

I have lost all hope in life. Why keep on fighting a lost battle against an almighty opponent who is life? When life give you apple make an apple pie but what if the apple is so rotten that it can’t be cook? ***** I’m completely useless. No matter how I try, no matter my efforts and struggle nothings change, I can’t just make thing happen!!! I’m block on the same level since years and lost everything that was dear to me. I’m all alone, why continue this endless pain. Death is the freedom I need. ***** Meet Leila and Karl, they both lost hope in life, all they wish is to stop the endless pain they have being living in. Is death they only way to get their wanted freedom? As darkness was swallowing them and they were dying themselves in despair, a glimpse of light was seen, bringing in an unexpected person in their life. Was it a gift from God or a curse of the devil?? ---- His gaze was so empty, with no hope, no attach, no emotions. He transpired no sadness, no sorrow, no pain but for some reason I knew he was screaming inside inside, he was burning, crying for help. His indifference was just a barrier to protect his broken soul. He was so different from me but somehow so alike - Leila Her eyes was burning, full of pain, rage and sadness. Through her smile I could see just how sad she really was. Those emotions made her seem alive but I knew how empty she was inside. The emotions she display was just a way to hide the hopelessness and emptyness in her. She was so different from me but somehow so alike - karl

Blissful_Smile · Thành thị
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4 Chs

They took everything

A silent tear ran down her left cheek.

"I hate you..." she whispered. Those words haunted her. She had develop a profound  hate for those words. Why did she say it to him?

"Miss Walker... "A woman sitting across her called.

Leila brow furrowed, she glare. She hate it when being called by her youth name. She was Madam Evans no matter what, whether they liked it or not.

"I hate you, are the last words I told him. It's the last thing he heard from me before he died saving me" she broke down, she tried to be strong to not cry but she just can't, it was all her fault. She sobbed, she was a mess, and tears won't stop falling no matter how she tried.

"It's all my fault" if she didn't start that stupid argument, if she had just let him leave, all these won't have happen. He won't have stopped the car and the truck won't have hit them.

"I killed him" she cried harder her face was all red. The more she wiped the tear off the more it seems to fall.

"No you're not, it's not your fault" she passed her a tissue paper but she didn't take it.

"It is!!" Leila said.

It was her fault, no one will make her think otherwise. It has been three years but she can't stop having nightmares about what happen, her brain can't stop but thinking at all the possibilities on how things won't have end like this, but the only conclusion it made was her, if it wasn't for her, he will have never stopped the car.

"It's not Leila, it's no one fault it was bound to happen. If a culprit needed to be made it did be the truck driver, who didn't even try to help but ran away, not caring to call for help. Have we heard anything about him "she tried her best to deviate her train of thought.

It did, Leila sobs reduced. She shake her head, they never found the culprit. It was like if the Earth swallowed him.

"He should be the one to be blamed and the person to pay not you" Dr Stone said.

She tried her best to stay professional and not to cry. She has been Leila psychiatrist since the incident happened. Since the accident she tried numerous suicide attempt, some light other so serious that she was between life and death.

Even after all these years, she can't help but be moved seeing her crying. She was only twenty when all these happened to her.

"Leila, why don't you try found him" she hopes it will give her some will to live. It has been long since she tried to kill herself but she knows it wasn't because she had a reason to live, it was just that she was empty. A shift in her emotions and she won't think twice.

"And what doctor? Search for revenge? I have no desire to waste my energy nor time on that, it's pointless, it won't bring him back" she has stopped crying, her face was still red and her eyes swollen.

"I didn't mean that but it may help you to move on..." Leila frown, not liking what she was hearing.

"It has been three years now and you're so young, you're only twenty three you can mourn all your life" she glance at her outfit, it was all black.

Since her husband died, Leila stopped wearing colors, she was always in black. She stopped going to work and stay home all days. She only goes out when she need to come to her medical appointment and her constant visit of Karl tomb.

"I can only be Madam Evans in this life and nothing else. Not you and no one can make it change. He's the only person I loved, that I will love so just give up on that" she get up the couch and walked away.

"We didn't finish..."

"I have, it's all for today" she opened the door.

"And tell my parents to just stop whatever they are trying to do" she said before closing the door.

Dr Stone stared at the close door, she wanted so bad to help her, help her move on but no matter what she did, no change was noticed, every passing day she was drowning further and deeper in despair. She doesn't understand what she needs to do, she tried everything but nothing. Leila has already lost all hope in life, she was just an empty shield.


Leila walked out of Dr Stone office furious, she took large steps in her black heels.

 How could she have such insensitive parents, they are already trying to set her off with another man when it has only be three years he died, why can't they just leave her in peace. She won't ever be with someone ever again!! God!! She doesn't even want to live anymore, her only desire is to join him, nothing else!

"Arrrrr" a baby cry stopped her. He was crying in his mother arms, the mother tried to calm him but he didn't seem to stop crying. A man came to the woman and took the baby in his arms, as if recognizing his father he stopped crying immediately he gets in his father embrace.

Leila hand move on her empty stomach. Looking at the couple, she couldn't help but imagine her and Carl in their position. It was supposed to be them.

Silent tears ran down her cheek. They took him away from her, even their baby, they took him. They took everything away from her.

When they announced her Carl death, she was broken and didn't want to live anymore but thinking about their baby she decided to be strong, for him. She tried her best to take care of herself even if she didn't want to, to eat sufficiently. Even though he wasn't there she still had their baby and she needs to take care of. The first months passed well without any incident but when she was supposed to be four months pregnant and didn't saw a small bulb on her stomach, no change in her body, she felt something wasn't right. She became worried and asked out, it was then that the truth was reveal to her.

She lost the baby during the accident and they didn't told her because they were worried about her reaction and they were right. She broke down and the same night she tried her first suicide attempt, who was just the first among numerous ones. The baby was the only thing she could hold on but now it has been taken away from her, she was left with nothing, why continued to live??