
Chapter 9

Alex returned home from Jeff and Kate's one Saturday night to find two squad cars in her driveway, and Peter's truck parked on the street in front of her house. Anxiety churned in her stomach as she parked at the curb and hesitantly climbed out of her SUV. She walked up the driveway toward Peter. When he spotted her, he quickly narrowed the gap between them with his fast, long-legged pace. Their gazes locked. Silence stretched between them. He grabbed her and pulled her to him as he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around her. "I was so worried about you," he whispered into her ear.

"What happened? Why are you all here?" she asked.

Peter released her and took a step back. "The security system signaled dispatch. I rushed over as fast as I could. I didn't know if you were home or not."

"I was at Jeff and Kate's, I'm fine."

His intense gaze held hers. "Everything's fine here. Captain Franke will brief you." He stared at her for a few more seconds, looking as though he had more to say, and then pulled her to him again. He kissed her on the forehead, released her, and walked to his truck without looking back.

The security Alex felt while in Peter's arms drained from her body with each step he took in the opposite direction. She placed the tips of her fingers to her forehead where he'd kissed her. The spot felt warm to the touch. A sense of longing tugged at her heart. Was it security she wanted from Peter? Fear and apprehension seeped into her core. Did she want more from him?

She knew by the intensity of his gaze that he didn't want to leave her. She wanted nothing more than for him to stay longer, but her throat closed as she tried to call after him. Even if she could have been able to produce a voice at that very moment, she wouldn't have known what to say. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

What have I done? How can I fix this? I need him.

Alex entered her house upon approval from Captain Franke. Nothing appeared out of place. He told her he thought the alarm system had scared off the perpetrator, and it looked as though the perp actually never entered the premises. He must have detected the fear in her eyes, and he assured her they'd run extra patrols past her house.

The police left, and again Alex never felt so alone. She grabbed hold of Lili and carted him off to bed with her. Still unable to sleep through the night, she lay awake thinking about Peter and wondering how to get things back on track with him. She knew she really blew it. She needed to apologize to him; find a way to communicate to him why she behaved the way she did. If only she could fully understand it herself, it would be all that more simple to talk to him.

Recalling his tender kiss to her forehead earlier in the evening, caused her to question her feelings again. Were her feelings for him simply those of tenderness and friendship, or something more? Or, was it purely security she so desperately needed that his arms provided?

Another Wednesday came and went without a word from Peter. She didn't care for the new routine.

Tuesday rolled around, and Alex knew that Peter would go to the Depot after his volleyball game. The hollow pit in her stomach told her she couldn't survive another Wednesday night without his company. Deciding it was time to go see him, she hopped in her SUV and drove to the Depot. Peter's truck was parked in his usual spot. She parked her SUV two stalls down, got out, and marched into the bar with purpose all the while reminding herself to keep control of her tongue no matter how screwed up her emotions got.

She stood on her tiptoes and peered over the crowd. She spotted Peter at the team's usual table with a mug of beer gripped in his hand. Kimberly stood next to him, looking like she was about ready to salivate. As usual, she was dressed in a skimpy, little spandex skirt and a tight tank top that clung to her large breasts. Alex blew out an exaggerated breath as she walked toward Peter, searching for the proper words to say.

She edged in next to Peter. "I wouldn't mind a beer."

He held her gaze for a brief moment before he smiled and poured her a mug of beer from the pitcher. The second he'd flashed those dark chocolate eyes in her direction, she knew that all was forgiven. She wanted to apologize anyway; saying the words were important to her. She needed him to understand that she was truly sorry for her actions.

Alex took a swig of her beer then set the glass on the table. Reaching up, she touched Peter's arm to get his attention. He turned toward her.

"Peter, I'm sor..."

He held up his hand. "It's okay. We're good."


He shook his head.

Why won't he let me apologize?

She edged closer to the table and joined the group. They bantered back and forth for a couple of hours, sharing some stories and laughs. She found herself having a wonderful time. It almost felt like old times, just like when Sam was on the team.

At the end of the evening, Peter walked her to her vehicle.

"Will I be seeing you tomorrow for our Wednesday dinner?" she asked.

"Yep, I'll pick up Chinese," Peter replied as he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to her cheek before he opened her car door for her.

She slid inside and cranked the engine. He shut the door and headed off in the direction of his truck.

Her tingling cheek sent a message of awareness to her heart. Her pulse ratcheted up and her stomach swirled with excitement.