
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

5. Through the portal

"Why would he erase my memory if I 'loved' him?" It does not make sense.

"Ups , I told you more than I should. Do not tire your small and beautiful head from now on, when the time comes you will find out everything. Now straight to the point, we need you and you will come with us on a journey like in the old days."

"With us? With whom? Where?"

"With me, Gideon and some others you will meet when we leave."

"I will not come. "

"I'm sorry darling, you are going to come even without your desire."

"You can not force me."

"I can force you very easily."

"What will you do to me? Are you going to use magic?"

"Yes I can do that too, but it becomes more interesting if I threaten you with your dear family, you don't want something to happen to them even though you pretend you do not care."

"What do you need?"

"We need your skills, we will help you regain them, we will accompany you where you lost them."

"Did I lost my skills somewhere?

"Yes. Were taken from you."

"Why? Who?"

"You did something that was not allowed, you used them to revive someone."

"Could I resurrect someone? Who?"

"Me. " The familiar voice was heard from behind me. I turned my head and saw him, Gideon with the same ignoring eyes.

"This is crazy! OK, I'm supposed to have revived this guy. Why does it seem to me that he can not stand me? Isn't supposed to have gratitude to the one who saves you? Or did you no longer want to live in this ruthless world?"

His eyes had remorse, longing, rage then again ignoring me.

He turned his eyes from the window and said through his teeth:

"Because by saving me, I lost the love of my existence."

"Why? Didn't I have the strength to save that person too? So you can not stand me?"

"This conversation ends here!" There will be no more talk about this. Get ready for the trip."

He turned to Franklin and left.

"If he is supposed to be the reason why I lost 'my powers' according to you, shouldn't we find the root of the problem? Isn't it supposed that when someone saves someone's life they should at least say thank you?" I addressed to Franklin.

"You will get used to him, or his new character. Now let's get ready for the trip. Take only a few things you need with you, in 10 minutes we leave."

"In these circumstances with the blackmail of the 'hospital director', do I have another solution?"

He just laughed, I got up and walked out towards my room. Soon my ex-room. I wanted to believe the things they were telling me because I wanted to create a different reality, but I had a hard time. Anyway I set off on a journey that I knew neither the stations nor the destination.

I was scared, a lot, but I thought I was lost. What would make me live and not crawl ?What would I lose if I tried it, when I had lost it now without even trying it. I got a backpack with a few items needed, I did not really know what would be needed or for how long. But my wandering soul soon would join the body.

My knees were trembling but I came out of the room determined to do whatever it took. It wasn't just Franklin and Gideon waiting for me in the hallway. Strangely dressed persons were added. Only when I smell a mint scent and find myself embraced by someone.

"I'm very happy to see you!" The girl screamed clapping her hands after breaking away from the hug. There was an excitement on her face that Gideon cut off.

"Do not try in vain Merida, she does not remember you."

"And whose fault is it?!" The girl with thick orange hair frowned. Apparently she did not like Gideon either. Who would have liked his mood ?!

"Ladies and gentlemen, are we ready ?!" Franklin spoke with a smile that seemed to mean 'I know it all'. I was scared, I was terrified. My knees were trembling and I clasped my hands tightly together so that it would not be understood that they were trembling miserably.

We went out to cross the great gate, it seemed to me like an eternity without stepping out of that gate. It was me, Franklin, Merida, Gideon, and a few others who yet had not been introduced to me. Outside there were others waiting. They looked surprised to see Gideon and me and some started whispering.

"Gather around , I will communicate something to you before we leave." Franklin spoke and we all gathered around him.

"As you can see, two legends have joined to us; Gideon, do not ask how I persuaded him it was very difficult, and Tara who does not remember anything and none of us. When I say neither, nor Gideon. So I kindly ask you not to shock Tara with the events of the past because our destination is where Tara will remember everything."

"We can not go there, we have heard how dangerous it is!" Another girl dressed in dark purple intervened and the ends of her hair were purple as well.

"We will go and if this stop you from coming, no one is inviting you Aurea. I advise you to keep your tongue inside of your poisonous mouth, you know I'm not as sweet as I look!"

This time he looked stern and different from that smiling and joking Franklin.

" Jugine activate the gate!" He spoke again.

Jugine a petite boy with glasses and an electronic device in hand approaches near a large tree from which a door opens. Would we get into the trees? How? I had a thousands questions but I was not making them.

"You know how it works, in pairs!" Franklin spoke again and in pairs began to jump inside the tree as if there was an abyss.