
Unleashing Chakra and Ki: The Fusion of Dragon Ball and Naruto Worlds

"Hey Lord Zeno, Is there anything Interesting I can do or Anywhere I can go to?" Goku Asked, This novel is a story of Goku, who was teleported to the world of Naruto from Lord Zeno's whim. Will Goku come back to the Dragon Ball world? How will he impact the Naruto World as we know it today? Find out and satisfy your curiosity from this fun light-hearted Novel!

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8 Chs

Lord Zeno(2)

Goku looked at Lord Zeno, with an awkward smile to his face,

"Hey Lord Zeno, Is there anything Interesting I can do or Anywhere I can go to?" Goku asked,

The two Zenos look confused at first, not understanding what Goku meant.

However, the Grand Minister instantly moved beside the two Lord Zenos, whispering the two Kings of Everything... Goku could not hear it what was being said.

The two Zenos started to smile, "Oh I see!" looking at Goku with a smile,

Meanwhile, the other Zeno started opening up a manga that we are all too familiar to see and showed it towards Goku.

"Look! Look!" He said... he opened a book named "Naruto"

"Naruto? What is that Lord Zeno?" Goku asked in confusion.

Lord Zeno just smiled and both of them began raising their arms up before a bright array of light started appearing above Goku's body.

"Uh Lord Zeno, What is this?" Goku said, looking around his body that is slowly disappearing.


Goku started waking up. He blinked his eyes and rubbed his head, trying to shake off the confusion. "Wait, where am I?" he muttered to himself. He gazed around, finding himself surrounded by a thick forest. The sun shone through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. "This doesn't look like King Kai's place," Goku mumbled, scratching his head.

Feeling a tingling sensation, Goku's eyes widened as he sensed an energy he was all too familiar with—Ki! It was coming from a specific direction. "Alright! Time to check it out!" he exclaimed, his excitement returning as he shot up into the sky, leaving a trail of dust behind.

As Goku soared through the air, the treetops blurred beneath him, and in no time, he reached his destination. His eyes widened at the sight below him. "Whoa, what's this place?" he marveled. The city of Konoha sprawled out before him, a vibrant hub of activity and architecture, unlike anything he had seen.

With a grin, Goku descended gracefully into the city, his landing sending ripples through the ground. He scratched his head again, marveling at the intricate buildings and bustling streets. "This place is amazing! Wonder if they've got any strong fighters around," he thought, a gleam in his eyes.

Meanwhile, at the ninja headquarters in Konoha, a group of sensory ninjas huddled around a set of screens, their expressions turning serious as they monitored a massive spike in energy. "Hey, look at this!" one of them exclaimed, pointing at the readings. "That's a large amount of Chakra! We better let the Hokage know!"

Nods of agreement passed among the group as they quickly relayed the information to the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade. Bursting into her office, they informed her of the situation. "Tsunade-sama, we've detected an enormous power surge of Chakra in the city! It's unlike anything we've seen before. We need to act fast!"

Tsunade's eyes widened as she took in the gravity of the situation. "I better go see for myself," she declared, her determination evident in her voice. Grabbing her Hokage hat, she followed the sensory ninjas, her curiosity piqued.

Back in the city, Goku was still exploring, his wide-eyed wonder palpable. "This place is so cool! I hope I can find someone to spar with," he said to himself, his stomach rumbling. Just then, he caught a glimpse of a group of ninjas approaching him. He grinned, sensing their energy.

As the group reached Goku, Tsunade stepped forward, her authoritative presence evident. "Hold it right there!" she commanded. Goku blinked at her but offered a friendly smile. "Hey there! I'm Goku. Nice to meet you!"

Tsunade exchanged glances with her ninjas, their confusion mirrored in her expression. "Goku? This is certainly unusual," she mused, eyeing Goku's orange gi. "Well, Goku, you've certainly caught our attention. Mind telling us what you're doing here?"

Goku scratched his head and laughed sheepishly. "Well, I kinda ended up here by accident. I sensed some strong Ki and decided to check it out. And I gotta say, your city is amazing!"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, her scepticism melting into curiosity. "Strong Ki, huh? Well, you've certainly made an entrance. Tell you what, Goku, if you're looking for a challenge, how about a friendly spar with some of our ninjas?"

With an enthusiastic nod, Goku agreed to Tsunade's suggestion of a spar. The bustling city streets quickly faded into the background as they switched settings to a spacious training field, purposefully designed for intense combat practice. The lush green grass underfoot and the clear blue sky above created a picturesque backdrop for what was about to unfold.

As Goku and Tsunade arrived at the training field, a group of curious shinobi followed, exchanging puzzled glances. "Why are we entertaining this stranger? Shouldn't we be interrogating him?" one of them whispered to another.

Tsunade overheard the murmurs and turned to address the group. "Listen up, everyone. I know this might seem unconventional, but I believe it's better to assess his strength through a friendly spar before jumping to conclusions. I felt an incredible power from Goku, and I don't want to antagonize him. Let's approach this cautiously and learn more about him."

Among the group of shinobi was Might Guy, a renowned and eccentric ninja known for his boundless enthusiasm and love for intense battles. He had a reputation for pushing his limits and seeking out formidable opponents. This time, he had accompanied Tsunade's team to investigate Goku.

Tsunade motioned for Guy to step forward. "Might Guy, you're up for this spar. Get ready to show Goku what you've got."

Guy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaped forward, striking a dynamic pose. "You got it, Tsunade-sama! I, Might Guy, am ready to challenge this mysterious newcomer!"

Goku's eyes lit up in response. "Awesome! I can tell you're no ordinary fighter. Let's do this!"

With their shared enthusiasm, Goku and Guy assumed battle stances, their energy crackling in the air. A sense of anticipation filled the training field, and the surrounding shinobi watched with bated breath.