
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

6. New forgotten place

"Let's go together do not be afraid." Merida extended her hand to me smiling. As soon as I raised my trembling hand, Gideon grabbed me by the back and pulled me to his chest. That scent, as if I had smelled it before. Maybe it was some similar perfume.

"She will come down with me." He spoke in a commanding voice.

"Can she go down with me, professor?" Merida prayed to Franklin.

"I'm sorry Merida, but you know that Tara can't cross that portal without Gideon. She is not like us."

Merida nodded and gave me a look as if to say she was sorry.

"Why can't I pass without him, because 'supposedly' I revived him, is there something that has connected us?"

"Not now Tara. We will talk when we are on the other side. Your turn."

Gideon pulled me lightly by the hand toward the tree. We were left with Franklin and Eugene.

"This is crazy! I must be in a dream. We can not go from this tree to 'damn I know where'. I am human, we humans have no power to resurrect humans or animals. And you look human, they look human. Either I am confused or… "

Gideon interrupted me by putting his finger on my lips while I was talking so fast without breathing.

"Shshsh! Take a deep breath.I want you to put your arms around my neck to hold on."

"To hug you?"

He was embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he was no longer that cold and confident Gideon. It seemed like there were emotions. He did not speak but took my arms and placed them around his neck.

"I will ask you a favour, during the time we will be there you will be my eyes down. I can not look down."

"Why ?"

"Because .. It does not matter, when you see under our feet a pulsating light, you will tell me."

"Ok, why don't you see it yourself? What if I do not see it well?"

He gritted his teeth and looked away.

"Gideon is afraid of heights, Tara! (Franklin intervenes) There will be a lot of lights below you, like you are above a city but one will pulsate. When it is fixed under your feet you must tell Gideon to get off. "

"Why can't I come with you? It's the first time, and without offending him, I can not see below , I have no idea what is going on."

"I am afraid of heights too Tara, that's why I always go down with Eugene."

"Do you both have a blood relation or what?"

"Let's go!" Gide intervened pulling me close by my waist. We jumped and I hold my hands tightly around his neck ,burying my head on his chest with my eyes closed.

"Tara the lights!" He shouted because all the time it seemed like there were strong winds around us.

I lowered my eyes and started searching as we spun around in a whirlpool but more slowly, there were plenty of light as if looking at cities from above, until one started pulsating.

"I see it, a little further to the right!" He ran to his right. "My right!"

"Be exact!"

"I am gonna show you how exact, you idiot!" I murmured through my teeth.

"Are we above the light?!"

"Another step to your left, here we are!"

" Hold on tight to me, we're going down!"

I held my arms around him tightly and closed my eyes, my head to his chest. Until we came down and our feet touched the ground but we lost our balance and fell. Gideon turning me quickly over him so I would not be hurt. That fragrance, someone must have had that perfume.

"As in the old days!" Exclaimed Merida clapping her hands enthusiastically as the others stared strangely.

I got up and hurried away from him. Merida pulled me by the arm while Aurea did not miss the opportunity to flirt with Gideon as she apparently helped him get up.