, "The gate is not locked. Come in and talk if you have something."

Just as he parked the car and was about to wash the vegetables, Chen Liuhe heard Shen Qingwu's voice and chuckled softly, "What? Feeling compassionate?"

"No, I just feel she's a lot like me a year ago," Shen Qingwu's plain words made Chen Liuhe startled for a moment. There was a moment of extreme coldness in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded, picked up the vegetables, and went to wash them by the sink.

Shen Qingwu seemed to understand Chen Liuhe's thoughts. She came to Chen Liuhe's side and gently tugged at his clothes, whispering, "Brother, are you suffering?"

"I know. Our Shen family are tough. We have the straightest spines in the world!" Chen Liuhe grinned, without bitterness or hardship.

"Sit down," Shen Qingwu pointed to a small stool and said to Qin Ruohan who had followed, "Wait here."

Without waiting for Qin Ruohan to speak, Chen Liuhe spoke first, "The fact that you can come to my house and wait for me proves that you are in a very serious situation and that you are at a loss. Otherwise, you would not have begged someone like me, whom you don't know at all."

As he washed the vegetables, Chen Liuhe said casually, "Often in such situations, things are quite tricky, even life-threatening. To be honest, we have no relationship, and your life and death have nothing to do with me. Why should I help you?"

Qin Ruohan took a deep breath and looked at Chen Liuhe. Her face was determined. "I'm sorry, I have no other choice. I've thought of all the ways I can think of, and in the end, my intuition tells me that only you can help me."

Chen Liuhe sneered, "Intuition? How much is that worth? What makes you think I can help you, rather than dragging me down with you?"

Qin Ruohan trembled, "I don't know, I just know that you are definitely not an ordinary person."

Chen Liuhe smiled, not arguing against that statement. Instead, he said, "Tell me about your situation, and then let's see if I can be a good Samaritan."

Upon hearing this, Qin Ruohan's face lit up. She withdrew the mist in her eyes, organized her thoughts, and said, "You saw what happened last night. Someone is plotting against me, and to achieve their goal, they even hired a sniper. As you guessed, they don't want my life; they just want to scare me."

"This matter starts with my father. Although my family is not extremely wealthy, in Hangcheng, we can be considered well-off. Last year, my father opened an entertainment club, which was very successful. However, not long after, it was targeted by the dark forces, who threatened and coerced my father to give up fifty percent of the club's shares."

At this point, tears wet Qin Ruohan's cheeks. However, she instinctively raised her face, as if she didn't want the tears to flow down. Her lips were tightly pressed, holding back from sobbing aloud.

Chen Liuhe continued, "Then, those who have long coveted your family's club started targeting you? Chen Liuhe wasn't particularly surprised by such events. His experiences told him that there was darkness in every corner of the world. So hearing

 about such events wasn't too surprising.

However, he did feel a bit of sympathy for the woman's experience. Despite being well-off, she encountered such troubles, and even lost her family.

"After all, money is something you can never earn enough of. If you lose your life, you lose everything."

Upon hearing this, Qin Ruohan became excited. She said fiercely, "No way. My father was harmed for this club. Now that it's in my hands, I can't cheapen those executioners. Otherwise, wouldn't my father's insistence be in vain? Wouldn't my father's death be in vain?"

Chen Liuhe shook his head, "This is a delaying tactic, understand?"

"You're right. I've also thought about that, but it's useless. They now see me as a vulnerable woman. They no longer want fifty percent of the shares but want to buy the entire club for two million. Qin Ruohan said.

"Huh, those people are really ruthless, with such dark hearts." Chen Liuhe sneered, paused, and asked, "So, how do you want me to help you?"

"I want to keep the club and fight against those people to the end." Qin Ruohan's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look, which Chen Liuhe knew was resentment and hatred.

"Last night, they gave me a final ultimatum. If I don't hand over the club within three days, they told me to prepare a coffin to see my father. They are desperados, and if they dare to say such things, they will definitely do it."

Qin Ruohan stared straight at Chen Liuhe, "As long as you help me, I will never let you suffer. I have investigated your background and know that you and your sister depend on each other. I also know that your sister is a talented student at Hangcheng University. But your life is not good. You make a living by collecting junk, and your sister is weak and sickly, needing Chinese medicine to recuperate, which is a huge burden for you."

"As long as you help me through this difficult time, help me keep the club, I can solve these problems for you." Qin Ruohan's eyes were burning with fervor.

Chen Liuhe looked at Qin Ruohan and smiled, "You've done your homework well. You've hit the nail on the head with our current plight." Chen Liuhe subconsciously touched the stubble on his chin, looked at Shen Qingwu, who remained calm, and said gently, "What do you think, little sister?"

Qin Ruohan's tragic fate did not cause much of a ripple on Shen Qingwu's face. She calmly looked at Chen Liuhe, "What do you think?"