

Read the updating version here!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/tales-of-a-peculiar-pirate_18571957206338505 Since the day she slid out of the womb, Polly has always dreamed of being a pirate, though she's really only interested in exploring new lands and learning about new cultures (pillaging isn't her cup of tea). As she travels from island to island and meets all sorts of people and creatures, Polly finds herself realizing that there are more things that can't be explained than can. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Good day, good sir," she chirped in as cheerful a voice as she could manage while still being salty over the ship fiasco. "Good day? The sun may be shining and the clouds may be gone, but today is anything but a good day," replied the pirate with a long look. "Who rained on your parade?" went Polly. "I shouldn't bother such a pleasant person as you with my tale," sighed the pirate. He cast a forlorn gaze towards the sea and it really would have been quite an aesthetic moment for a picture taker. "Oh, well then, um, sea you later?" replied Polly who began turning away. "Alas, it was just this morning when I was a younger man and had not a clue what evils would befall me," started the pirate. Coincidentally there was a bench which Polly sat herself down on and a stage which the pirate leaped onto.

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The Rescue of The Birbalinda (1)

The wind could only move them at so fast a pace, and it didn't help there was a giant tear in one of the sails. At this rate, the two would never catch up to The Birbalinda. Polly released a mournful sigh, exhausted from screaming at the top of her lungs. The pirate plopped himself down on a crate, looking even more dejected than before.

"This ship is so garbage, I could walk on water and be faster," muttered Polly. Mechanically, she re-tied her ponytail, for the repetitive motion was the only thing that could offer her solace. The pirate had little hair on the top of his head, so he settled with stroking his beard.

"You know, walking on water isn't a bad idea," replied the pirate. He rearranged his hat. "I didn't mention it earlier, but I used ta be known as Captain Pepe Trixx, often called The Frog of the Seas. Now walking on water might be a tad tricky, but hopping ain't hard. I've done it many a time, and I guess if you plan to do some sea travelin' you best learn how to too."

"How will we not sink?" frowned Polly. From that remark, any self-respecting pirate could tell Polly had much to learn.

"Have you not heard of the cohesive forces between liquid molecules?" inquired Captain Trixx with a raised brow.

"I don't think the surface tension of water will be enough to keep us from going straight down to the deeps. Aren't we a tad heavy for that?"

Captain Trixx shrugged. "Lassie, the one thing living in the seas has taught me is that if you have enough leg muscles anything is possible." With a grunt, he flexed, and the cuffs of his pants split apart. Thus he was able to roll them up with ease displaying his toned calves and shredded thighs.

By now The Birbalinda was barely within sight. Captain Trixx knew they had wasted enough time loitering about, and wasted no more in jumping off the boat. Polly watched him with bated breath, ready to hear an audible splash any moment. After all, the pirate was no small man. However, the anticipated plop never came. Instead Captain Trixx landed gracefully on the water, and threw in a toe-spin to boot. Polly still had her doubts, but her desire to whip the Lampposts in the face with her ponytail helped her overcome her fear, and so she took the plunge.

As she was free falling the 9 feet from the deck to the sea, she knew she had made a grave mistake. It was mere seconds before she found herself floundering in freezing water.

"Help," she gasped looking desperately at Captain Trixx. He looked at The Birbalinda forlornly before releasing a sigh. He frog hopped his way back to Polly and pulled her from the sea's icy mitts.

"It's been so long since I learned how to seawalk that I forgot it needed more than just buff legs." Captain Trixx then had to watch his beautiful Birbalinda drift away as he instructed Polly in the basics of seawalking, which involved a dash of squatting, a spoonful of balancing, and a whale ton of leg strength. Polly had never been more grateful her parents threatened her with shrooms if she dared skip leg day. In no time at all, Polly was wobbling on the water's surface like a pro.

Captain Trixx was hardly satisfied with his work, but if he didn't hurry, catching up to The Birbalinda would be impossible. They really should have just taken the cheap sloop. At least it moved.

"Let's chop, lass. Not a moment to waste; just follow my lead and we'll make good time."

Polly grunted, making a sound not unlike one that would come from a constipated pig, and hobbled her way after Captain Trixx. As they moved towards The Birbalinda, inch by inch, they noticed the stolen ship making a sharp U-turn back to them.

"Man, if those lassies weren't such nasty cretins, I'd applaud those steering skills, 'cause lemme tell you that you don't learn that kinda maneuvering in a day, no siree," whistled the captain. To complement his sentence, he let out a strong wolf howl. Coincidentally, they had been dallying for so long it had turned from noon to night, and the moon was in full. Anyhow, the boat rolled towards them until they were practically side by side. In fact, they were so close that Polly could see the black roots of the redhead's dye job and the over lining of the blonde's lips. Polly didn't even bother to try hiding her cringe.

"Greetings Captain and Lass," called Brunette with a royal wave of her hand. "Might you be yearning for this infant?" she smirked, slapping it on the hull.

Captain Trixx let out an audible gasp. "Hold my hat, Polly," he snarled, tossing his black cap to her.

Just as Polly caught it, Captain Trixx crouched down, and with the power of his mighty legs and a running start, he jumped a jump so fantastic it would've put Javier Sotomayor (the dude who set the record for high jumps in case y'all didn't know) and Mike Powell (dude who set the record for long jumps y'all) to shame. With the grace and majesty of an eagle in flight, a tiger mid spring, and a penguin about to make an epic slide of a block of ice, Captain Trixx soared to his Birbalinda.

It would have been a beautiful thing to see the professional pirate's sure to be fabulous landing, but unfortunately, it never happened. As the seafarer nose-dived into descent, Man Lampost readied himself and brushed a rather long ponytail Polly hadn't noticed before. The captain was mere feet away from The Birbalinda when Man Lamppost cracked his glossy black tresses like a whip, effectively striking Captain Trixx on his left and sending him blasting to the right. Polly gasped. Such power was unprecedented to her.

"Have you cruel beings only returned to make a mockery out of us?" cried Polly, aghast.

The Lamppost Duo cackled coldly while their companions tittered delicately.

"Yes," Woman Lamppost replied with her mouth as straight as a side of a rectangle after she had let loose a few witchy giggles.

"You looked hilarious, darling, so we just couldn't miss out on spinning around to have a good chuckle. Besides, I'm sure you and the dude would appreciate a look at this bloomin' good ship, yes? This girlie's is quite the upgrade compared to those lumps we popped out for the auction, wouldn't you say?" continued Man Lamppost with a smirk on his face.

Polly was beginning to feel a mite of the rage Captain Trixx might have felt when seeing the bowl cut sporting fiend dare lay a hand on his precious ship. As Man Lamppost continued taunting her, her anger only grew. An unknown force seemed to guide her as she placed the hat on her head. The moment it touched her head, she felt the power of a pirate rush into her very being.

Have an idea for my story? Comment it and let me know :D Thanks for reading!!

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