
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Fantasy
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26 Chs

LIVING in utter terror is much better than being DEAD!

"Those personnel are the town's protection servants.

Luckily, those people roam the town to look for and save every remaining soul; that's why I and Ayrimir have been able to survive.

Since landing, the guy who saved me has never shown himself again in the safe zone.

I have been wanting to ask him for some power stones, but he never came back.

I also don't see Ayrimir in the safe zone, which can only mean that, considering he ran alone to the residential areas, what I fear the most might've happened.

I'd also lost interest in confirming my parents safety; I think to myself that I have been so long away to ever hope I will ever see them again.

I just roam around in the safe zone, looking for usable equipment that could help me kill these monsters. I had no other purpose in mind at that time.

My hunter knife is sheathed in its case, which is wrapped around my thigh. I am also looking for power stones for it.

Now that I have no idea what happened to Ayrimir, I have just accepted the fact that he could be dead already. I'm kind of guilty about that.

The army that responded to the citizens aid did not even take long. They were all struck down insignificantly.

At that time, it was 4 p.m.

Naturally, people who are inside or outside of the safe zone will worry about their safety if nighttime arrives.

There is no telling if the safe zone will be able to hold out; there is no army left after all.

Well, at the very least, those who died have reduced the number of those giant beasts, which will destroy our fortified safe zone if left unchecked.

I somehow praise the way those soldiers choose their top priorities.

They ensure the safety of the place by taking out the big ones first.

I thought of it as I was looking at dog-sized beasts lurking around the barrier. I can also pick up the sight of those buildings that are fortified only by powerstones. It is not covered by the safe zone barrier.

Wolves are trying to break into those buildings, but the fortification light is blocking them.

As expected from the kingdom's army. Their power stones are on a completely different level.

With that in mind, I then go out to the town, leaving the safe zone behind. I can tell without looking that the people around me are looking at me astounded.

What is this idiot trying to prove? Is probably what is on their mind.

Well, not that there is a sane person who will leave a safe spot only to go out and feed herself to dumb creatures.

I understand if they think of me that way. But if I do intend to feed myself,

But there is no way that I will think things that absurd, let alone do them.

I will never feed myself, and I never intended to.

Will I go out and go berserk? killing every monster on sight, then feeding myself after?

It is something I will not do.

I cannot just cast my life away. Whatever the reason is, may it be because of being left alone, may it be because of extreme loneliness and despair, may it be because of being tired of this world... I cannot just get myself to its end. This world could be troublesome to its fullest with no happiness to be found, but living is more beautiful and blissful than just being dead.

Having a life is still precious, no matter how dire a situation you are in.

It's just,

I will not just stand by until the time comes when the safe zone is not safe anymore. I am not going to wait for help without doing anything, but at the same time, I will not risk my life while looking for a way to survive.

It's not that I am not sane anymore that I go out of my safe zone. I only intend to look for the fallen army's power stones as a step towards my survival.

If things do not go right, I will find another medium for my survival. It's clear. Death has never been an option and will never be. "


I am very impressed by her perfect mental attitude; the way she values her life is just so perfect. I shall help her have a good view of life.

Thus, I immediately reassured her by saying...

"Don't worry! This world is not for trouble; this is for humans! There could be trouble everywhere, but the world itself has nothing to do with it."

It's true that this uncertain world only offers a doubtful future.

That's why I want her to understand that the world is not changing. Trouble may suddenly appear out of nowhere, but the beauty of the world's nature will never change.

Even if a loved one dies, it will not affect anyone at all.

A person may think her world will break because of extreme grief, but the truth is she is the only one who suffers.

No matter what trouble comes, the world is firmly attached to its own role. A hopeless occurrence will not cause the amazing world to falter in the slightest.

I then told her

"Your hard work to save your life from despair and your endurance as you wait for refreshment will fruit a very relieving life.

The troubles we are experiencing will be no more, for they only exist with us and not with the world. Therefore, if we improve our way of living, then there will be no trouble. Which will give us full authority to enjoy this beautiful world!

Remember, Niriyir, the delightful world will not change. The world has no trouble and is not messed up. The trouble is only there because we humans experience it. If we are not alive, we will not experience trouble at all.

Your feeling is a blessed one because you can give yourself good judgement.

I thought you people risked your lives while fighting out there, but I guess I am completely wrong. "

I close my palms together and bow my head as I say...

"My sincere apology for being thoughtless! Please forgive me, Niriyir!"

-Remember that I asked Niriyir for her sincere apology over the intuition that she was risking her life, but it turns out I was completely wrong (chuckles); she was just there to collect high-density power stones after all. -

When I raised my head, a blissful scene stunned me.

A change of scenery has dazzled me, and it is a really pretty one at that.

Niriyir's smile... Niriyir's smile is dazzling!

Her constant smile is now lively.

Her dead eyes are now teary. Tears of joy! It's tears of joy!

I wonder what could've happened, but anyway,

I really love it!

Aaaah... That's it! Enjoy your life to the fullest until your eyes release tears!

-Niriyir's reaction is really blissed out.-

Niriyir probably noticed my astounded face, so she says,

"I am just happy that a powerful man like you bowed your head to me."

"Huh? Is that only it?"

Well, not that I expect anything, though.

"No, i mean, i am just very happy that a guy of a high calibre in terms of life counselling bowed his head to me for apology. I have been wanting to meet people from Frisha kingdom and that alone is enough for me. But here we are, get honoured for being able to prepare food for you and have you eat under our roof. Having you apologise to me is just too much.

So I am very happy. "

"Oh... Y.. Yeah."

I am speechless... Well, I know that our kingdom is the role model for the world, but... To think that someone like her is this blissed just by meeting one.

Oh, how fun it will be to tell this to my family!

So there are people who also want to partake in the peace of our kingdom.

I will not mind giving my all to help them if they really want it.

Messed up, huh? This world is not messed up after all.

My sincere apology, Zhyerah. I know this world is not in chaos, and the more I know that God didn't cause it to be,

I was just so prostrated at that time that I didn't know what I'd been blabbering about. Of course, God didn't create a world that is in chaos. After all, God's creation is absolute.

I keep waiting with endurance for God to act, and I know he is doing it anonymously.

So, in the meantime, I will do my best to lessen the burden of the world so that no soul will go down, as this world is in the process of restoration.

Don't worry, the very time I get a hold of that magic or whatever it is, I will join the campaign for the world's suitable leading kingdom.

Kingdom of OASHIAS, that is!

I then turn to Niriyir to check something out.

"Just a reminder, Niriyir, what you were doing is risky, and I don't give an apology for that. What I give an apology for is because I thought you were fighting ready to die at any given time, which turns out to be wrong. You cherish your life more than I can imagine after all. My apology doesn't mean I allow anyone to head into a battle that is way more than they can handle.

You can only fight if there is no way to run.

After all, fighting can also be called running at times. "

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