

Sara paid no heed to Lucas' tomfoolery. She was slowly getting used to it too.

Come to think of it, she almost forgotten how desperate he was to want someone to be beside him. If he was not showing his vulnerable side before this, those distant memory would have been long stored in the back of her mind.

His sentence gave her a quick flashback to their first-time meeting. She recalled how he had said similar things then as well. Thinking back, it was her first time to make new friends too, out of her own initiative.

'How time flies past and he still remained the same,' she thought. Suddenly Sara sat upright and looked at Lucas with poker face, before realising it was Aayiz who could read her minds. The tensed muscles in her shoulder relaxed instantly.

She let out a sigh of relief, glad that she does not have to put herself on guard with Lucas. Who would have thought the day had come that she preferred to spend her time with Lucas rather than Aayiz?