
Section 2: The Beautiful Liu Jiayi

Translator: 549690339

Just as Scarface's hand was about to touch the girl's arm, Wang Yu suddenly reached out, seized his wrist, and yanked it back forcefully.

Scarface was caught off guard. Under the force, his body lunged forward, and Wang Yu lifted his leg and delivered a skyward kick to his chin. He then quickly stood up; Scarface staggered back a few steps, and by the time he stopped, Wang Yu had already locked his neck firmly in his grip.

Furthermore, Scarface discovered a very serious issue: his weapon had, at this moment, ended up in the hands of this migrant worker, with the muzzle pressed against his own forehead.

It was not until then that the girl realized she had misunderstood Wang Yu. She stared at Wang Yu with her beautiful, surprised eyes wide open, filled with concern as well as astonishment.

Although Wang Yu had the situation with Scarface under control, she did not believe that he could turn the tide and truly lead everyone out of this predicament. After all, there was more than one hijacker on the plane.

The situation had suddenly turned around. The passengers all craned their necks to look in their direction, and some of the younger passengers even clenched their fists, wishing to step forward to aid Wang Yu. But seeing that Scarface's accomplices were still unaffected, they ultimately dared not make a move.

"I didn't expect you to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. If you know what's good for you, let me go now," Scarface said, "or it's going to be an ugly death for you."

Although he was under Wang Yu's control, Scarface showed no intention of pleading for mercy. He hoped to intimidate Wang Yu into releasing him by relying on his accomplices. By now, his five accomplices in the cabin had noticed the commotion and were all rushing over with their weapons drawn.

"Release our boss immediately, or we'll kill you on the spot," one of them snarled at Wang Yu.

Facing the muzzles of five guns, Wang Yu showed no fear. He taunted them, "You're so scary! You know, I have this bad habit. Whenever someone points a weapon at me, I get a tad nervous. My fingers tend to twitch uncontrollably. What do you think will happen if this finger on the trigger twitches right now?"

Upon hearing these words, Scarface's complexion turned pale.

"Brother, let's talk this through. Please don't be impulsive!"

Scarface, who had just been so carefree, immediately adopted a more conciliatory tone with Wang Yu. Then he turned and yelled at his subordinates, "Damn it, put your weapons down! Do you want me dead?"

However, his five accomplices did not immediately lower their weapons. Instead, hesitation flickered in their eyes, and they began to communicate with each other through looks.

Seeing their reaction, Wang Yu raised an eyebrow.

If he guessed correctly, these men might be willing to sacrifice Scarface to save their own skins, because they knew that surrendering their weapons would only lead to arrest and imprisonment.

As expected, after exchanging glances, a cold smile appeared on the lips of Scarface's five accomplices. They were clearly harboring murderous intentions, but Wang Yu would not give them the slightest opportunity.

Eight years ago, Wang Yu was just a child living in an orphanage, a skinny boy who was bullied by everyone. But the Wang Yu of eight years later was not so simple.

He was an object of admiration among assassins worldwide, known as Phantom, a Gold Killer and pivotal figure in "Dark Night," one of the top three assassin organizations in the world. Taking down these few hijackers was as easy as flipping his hand.

Before they had time to act, Wang Yu struck with both hands, a palm strike aimed at Scarface's neck with his left hand, and the weapon in his right hand smashed hard against the forehead of one of the skinny men. He then spun 180 degrees on the spot and executed a powerful Dragon Tail Swing kick to Scarface's waist.

With his neck struck by Wang Yu and his consciousness already muddled, Scarface now felt the full force of Wang Yu's Dragon Tail Swing hit him. His body flew like an arrow released from a bow towards two of his accomplices, and after knocking them down, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The skinny man had already collapsed to the ground, knocked out by the blow from the weapon in Wang Yu's hand.

In an instant, six men were down with only two still standing somewhat intact.

However, those two were now stupefied, holding their weapons and staring at Wang Yu as if they'd forgotten their current plight.

They couldn't comprehend how this migrant worker could be so formidable. Under the threat of five weapons pointed at him, he still dared to initiate an attack.

Wang Yu didn't care what they were thinking. After kicking Scarface away, he leapt into the air and performed a Double Swallow move, striking both men on their faces and sending them tumbling to the ground. Before they could stand up, he delivered a kick to each of their heads.

After two muffled groans, both men plunged into unconsciousness, and two others, who had just managed to push Scarface off themselves, were only starting to get up when they felt a darkness overtake them and fainted as well.

The entire cabin was as silent as death; all the passengers were staring at Wang Yu, mouths agape.

Without using any weapons or firing a single shot, with only his bare hands, one man took down six armed hijackers in less than fifteen seconds. The spectacle left them all in awe.

This was undoubtedly akin to a martial arts blockbuster movie, except this time, it wasn't a scene watched in a movie theater, but one that unfolded right beside them.

The girl gazed dully at Wang Yu, never having imagined the young man sitting next to her could be such a skilled fighter.

Still, when she remembered Wang Yu's earlier sneaky glances at her, she couldn't help but curse under her breath. Even if he was a skilled fighter, he was still a shameless one.


Suddenly, someone shouted out in admiration, and then a round of applause followed.

Wang Yu was startled and quickly waved his hands at the passengers to quiet them down.

There were a total of eight hijackers, with two more in the cockpit. He had subdued these six without causing a stir precisely to avoid alarming those two, risking his life to subdue the hijackers with his fists and feet. It was ridiculous that someone would shout out at such a time; what were they thinking?

While the passengers did not understand his gesture, they nevertheless quieted down in response to it. After all, he had now become a hero in their eyes. When a hero speaks, people listen.

Wang Yu raised his eyebrows, then pointed toward the cockpit, and everyone suddenly realized. Not all the hijackers had been subdued—two were still in the cockpit.

Understanding this, the passengers who had just cheered and clapped couldn't help turning pale. Fortunately, it seemed that the two hijackers in the cockpit hadn't noticed the commotion outside.

"I need your help, please tie them up with ropes and secure their weapons. I have to deal with the remaining two."

Wang Yu whispered to everyone, and then he headed towards the cockpit.

After hearing Wang Yu's request, the passengers immediately sprang into action. Some took off their belts, others their shoelaces, and clumsily bound the six hijackers lying on the floor. During the process, some passengers took the opportunity to kick the unconscious hijackers a few times.

They dared not provoke them while they were awake, but now that they were out cold, why not kick them?

Before long, Wang Yu appeared again in everyone's line of sight, this time holding one person in each hand—the same two hijackers who had rushed into the cockpit earlier.

Following Wang Yu were several flight attendants and crew members, still shaken. They had been controlled by the hijackers who stormed into the cockpit. If not for Wang Yu, they would still be trapped inside.

After the flight attendants and crew entered the cabin, they began to comfort the passengers. Meanwhile, Wang Yu walked straight to where the previous six hijackers lay and tossed the two he was carrying onto the pile.

Without waiting for instructions, some passengers stepped forward and tied up the two new additions to the unconscious group.

As he looked at the pile of hijackers, Wang Yu clapped his hands, bent down to pick up the black bag Scarface had used to carry valuables, rummaged through it to find the girl's bracelet and jade pendant, and then headed back to his seat.

"Here, take these! However, I couldn't fetch your money; that stuff isn't marked."

Back at his seat, Wang Yu handed the jade pendant and bracelet to the girl.

"I don't care about the money, as long as I have this jade pendant," the girl said as she took the items. "It's my mother's keepsake and means a lot to me." She put the bracelet aside, hung the jade pendant around her neck, looked at Wang Yu, and extended a delicate hand, saying, "Nice to meet you! My name is Liu Jiayi. Thank you for helping me just now."

So her name was Liu Jiayi. Nice! Pretty name, pretty girl, and even prettier figure!

While thinking that, Wang Yu shook hands with Liu Jiayi briefly before letting go, saying, "You're welcome. I like helping people, especially beautiful women, because I feel that helping beautiful women could lead to some unexpected gains."

After speaking, a mischievous smile played on Wang Yu's lips, and his gaze turned roguish again.

"Gains? What kind of gains?"

Even though she was aware of Wang Yu's leering, Liu Jiayi still presented a friendly demeanor. After all, Wang Yu had just saved her from being violated.

Having said that, Liu Jiayi still pulled her clothes up a bit higher, her cheeks flushed like a ripe apple, which only made her more attractive.

Wang Yu chuckled and winked at Liu Jiayi, saying, "Like a perfect encounter, for instance." He added, "By a perfect encounter, I mean '169.'

"169? What's that mean? I don't understand!"

Liu Jiayi was increasingly confused, sensing that the man in front of her was speaking nonsense.

However, Wang Yu didn't reply, just kept that sly smile on his face as he watched her, thinking: Hmm, '169'—if something like that happened between us, it would be fantastic.

Though Wang Yu didn't answer, the sly smile still gave Liu Jiayi an inkling. She could almost be sure that this '169' was nothing good.

"By the way, I still don't know your name. With such skills, what do you do for a living in Y Kingdom?"

After a while, Liu Jiayi looked at Wang Yu with a hint of curiosity.

Wang Yu chuckled, leaning in towards Liu Jiayi as he spoke, "Why ask so many questions? Could it be you've fallen for me and want to know more about me?"

"Pfft!" Liu Jiayi spat lightly, leaning back to increase the distance between them. Blushing, she retorted, "Fallen for you? Shameless! I was just asking, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Heh heh heh. Watching Liu Jiayi's embarrassed expression, Wang Yu couldn't help but let out a cheeky laugh, saying, "I'm Wang Yu. As for the rest, you wouldn't want to know." After that, he turned his attention to the window.

By that time, the crew had controlled Scarface and his gang, and were returning the stolen possessions to the passengers. The pilot, carrying a bundle of banknotes, approached Wang Yu with a smile brimming with enthusiasm.

"Hello, sir. Please allow me to thank you on behalf of the passengers and crew. I was wondering if you could speak to the police about the incident after we land, to help them convict the criminals. Also, this cash likely belongs to this young lady next to you."

As the pilot spoke, he handed over the cash to Wang Yu, who caught it and tossed it next to Liu Jiayi, then stood and put an arm around the pilot's shoulder, whispering into his ear.

The pilot nodded repeatedly, looking at Wang Yu with admiration, and after thanking him profusely, turned and left.

Wang Yu had told him that he was an international police officer on a secret mission to Pengcheng in Yan Kingdom and couldn't reveal his identity. He also requested the pilot to keep this a secret and offered the credit for subduing the hijackers to the crew members.

The reason for this was that Wang Yu didn't want any contact with the police. His identity was complex, so complex that even he found it a headache, and a visit to the police station might bring unnecessary trouble.