
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Niriyir's expressionless eyes and constant mild smile


This girl is really courageous.

If the world lost all of its means for happiness, I would only plan on passing them on to God.

Meanwhile, Niriyir, as a person who doesn't know God, can break anytime because she has nothing to rely on. But she keeps on living and finding ways to survive. She has nothing to expect, nor does she have a certain future that awaits her. That is what a Godless world looks like.

For them, it is indeed an UNCERTAIN world!

Even though, this girl still holds firm to life.

For a Godless person, she really has extraordinary tenacity in wanting to survive.

For a person who has no future, she is really tenacious. She should just surrender her life.

What really is it that keeps her living? A Godless person has no happiness other than spoiling their lust by doing evil that suits them. They carry extraordinary sadistic feelings inside them and delight themselves by freely troubling others.

It is true! A world without God is a rotten world!

Then what does she seek in living in such social conditions?

It's not like she is a troublemaker that she will take advantage of this generation and enjoy her life as she does whatever suits her..

She is a very good person who could easily break if introduced to a warring, messed-up society.

For her, isn't it wise to just let herself rest and die?

After all, she has no God who promises her a better future.

So why is she still trying hard?

A good girl in the midst of a bad world without security

What makes her cling to life this much?

As far as I know, an unlawful person will choose to die rather than live a hopeless, exhausting life.

But she is different.

She is very interesting.

She cherishes her life just because she is alive!

She doesn't need happiness; she just loves herself and will not let it die no matter what!

Living in complete sadness is much better than just being dead, huh?

Oh, what a blessed mind she had!

a very suitable disposition for being a receiver of God's precious gift!

"That was a very heartbreaking experience you two have faced. Fortunately, you are well-trained hunters. If it were only for a regular person, that situation could put them to their knees and make them lose their will to live."

Girvacks uttered

He continue

"As you've already probably known, the Frisha kingdom promotes the importance of life. No matter how dire a situation is, a person should not lose his will to live. A death that is not FOUGHT HARD is considered a SHAME in our kingdom."

Whoah, I almost forgot this guy is also a fellow Frisha Kingdom citizen.

As expected, our kingdom really lives up to its title. The Peaceful Kingdom!

Of course, every sane person will crave such a government. A government that is irreprehensible.

A blameless nation!

It's just that something about what he said is bothering me.

Fortunately, well-trained hunters?

I know he is just commending and fortifying Niriyir and Ayrimir, but somehow it seems contradictory to what I am saying.

Young ones shall not be trained.

But I think I should just let them go for now. I can't just force my ideals on them. If I really want to, I should do it in the shadows. That way, no one will disagree.

But this is kind of surprising and, at the same time, saddening. Considering Girvacks bought a child-designed battlesuit, does this mean that it is just normal in the outside world for children to train and learn combat? I mean, yeah, sure, it could be their own will; it could be the child's own will, but aren't they missing a very important part or period of their life?

It's not like I am forcing my belief; it's just,

It is really saddening.

"So what happened After you went out of the safe zone?""

An excited voice was heard.

Oh! It was Vara!

She has short red hair, about 1 foot long, because its end is only at the level of her shoulders. Her hair is straight all the way to the end, but the end is rolled. The same to her front. She has cute yet sharp eyes. You can easily tell that she is kind but somewhat ruthless at times.

She forwarded her body to the table as if she were pushing herself into the conversation. It seems she doesn't want the story to get delayed.

Sei could only look with a smile as her brows met upward, probably thinking that we should not induce them to tell us their painful memories.

Well, I wonder how the story even got here. As far as I can tell, I only ask about the causes of this kingdom's government defeat. But who would've thought that it would end up unfolding painful memories instead? I am really very unfortunate. Why did this always happen?


Niriyir then replied to Vara.

"Uh, yeah…"

It seems Niriyir has no intention of stopping the story after all. She was just so interested in what I was saying, so she stopped and listened to me instead. Just how great does she think of us, really?

But, even though she is genuinely happy, I can still feel sadness. No... I can still feel that she is working hard.

She is very happy to meet us, but she still doesn't let go of the seriousness in her eyes. Her eyes are so active that they barely react to any distractions. Her eyes are holding on to something.

Huh?! - an idea pops up in my mind.-

I see,

That something that her eyes are protecting is herself!

What she experienced in the past might have devastated her emotions, which is why she is refraining from excessive interaction. The beast's sudden attacks are just too cruel, and worrying about them could only destroy a person's mind. Needless to say, she even saw the deaths of her loved ones, and at the same time, she didn't even see the deaths of her own family.

Perhaps the load of her sadness has already filled her mind.

She is hiding her true self from the cruelty of the world. She refuses to see anything, she refuses to understand anything, and she refuses to feel anything. She only does what is necessary. If she's happy, she smiles; if she's upset, she frowns; if someone talks to her, she gives the appropriate response. If she wants to say something, she does. But overall, she has no interest in anything at all. She set herself up just like a robot. I can feel that if I do a joke on her, she will smile blissfully. She might even laugh. But, Just like a programmed system, she lacks personality. She hides her true self to avoid criticising the world, which will only lead her to despair. She didn't question anything and goes on living with the mindset that this world is still beautiful. She ignores everything and only does what is necessary.

thus resulting in this.

-I look at Niriyir.-

A literal expression-dead eyes and a constant smile.

I can tell that the very moment she lets go of her courage and toughness, she will cry very hard.

Seriously, just how long did she endure this feeling? Just how long did she suppress her raging emotions? Just how regrettable is it for her to not mourn over her family?

I can tell,

She can't get herself to cry over her family because she feels no peace to do so. Her mourning could only be interrupted by approaching beasts. She wants to cry really hard but is not able to do so because interruptions are everywhere. Her mourning period can't be satisfied as long as she's not satisfied. That's why she chooses to wait for peace and lock her true self inside herself, to keep her sadness waiting for the right time to mourn. She wants to start her mourning and finish it with a peaceful farewell.

You don't have to worry, Niriyir; we are already here. You can start your mourning period as soon as tonight. So that you can return to yourself as soon as tomorrow. You don't have to hide yourself and protect it with your current one. You can enjoy this world without feeling any danger. You can let your guard down and enjoy yourself like a child. Just like a child who has no knowledge of troubles, you can just enjoy your life. Just like a child who doesn't care about anything because their parents provide everything for them, you can feel careless about the world. You can feel safe around the world.


Enjoy your life just like a child, the life that you lose working hard as you feel uncertain about the world. Enjoy your life and feel the bliss of living your childhood days!

Because I will be the one to protect you from now on.

Is what I think to myself.

Yeah, it is a very frustrating event.

Niriyir then continues.

"Outside the barrier…

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