
I hate you

If only I knew it was the last words I told you, I won't have said that, God!! If I knew it was our last time together, I would have make everything for it not to happen – Leila

" I hate you Carl " she said, turning her head away from him. She was pissed off by him. She looked through the window, even though it was completely dark, nothing could be seen.

"Stop that Leila, you have to understand. I need to go, this job opportunity can't be missed. I need it, we need it!!" he slow down the car and placed his hand on her flat stomach with a fond smile on his face. It became a habit of his since she announced she was pregnant. She was just two months pregnant but he already treat her with altomost care.

" I understand but what I can't get is why can't come with you " how can she let her husband go to another country alone and leave her behind, she can't let it happen.

"I don't know in which conditions I will be living in there and I can't let you live that. You're not made for such a place, please understand me. Even I don't want to be separate from you love but I have to, I already reduced your lifestyle when you decided to marry me, I can't reduce it further" he pleaded.

Leila parents was against them being together, they didn't want their daughter to be with someone who just manage to life by himself, she deserved more than that. But she didn't do as they wished and continue to date him. When she found out that she was pregnant she was so happy, Carl proposed to her and they decided to get married. Her mother was furious and gave her an ultimatum, either marry him and get out of their house or she stay and forget all about him.

"Stop speaking as if I was some rich kid because I'm not"she rolled her eyes.

Her father wasn't a business tycoons, he was one of the famous neurologist in the country and her mother a university professor.

Leila was their only daughter and has been pampered by both. She always had what she wanted and lived comfortably but since they were together, since they got married and lived together, he wasn't able to provide her with such a living and that took a hold out of him. He wants to give her what she had in her parents house, why not the double of that and to achieve it, taking this job was the first and essential step.

They could have live better but he didn't one to accept the money they gave her, as her husband he was the one to provide for her and that was exactly what he was planning to do.

"Leila.." she cut him off.

"I can manage with everything when ever I'm by your side" this is how much she loves him.

She turned her back against her parents and decided to marry he, when will he understand that all that matter to her is to be by his side and nothing else, money wasn't Important, all that matter was to be by his side. She loves him so much just thinking be away from him pained her.

" What don't you understand, you can't come with me!!" He was pissed off, why can't she understand it, he didn't wish more than her to be separated but they had to. He tight his grip on the car steering wheel. It was a hard decision but he already choose.

"Fine, do whatever you want but I warn you, if you take a step out of this country without me just forget that I exist" yes she was blackmailing him and it wasn't right but what else can she do? she was left with no other option.

"Leila you can't be serious, right ?" He took a glance at her, she had her hands crossed below her chest with a frown on her face.

He smiled, he can't never get angry at her, not when she was angry and had those beautiful frown on her face, he couldn't help but smile whenever she was angry, she was just too cute to be ignored.

He stopped the car and took her hands in his,

"Look at me" he asked but she didn't.

"Look at me Leila" he command. Leila was stubborn, she didn't move.

"Since when did you became so unreasonable " he left out a soft smile. She has always be mature for her age, she never did unreasonable request.

"I blame this" he caressed her stomach, a smile greeted his face.

"I hope he won't grow to resemble his mother or else I will be in trouble" Carl couldn't see it but she was smiling.

"What if he do ? Is there something wrong with me?" She turned.

"Finally you decide to talk to me" he removed his seat belt and hugged her, pressed her against his body. Leila pressed her body further on his enjoying his warm and scent she like the most, it always brought her comfort.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with you, your perfect. I hope he will be your copy" he broke the hug.

"I love you" he kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek. In his eyes, she could see how much he loved her but she choice to be stubborn.

"I hate you" she said even though not meaning a percent of it.

"Leila!!!" Carl suddenly shouted and jumped on her and covered her with his body.

Before she could understand what happened, she felt the car lift up due to the shocked it received. The car rolled to the other side of the road and stopped when it hit a building. A truck hit their car, propelled it to the other side of the road. The car was crashed on one side, where the truck hit.

"Leila" Carl called softly. He took the greater impact cause he jumped and covered her with his body before the truck could touch the car.

"Leila" he started to worry, getting no reply from her. His vision was blurred, his body was hurting everywhere but he didn't care, what he cared was for Leila to be safe. With the only energy left in him he cried for help.

"Help!! Please help us, my wife is pregnant !!" He shouted but no one came. Tears start to run down his cheeks. His heart squeezed up in fear.

"Leila, wake up please" but she showed no reaction. If not for the raising of her chest he will have lose hope, he has no reason to live without her.

"This all my fault" his all body was hurting but he still hugged her, it's was the only way to comfort him that everything was going to be okay.

"I'm sorry love, it's all my fault. Please wake up, i won't go. I will stay here by your side please don't leave me, I can't live without you" tears ran harder. Her breath was slowing down and her skin was becoming colder and pale.

" Why isn't he helping us, why didn't he at least called for an ambulance" the truck driver ran after seeing what he did, he didn't think of calling for help.

"Someone help us " he shouted, he could feel his energy leaving him. His grip against her reduce.

"Anyone" his shout came out as a whispers. His consciousness was leaving him. He took a final look at his wife, a smile formed on his face.

"I love you" was the last words he said before driving in darkness.

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