
Unnecessary Capes

A young boy named Brakus, loses his father at a young age and struggles to come to terms with it, while simultaneously trying to keep the way he died a secret. Brakus realized that heroics are Unnecessary and he will only save those he loves, "Capes aren't necessary they are only for show." This is Unnecessary Capes.

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26 Chs

Who are you...Really? (Prologue)

Not all heroes wear capes, in reality they're completely unnecessary. "What kind of hero do you want to be?" is a sentence I am tired of hearing, everybody wants to test your convictions and ask useless questions which raises further questioning; but I just want to save the ones I love ,The world can burn for all I care as long as my loved ones make it. Costumes make me sick because they give away a hero or villain's true intentions and that's why I won't wear those unnecessary capes; I guess you could say the type of hero I want to be is a completely necessary one who is willing to do whatever it takes for his family. My name is Brakus Bronze and this is my story: the story of a necessary hero in a world of Unnecessary Capes.

Welcome to my first Superhero story! I am Tim the author of this series. Enjoy this short prologue chapter.

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