
Section 3 Bad News

An hour later, the plane finally landed slowly at Shen City Airport.

As soon as the cabin door opened, many fully armed police officers rushed in and escorted the hijackers out one by one.

Wang Yu was the last one to get off the plane, and by chance, he noticed that Liu Jiayi had left her bracelet on the seat, so he quickly picked up the bracelet and chased after her, but the airport was crowded with people and the figures of police officers were everywhere, making it impossible to find Liu Jiayi.

Wang Yu smirked, took a silent look at the bracelet before stuffing it into his pocket, hoping to encounter the beauty again in Shen City and return it to her.

Carrying his luggage through the crowd, standing in the plaza, Wang Yu set down his luggage and silently surveyed the familiar yet strange city in front of him, feeling a mixture of emotions well up within him, and unbeknownst to him, tears formed in his eyes.

Shen City, located in the south of Yan Kingdom, facing Kowloon City across the sea, is an international metropolis where soaring skyscrapers and luxury sports cars testify to its prosperity. The transportation here is extremely convenient, with comprehensive sea, land, and air travel options, allowing you to go anywhere you wish.

This is a city bustling with activity, but also a breeding ground for crime; with enough money, one can buy anything they desire here, even someone else's life.

This city is Wang Yu's hometown.

Wang Yu closed his eyes, extended his arms, and took several deep breaths, quietly feeling the air of his hometown. After a while, he opened his eyes, a sharp light flashing within.

After eight years, I have finally returned to the place of my birth and upbringing, but I am no longer the weak boy who was bullied by others. I swear I will never let anyone bully me or my friends and brothers again!

In front of the airport, Wang Yu casually hailed a taxi, hoisted his luggage, and got in. The driver was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, which hid his face, but he looked to be in his twenties.

"To No. 88, Yongsheng Road," Wang Yu said indifferently before turning his gaze towards the window.

No. 88, Yongsheng Road houses a privately-run orphanage where Wang Yu lived for twelve years. There, Wang Yu had many fond memories and the people he cared about the most.

"Uncle Quan, how is your heart disease? Aunt Fang, are you still taking care of the children's meals and daily routines? And the mischievous Ah Cheng, have you grown up to be a bit more stable? And what about Xiao Xue, who was always crying—does she still shed tears so easily?"

Thinking of soon meeting these people again filled Wang Yu's heart with excitement.

"Alright!" After the driver responded, he deftly started the car, inquiring while driving, "Where are you going, you're all over the place?" After finishing, he glanced at Wang Yu through the rear-view mirror, then suddenly stopped the car on the road with a screech.

"Wang Yu, is that you?"

The driver took off his sunglasses, turned around to look at Wang Yu, and asked with trembling lips, his emotions very agitated.

When the driver's face fully came into view, Wang Yu's fingers trembled, and his body immediately leaned forward slightly.

"Ah Cheng, it's you."

The person in front of him was none other than Wang Yu's childhood friend, originally named Chen Cheng. When Wang Yu left that place, he was only fourteen.

"Wang Yu, you damn guy!"

The two laughed and got out of the taxi, hugging each other tightly, both feeling an uncontrollable excitement. Eight years later, at their reunion, both were now grown men, no longer the naive boys they once were.


Half an hour later, in a small roadside diner, Wang Yu and Chen Cheng were sitting opposite each other, the table laid with a few small dishes, a pack of "Seven Wolves" cigarettes, and several bottles of Snowflake beer.

"You just said No. 88 Yongsheng Road was all over the place, what's going on?" Wang Yu asked with a smile while using a bottle opener to open a bottle of beer.

On hearing this, Chen Cheng's expression suddenly became serious, and a hint of sadness appeared in his eyes. This gave Wang Yu an immediate bad premonition, a feeling coming from his assassin's sharp instincts.

However, despite the bad premonition, Wang Yu still maintained a smile on his lips. His many years as an assassin had given him immense willpower and control, never showing his truest emotions on his face.

Chen Cheng took a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag, looking down as he said, "Wang Yu, our home has been gone for seven years. Uncle Quan is dead, and Xiao Xue has disappeared as well."


As his premonition became reality, the smile vanished from Wang Yu's face, and he stood up abruptly. Chen Cheng's words were like a thunderclap by his ear, exploding into his mind and leaving it utterly blank, his thoughts completely halted at that moment.

"How could this happen?" Wang Yu murmured softly, collapsing back into his seat weakly, picked up the newly opened beer, and gulped it down, then looked at Chen Cheng and asked, "What exactly happened?"

Chen Cheng did not answer immediately but took several heavy puffs of his cigarette before slowly speaking, "Wang Yu, do you remember the incident that happened eight years ago?"

Wang Yu raised an eyebrow, nodded, and said, "Of course. It's vivid in my memory."

Eight years ago, Chen Cheng was still attending a primary school. Unable to stand a rich kid's arrogance, he had slashed at the rich kid's clothes with a pencil sharpener blade. The rich kid gathered several other rich kids and cornered Chen Cheng at the school gate.

Wang Yu happened to pass by just as Chen Cheng was being beaten; he immediately stepped in to help but was too weak to fend them off, and even he ended up battered and bruised by those wealthy brats.

In desperation, Wang Yu rushed to a roadside fruit stall, grabbed a fruit knife, and stabbed it directly into the abdomen of the leading rich kid.

After being stabbed, the rich kid lay on the ground, bleeding profusely. Fearing arrest by the police and not daring to return to the orphanage, Wang Yu ran to the docks and hid in a sand-carrying ship, which eventually took him to Kowloon City.

After finishing his cigarette, Chen Cheng sighed deeply, his eyes reddening as he said, "The person you stabbed didn't actually die; he was later rescued at the hospital. But his parents refused to let the matter rest, not going through the police, but directly bringing people to the orphanage, demanding Uncle Quan to turn you in."

"You know well what Uncle Quan was like; not only would he not reveal your whereabouts even if he knew, but when those people started smashing the orphanage, Uncle Quan stepped forward to stop them. They turned their wrath on him and beat him to death right there."

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Wang Yu's eyes, and after gritting his teeth, he asked coldly, "Didn't you call the police?"

"Not long after Uncle Quan passed away, the city government sent someone to take Xiao Xue and me away from the orphanage. I was sent to another orphanage, and from then on, I lost all contact with Xiao Xue. Not much later, I heard that our home had been leveled to the ground."

At this point, Chen Cheng wiped away his tears and grabbed the beer bottle, guzzling several mouthfuls.

For all these years, he had lived in a deep sense of guilt, placing all the blame on himself. If it weren't for his own act of slashing the clothes of that rich kid with a knife, none of these events would have ever happened.

Wang Yu clenched his teeth and silently watched Chen Cheng, feeling waves of anger and immense sorrow in his heart.

Had he been abandoned on the streets by his parents that year, if not for Uncle Quan, he likely wouldn't be in this world anymore. Thus, Uncle Quan's grace to him was like a second life. Now, because of his own fault, Uncle Quan had been beaten to death, and this vendetta was something he absolutely needed to avenge. It didn't matter that he was now known as the King of Assassins globally; even as an ordinary citizen, he would have found a way to bring the murderer to justice.

"What was the name of the father of the man I stabbed?" Wang Yu asked impassively after a while. His seemingly calm tone could not hide his resolve to avenge Uncle Quan.

"Wu Yuandong," Chen Cheng blurted out instinctively. Realizing something, he quickly looked at Wang Yu and said, "Wang Yu, why are you asking this? You mustn't act rashly. Uncle Quan's death must be avenged, but not now—we're not yet a match for them."

Wang Yu gave a faint smile and said, "Relax, I know what I'm doing; I was just asking, that's all."

After a pause, Wang Yu stood up and said to Chen Cheng, "I'm a bit tired and want to find a hotel to rest. Let's meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. at the intersection of Huaihai Road and Taishan Road and pay tribute to Uncle Quan together." With that, Wang Yu picked up his luggage and headed out the door.

"Wang Yu, why don't you stay at my place?"

"No, thanks; I've grown accustomed to sleeping alone."

Upon leaving the small restaurant, Wang Yu looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting in the west, and Shen City was about to enter another night.

"Wu Yuandong, eh? Wait for me!"

A cold smile formed on Wang Yu's lips as he strode toward a nearby hotel.


"Help me look up a person named Wu Yuandong. I need all the detailed information on him—every aspect, you understand?"

In Room No. 8018 at Tianhao Hotel, Wang Yu was sitting on the edge of the bed making a phone call.

"Don't worry, my dear; I can't speak for others, but anything you ask me to do, I'll handle it perfectly. My dear, give me half an hour. I guarantee I'll dig up his ancestry back eighteen generations. How will you thank me then?"

Over the phone, a seductive voice right down to the bone floated into Wang Yu's ears.

"At the very least I can offer myself in exchange. That's all for now; I'll wait for your call."

Without waiting for a response, Wang Yu hung up the phone, chuckling and shaking his head.

The person Wang Yu had just spoken to was another member of the Night Organization, Code Name: Enchantress, a genuine beauty. Apart from her fighting skills, she also excelled at gathering intelligence.

However, what Enchantress was best known for wasn't these skills, but her seductive influence.

No matter who the person was or how hard-hearted they might be, just standing in front of her and listening to her speak a few words could affect them. But if anyone considered her a flirtatious woman, death was the only outcome awaiting them.

After finishing the call with Enchantress, Wang Yu lay down on the bed, and the memories of his life in the orphanage slowly surfaced in his mind like scenes from a movie. Before he knew it, his eyes had moistened.

It's said that it takes a deep wound to make a man's tears fall. Wang Yu had never expected that his farewell with Uncle Quan eight years ago would become a forever.

"Beep beep beep."

A ringtone from his phone interrupted Wang Yu's reminiscing.

Wang Yu rolled over, sat up, and answered the phone, pressing it to his ear.

"Wu Yuandong, chairman of Lion Group, 45 years old, 1.75 meters tall, weighing 75 kilograms. He has a son named Wu Yulong. His address is No. 28, Jinshan Lake Villa Area, Shen City. He divorced his wife five years ago, apparently over an extramarital affair."

"He always has five or six bodyguards with him when he goes out, but there are two you should pay special attention to: one named Zhou Xiong and the other Tong Yang. Both are retired from special forces and are skilled in grappling and quick shooting."

Over the phone, Enchantress relayed the detailed information about Wu Yuandong to Wang Yu, but he only memorized two things: Wu Yuandong's home address and the situation of the bodyguards around him.

"How's that for detailed? Don't forget, you promised to offer yourself. I've taken a note of that. Goodbye!"

Enchantress spoke at length, and after teasing Wang Yu a bit, she sent a kiss over the waves before hanging up.

"No. 28, Jinshan Lake Villa Area?"

Wang Yu let out a cold laugh, changed into a set of black casual clothes, and left the hotel to take a taxi to Jinshan Lake Villa Area.