Blue skies. Lush green trees. Rolling amber hills. Oceans that stretch for thousands of miles. Bustling cities and small towns. Vibrant, colourful life, community and culture. All of it kept safe by a squadron of super heroes known as the Justice League. But one variable occurred, disrupting this so call "peace"
Issac took a quick warm shower sat down on his bed, pulled out a big map of New York City with X mark and spread it out across his bed.
Target Locations:
New York City Public Library
"It's really gonna be hard looking for any free stocks knowledge online, specially with how the internet is new. Only option I got is the New York Public Library, If i calculate the distance from apartment to public library. Bus is 21 minute, subway is 23 minute, taxi is 4 minute and a 50 minute walk." Issac said as he made up a perfect plan for the month.
"From the original body memory, he already is a member in the public library. 2010 is a new era, where the internet is in its infancy, from the looks of it, stockbrokers are already thinking ahead and setup online stockbrokers." Issac said while marvelling about the Internets in its infancy and how much potential it has.
After several hours worth of extensive research and testing, only 23 Online brokers are legitimate (E*TRADE, TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, TradeKing, optionsXpress, OptionsHouse, Interactive Brokers, Fidelity, Scottrade, Firstrade, tradeMONSTER, MB Trading, Zecco, TradeStation, Lightspeed Trading, Choice Trade, SogoTrade, SpeedTrader, Just2Trade, Sharebuilder, Muriel Siebert, Cobra Trading, and WallStreet*E)
A few more minutes of identifying which stockbroker is friendly for beginner's by reading reviews, TD Ameritrade is easy for beginner's.
Issac made a quick sign up for TD Ameritrade, dressed up with white shorts, a black hoodie and pink sandals.
He left the apartment and entered the parking lot, got in his 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid, drove to Public Library, while marvelling at everything.
He entered the library smoothly, showed his member card, went to Financial Databases and Books Section.
Scrolled through the hundreds of business books until one title caught his attention.
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.
He remember in his past life how everyone would recommend this book to newbie stock investor.
It really is a coincident he came across it, he picked it up and read it.
Two hours later, Issac took a long stretch and yawned, he was really absorbed in the book.
He was even impressed with one paragraph;
Developments in Stock Market Operation
First of all, in order to analyze stock market's activities, its products must be identified. This analysis contributes to a better understanding of the role of exchanges, especially what product they supply and what demand they are seeing. To achieve this understanding, we first analyze their main sources of revenues. We then determine the costs associated with the exchange activities and any increased value they have accomplished.
Key takeaways Issac identified and comprehended was;
Investing is defined as the act of committing money or capital to an endeavour with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit.
Unlike consuming, investing earmarks money for the future, hoping that it will grow over time.
However, investing also comes with the risk of losses.
Investing in the stock market is the most common way for beginners to gain investment experience.
"It's around 6pm, can't believe I spent hours reading without feeling mentally drained, specially a stock book.Is this the benefits of a two lifetime memory? The speed I'm absorbing such new knowledge is amazing. Anyway, I'm about to starve to death if I don't eat anything." Issac said happily and some relief.
Issac started packing up and just when he's about to get up, he instantly turned around, catching a girl sneakingly staring at him, startling her.
He didn't even bother to say hello and left the library quickly.
Almost like he's shy, is what the girl thought.
Issac didn't give a damn care in the world what anyone thought. Only thing he cared about is why is he hallucinating, when the reflection of a mirror showed the girls figure completely different from what he's seeing.
His only thought right now is to go home, heck maybe even a nearby hotel, and that's what he did. He could barely concentrate on the road, seemed like lady luck was on his side today as a hotel is near the public library.
He quickly got all the formality and identification out of the way, and jumped on the hotel bed, getting in a comfortable position, while staring at the ceiling in a daze.
Darkness struck as everything turn black and emptiness. The world around him spun, and everything blurred, until he was inside a glass box and nothing else existed in this dark empty world expect this glass box.
That suffocating glass box, even though somewhere in the back of his mind he knew what was coming, his body still stiffened when the water started trickling in.
He struggled against the black hoodie tying his arms. The black hoodie he was wearing before.
His chest felt constricted, like his lungs were getting smaller and letting in less air.
The need to break free suddenly heightened, and in desperation he rammed his body against the glass; over and over, trying like anything to escape this never ending nightmare.
The ice cold water numbed his legs as it reached his knees, and he screamed in frustration as he hit the glass again, to no avail.
His breaths escalated, fogging the glass as the water continued to rise.
He kept screaming out, even though he knew no one would hear.
The water had soaked through his hoodie now, the cold stinging against his skin.
Even If he know this a dream, please god, end this nightmare.
He had to get out.
His reflection in the glass looked back at him, the despair and weird smile clear on his face.
The water was up to his neck now and he struggled to keep his head above the dangerous waterline.
Suddenly beyond the glass, Issac saw something move the dark empty void. It was his mother. he stood, staring at him, her head slightly tilted, with a laughing expression, like she didn't recognize him, and mistook Issac for a clown putting up a show.
He tried to talk to her, to scream at her to get him out, but his mouth filled with water.
He looked at his reflection with determination, and took one last breath and submerged himself as the water reached the top of the tank.
Everything went silent, even the water crashing against the glass box caused by his movement and friction.
His mother took a step forward, hesitantly, and suddenly Issac was surrounded by so many other faces…his older brother and younger sister. His grandparents, family and friends. Their blank expressions stared at Issac, like they couldn't work out who he was or what to do.
The pressure of not breathing pounded against his skull like a bass drum at a concert. It felt like his head was going to explode, and he opened his mouth, letting the water flood into his lungs at a rapid speed.
Issac felt relief, the pressure that was building inside his head was gone and he floated aimlessly, staring back at the people outside.
Issac focused on his reflection in the glass and noticed he looked as blank as the people surrounding him did with a weird smirk.
He leaned his forehead against the glass, accepting his inevitable death.
The glass cracked.
It shattered and collapsed, crashing around him in a flood of glass and water.
Issac crumbled, his knees hitting the void as his gasp echoed around the void and he violently coughed up water.
The people around him vanished as he cried out at them to help him. He leaned forward, the black hoodie restricting his movement.
His body was wracked with sobs as he realized the horrible truth. He was all alone, once again, a prisoner to his own mind.
Issac woke up with heavy grasp as he hurriedly looked around the room, confirming he's in the hotel.
He got off the bed and did some meditation for thirty minute.
"I feel much better, It seems my previous guess was right, some sort of mental illness is affecting me. From my analysis and reasoning, It's likely the original body is affecting me" Issac said as he let out deep breaths from time to time, while conducting further analysis.
I tried to potray how anxiety and mental illness would look like in a novel.
I really hope you learned something from it.
I want a real, fleshed out character, thats relatable or at-least understandable... and yes its a evil mc