

Five years have passed without any incident. She had graduated from Kyo Educational Institution (KEI) as well as University. The day for her to join the working society and repay KEI for sponsoring her education finally arrived.

But before that, she had to register herself to be able to receive her keys to her accommodation provided by the institution.

She pushed the administration building glass door opened and registered herself as a staff. Upon completion, the administrative receptionist handed out a small rectangular card containing her information and picture to Sara.

With a fake smile and forced happy tone, the receptionist bulldozed Sara with her scripted welcome information as Sara received the STAFF welcome pack and her accommodation keys. She then requested Sara to have her signatures down on the accommodation forms.

From the form, Sara noticed she was placed in Bonington Hall. She was about to ask when the receptionist bombarded her with directions to the Hall and instructed her to put her belongings in her room before heading to the third floor of the administration building to meet her colleagues.

Like a robot, she immediately switched the smile off her face and plonked herself down on her office chair. Sara took this as a sign that the receptionist had no intention to entertain her anymore. So she tried to find her way as instructed and settled into her new home.

Like how it was back during the school days, she had to abide by the 'one boy and two girls under one flat' rules. As she entered, it became apparent to her that she is the first tenant of the flat. There was no sign of anyone living there so she proceeded to pick her ideal location for her bedroom and put her luggage next to the desk.

Satisfied with her choices, she wasted no time and made her way towards her work area to introduce herself to her new colleagues.

The third floor of the administration building was aware of the new staff joining in and was expecting her company. The moment Sara stepped out of the elevator, the lady was already waiting and smiling widely as she led her into their department and welcomed Sara to her team.

"Hi and good morning everyone. I am Sara, your new staff accountant from today onwards. Please look upon me favourably and I wish to do my very best to return KEI's favour," she said and bowed down rather enthusiastically.

The burst of laughter made Sara looked up. There were only a measly amount of four people in the office, namely Jia Yu, Adam, Lisa and herself.

When Sara first heard the receptionist to head to the third floor, she imagined it to be a very big office using up the whole third floor. However, her office only used a portion of the floor and Sara felt rather foolish to think that way.

Even so, she could not understand how such a big organisation managed to have such a small amount of accountants. When she voiced it out out of curiosity, her new team were smirking.

Jia Yu explained that their superior, the passionate and workaholic Lisa, could make the impossible possible. She encouraged Sara to step up her game to keep up with them.

After a quick introduction, Sara went to her designated cubicle and turned on the computer. While Adam was busy doing actual work, Jia Yu had been assigned to guide Sara and let her familiarise with the software they were using.

Sara just nodded and began to engross herself with what she needed to learn. Fortunately, she was already exposed to the software KEI was using and now she tried to familiarise herself with her day-to-day task. Sara might not be super smart but at least she knew she was pretty confident in accounting.

Like a sponge, Sara sucked up all the knowledge she learnt and prayed she would be able to grasp and handle it within a week without being monitored.

With the mental exhaustion from the learning new things and the physical exhaustion of moving in, her grumbling stomach was desperate for some heavy meal. She looked at Jia Yu, who was oblivious of the lunch hour and then her eyes darted to Adam, who was too focused on doing his work.

Sara contemplated whom should she bother to ask where the staff cafeteria was at. However, it was actually Lisa who noticed Sara's behaviour.

"Jia Yu, lunchtime! Please kindly show Sara where to grab food," Lisa said plainly without making Sara feel embarrassed.

Jia Yu eyes widened and looked at the big clock on the wall. She smacked her forehead and apologised profusely, explaining further that they normally had their lunch in their office on their respective cubicle as it was convenient. Jia Yu hastily packed her belongings and invited Adam for lunch together.

Adam joined the girls for lunch rather belatedly and caught them by the elevator of the seventh floor. Unlike her department office on the third floor, Sara was amazed that the food court takes up the whole seventh floor, looking like a fancy restaurant serving buffet.

Sara backed away, denoting that she could not afford to eat lunch at a fancy restaurant. She opted for a convenience store instead to buy a small and fulfilling meal.

 "Why should you pay when you can have this buffet meal for free?" asked Adam.

"As long as you have your pass, it's free!" chimed Jia Yu.

* * * * *

As they were getting acquainted with each other, the only conversation starter both Adam and Jia Yu could think of over lunch would be to ask Sara how her flatmates were.

Sara let them know that she was the first tenant for her flat but whoever would be her flatmates, she hopes the three of them would get along really well.

"Oh trust me, you WILL get along really well! Otherwise, we are not staying in a place called KEI. Right, Adam?"

Okay everyone. Now that you're registered, please proceed to chapter 3 to validate and prove your admission. Yes, you're supposed to move forward. No!! Don't you hang up on me!

Nekonigiri001creators' thoughts