
Up Rise

Harry was the leader of Up Rise, captured by the government. Aurelia Black was the daughter of a high-end political figure who bought him. When the leader was captured, he was sold to her father to be broken. Harry would never stop fighting for his freedom, even at the cost of his life. Aurelia never knew freedom, until he came along. Together, if they could learn to trust; they would be unstoppable.

angelatheordained · Nhóm âm nhạc
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

Deafening cheers sounded off in the underground. They were echoing thunderously, seeping up through old concrete foundations, alerting to those within earshot of their victory. It had been a successful raid, with plenty of spoils to sustain them for weeks; if they rationed properly.

"Up Rise, Up Rise, Up Rise!" The chants were continuous, loud, boisterous and joyful. An uncommon emotion was filling the large space, striking hope in almost every heart present. Harry entered, his black leather jacket unbuttoned, revealing the bright white tee underneath. The ensemble was completed with headgear he had stolen from a now dead cryptogram.

Zayn walked dutifully on his left, with Aaron always directly beside the leader on his right. He appeared slightly more comfortable with celebrating death than the second in command.

"Soak um' till they bleed!" Aaron shouted, electing more deafening roars. Harry smirked, removing his helmet, holding his fist up. "Long Live Up Rise!"

"To Us!" Came his gang's immediate response. Harry proceeded to waving his hand for them to go about their business. "The morning is dawn, we rest now. Tonight, we will light fire underneath London that has yet to be seen!"

Zayn stood reserved at his leader's side. He remained unvocal to the joyfulness. His thoughts going much deeper.

He picked his hand up from his side, placing it on Harry's shoulder, making sure to lean in.

"Hazza? Can we talk?" Zayn murmured, making sure to keep his voice low. He really didn't need Aaron overreacting. It was nothing superficial, he just needed to find out why they would go out on another attack so soon after gathering provisions. It didn't seem wise.

Aaron's cold silver-blues landed in Zayn's honeydew browns. A moment of gravity was shared between them, easily broken by their leader's profoundness.

"Sure. Meeting in fi –"

"Hey! Styles, you got a second?" A new presence within the gaggle group yelled, having filed in unseen. He leant casually against a nearby wall, arms crossed expectantly.

Harry knew that infernal being. His jaw clicked shut in agitation.

"Payne." He hissed, whipping around to see him. He wasn't much older than Harry, although, he was more annoying.

"Better make it ten," Aaron snorted, patting his friend's shoulder. "We'll be in your room, mate." He told Harry. His brow quipped curiously at their co-leader.

Zayn nodded once, stepping in tow with his adversary. The two were polar opposites. One never thought things out and Zayn, just followed the flow; even if he disagreed.

When the two were well out of sight, each man set a defiant gaze forward, displaying their dominant disposition.

"I'd like a moment of your time," Payne started cordially; gesturing toward a worn round table. Harry stayed exactly where he was, electing a small groan. "Fine. However, we are having our discussion here."

Harry remained silent, giving Liam a chance to speak. He already knew what this was about. It never changed.

"I have a new offer – "He tried, watching Harry begin to shake his head. That made Liam's face screw up sourly. "No, we agreed that you would listen to my approach, then veto it."

Harry was quite amused with this man. No matter the day, the leader could count on Liam to show up, get rejected and try again the following week. He admired the dedication; no matter the inconvenience.

"Li? I told you; you can join Up Rise, but you will never become leader. If for any reason that something happens to me, Zayn is next to take charge. If something happens to him, Aaron will take over until he appoints another for the position. You're not fit to lead," Harry sighs tiredly, having explained this all before. "We've been over this." He practically pleaded, praying the other man would let it go.

Liam stood, deadpanned. He wasn't letting this push off without a fight. A confrontation the leader was more than willing to return.

Harry sat down on the uncomfortable chair next to where Liam had gestured earlier; figuring it would take a moment. The other man wasted no time following.

"Just hear me out. You give me some of your members, I take them off your hands and pay you. I'm interested in restoring my pack. They need someone to keep them safe and I'm older than you." The shorter bloke reasoned.

Harry's bright green colored eyes deepened into a beautiful, dangerous elm leaf. Vibrant pools that slowly lit aflame inside his colored irises.

Glancing at him, no one would dare call Harry incompetent. His face was ageless; smooth with very little blemish. Creamy and refined with high feminine cheekbones. A sharp curved jawline enhanced noticeability to his thin, pale lips.

He blinked his long eyelashes, knitting his left brow inquisitively.

"I've been fighting this war for years. My father died to protect Up Rise; that happened about the same time Tomlinson's group faded out. So far, not one person in my group has been captured or killed since," Harry asserted, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly. "Frankly? I don't like your insinuation."

Liam held his hands up in surrender.

"Whoa there, lad. I meant no offense. Take it down a notch. I'm simply saying, you're young. You're careless. I mean – taking your group on another attack? Doesn't seem smart when you already have provisions." He gestured, lowering his hands on the table.

Harry pointed to the stairs he had entered in earlier.

"What I do with my crew, is my business. Goodbye, Liam. This conversation is done," He nodded. "Be safe." Harry smiled tightly, still trying to hold pleasantries. The young leader didn't like confrontation with fellow revolutionaries.

Liam scowled.

"I'm not leaving." He stood, catching a few wide-eyed stares.

It was Liam's way of telling Harry he had nowhere to go. The leader understood, automatically changing tactics.

"Alright. Well, Breakfast is at 7:30AM sharp. I'm afraid supper was earlier. If you stay, you'll need to fend for yourself. Steal anything, I'll spoon feed you your eyes." Harry warned darkly, following Liam's earlier example and standing. "If you will excuse me, my mates have something urgent that they need to discuss. Goodnight." Harry bid respectfully, walking to the left wall, following it down a short hallway to a storage closet turned bedroom.

Both men were sitting casually on Harry's bare mattress. Their conversation halting mid-sentence.

"Sorry about that," Harry apologized, closing his door. "What's up?"

Zayn moved over, allowing Harry to sit Indian style, completing their circle.

"We were at mag –" Zayn began, only for Aaron to cut him off.

"We found something that might answer some questions we had regarding the slimming of resistance groups. We know they were taken by cryptos; effectively being terminated, bu –" Zayn spoke over him.

"They were sold, not killed like we initially thought. A bill was passed a few days ago. Up until then, it was just speculation. Now…" He trailed off, eyeing their leader hesitantly.

Harry seemed confused. Plain English was probably best. He glanced at Aaron when he pulled a small stack of paper out of his back pocket, handing it to Harry wordlessly.

"This might help." Aaron frowned, giving Zayn a scornful glance. They agreed to cut to the chase, but it certainly didn't seem they had all their facts straight.

Harry took it from his best mate, effectively reading over each word. His face slowly morphed into disbelief.

"Bullshit!" He exclaimed, his voice echoing around, making the other two men cringe. "Article 51, paragraph 4: All patriots involved, shall forfeit their rights if convicted of treason against the authority of the United Kingdom. Allowing termination, trade or sale to higher jurisdiction. All persons shall become…" His angry dark jades becoming despondently pale. A hint of fear conveying clearly.

"It was done as an experiment for years; disguised as a radical movement to get public support. Now that the bill has passed, this law will give our government the right to deem anyone that disagrees with them a threat. If we're caught, the government can do anything they want to us. Execute, sell, trade…torture," Aaron frowned. "Mate? We need to be careful."

Harry's intense stare reflected the white sheet, grazing over every word carefully.

"Yeah," He agreed distracted, gazing vehemently at Aaron. "Real careful." He stood up, heading to talk with Liam. Maybe the bloke knew more than he was letting on.

"Call off the raid, Harry. Given this new informa –" Zayn started, but Harry swung around, his smooth muscled arms sliding effortlessly across his masculine chest.

"Plans haven't changed. In fact? Forget setting London on fire. We're going to burn it to the fucking ground!" His bass-toned voice vibrated, causing Aaron to flinch.

Zayn was immune. Instead, trying a calmer approach.

"Harry –"

The leader turned briskly, walking out his door; slamming it shut with the papers he was given fisted tightly.

Well," Aaron began, leaning back and kicking his feet up onto the mattress. "I'd say he took it rather appropriately, considering."

Zayn took Harry's pillow next to him with no hesitation, beginning to smack the other man without mercy.