
Unbreakable (Dragonball Fic)

Just a few hours ago I was roaming the world with no endpoint, just wandering for the sake of moving. I'm not sure what I was trying to do, or maybe I know exactly why I traveled without end. The endless travels were getting a bit exhausting and when I was offered to join them, I didn't understand why I shouldn't take them up. I had nothing better to do and I had been wanting to see the dragon. Years back I wanted to collect them for my own wish and admittedly, I wanted it all to be true, I wanted Kakarot to wish his parents back. I wanted that because it would mean that such things are entirely possible and that maybe, just maybe, I could have mine granted as well. Never get too hopeful, I would remind myself because when things don't go the way you want you'll be devastated. To think that an impulsive decision is what led to a life I never thought I would live

OriosGrafeas · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs


The second match of the semi-finals ends with Kakarot flat on his back outside the ring, a look of turmoil and apprehensiveness on his face as he hurriedly sits up, eyes surveying his surroundings in question. He's on the ground outside the ring, the murmur of the crowd like a buzz in his ear and the feel of the floor something close to a stone anchoring him to reality. He blinks, images still flickering behind his eyes before they are gone as hastily as they appeared, leaving him to frown in further confusion - concern. Looking up, he meets wide, disbelieving dark eyes that stare at him as if he had suddenly germinated an extra pair of every limb. Chichi stands on the edge of the ring, balancing on the front of her feet and brows creased as she looks at Kakarot's state of disarray. As enthusiastic as she had been to face him in the ring once more, Chichi was certain Kakarot would come out the victor once again. He is stronger, more skilled, and extraordinarily talented in the arts of combat. The outcome was obvious, yet she's in the ring while he's not. The announcer declares her the winner, sending the crowd into an uproar of cheers and jousts, all of which fall on deaf ears. Kakarot lost and Chichi has a feeling something is wrong. It is now that she stands over him that she realizes something had been wrong just before she had landed the blow that sent him out of the ring.

He had been distracted and Kakarot is never distracted in battle.

Chichi hops off the ring when she repossesses her senses. Kakarot blinks then again, looking down on himself and accepting the hand Chichi offers to pull him onto his feet.

"What happened?" She asks, leading him away from the ring and the noise of the crowd that threatens to drown out their words. "Is something wrong?"

Things do not sit right with him. That vision he has, while nothing but blurry figures in some parts, told of events that were yet to transpire. The appearance of a creature much like what Kami has told them about. A creature fathered by the Demon King with the sole purpose of following his orders and doing his bidding. It looked nothing like Kami and more of a combination between a bat and some other creature Kakarot can not name.

Would it be entirely impossible for him to have some sort of foresight? He would like to believe his flashes were nothing but his mind taking advantage of his worries, but another part of him knows to take this seriously if it so turns out to be an ability he possesses. It is not something that has ever occurred before, not even his dreams are as definitive as those visions had been and sadly it had been quite disorienting, taking him away from his surroundings and leaving him open to attack.

That's going to be an issue - if his visions aren't a product of his imagination and something that happens regularly.

"Did you just lose?" Krillin's voice brings him back to reality and he's staring down at the shorter friend with inattentive eyes. Krillin's own are wide in astonishment and shock, much like Chichi had been mere moments ago. "You really just lost?"

Chichi watches Krillin lose his mind with distaste, insulted by how surprised he is that she had managed to win. Yes, she didn't think she would win and it's likely she wouldn't have, were Kakarot's mind not occupied, but she does not like how Krillin seems so astonished by the mere thought. As if Chichi winning is such an impossibility.

"That didn't go how I thought it would," Yamcha says with a whistle following his words. If he had placed any money on Kakarot he would have a lighter pocket now.

"Krillin shut up" Kakarot jabs Krillin in the stomach and steps around him, ignoring the monk's splutters as he goes. "You're insulting Chichi"

Really, how can Kakarot be more aware of such things than Krillin of all people? He may not be a genius, but Krillin has proven to be surprisingly good at reading the room. Except - it seems - when he's so completely confounded that he doesn't realize what he makes things sound like.

"Huh?" for a moment Krillin is confused, until he chances a look at Chichi and is met with an unimpressed stare that tells him everything he needs to know. He smiles then, a nervous thing that he attempts to play off as innocent. "I meant no offense Chichi"

Chichi scoffs, not buying his act, and follows after Kakarot before he can attempt to redeem himself.

Krillin and Yamcha quickly trail after them - Krillin a bit more hesitantly than the other.

They file into the infirmary one by one, earning raised brows from Durian, who sits on one of the beds between a mess of mechanical parts none of them can understand. Bulma sits leaning against the wall, a pack of popcorn in hand and curious eyes directed at the four that have suddenly piled into their expedient room. Slowly, Bulma places a handful of popcorn into her mouth, blue eyes traveling to Durian in question, only to earn half a shrug in answer.

"I heard you lost," Bulma says conversationally, looking at Kakarot.

Kakarot on his part pulls up a chair to sit near the bed Bulma and Durian have taken for themselves and takes the nearest bag of chips for himself.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?"

Durian makes a face that would suggest she thinks contrarily, but other than that, she does not voice her opinion on the matter.

Something sparks - Durian pauses.

"Did you fry it?" Bulma wonders, resting on Durian's shoulder for a better look at the mechanical contraption in her hand. "I don't think it's supposed to spark like that"


Durian switches from using a screwdriver to something that cannot be explained.

"We've got a situation," Kakarot says around a mouthful of chips, leaning back in his chair until he almost tips over, only stopped by Chichi who stands behind him and rights him before he tumbles. "Thanks"

"And what is this situation?"

"This is going to sound weird but I had a vision," Kakarot says slowly, not even sure about the things he's saying. "I've never experienced something like that before, so it's a bit concerning"

Unlike Chichi and the rest, Durian doesn't seem too bothered by his words, merely curious.

"Never thought you would have such an ability," she says simply. "What did you see?"

"A son of Piccolo" he reveals. "Here at the tournament"

It truly happens sooner rather than later as Kami had said. Durian looks at Kakarot then. Said boy's eyes are staring far ahead while he absently munches on some chips. Kakarot is the last person she expected to have foresight and there is a chance it could be nothing but a misconception created by his mind. But that seems unlikely.

"I hate that you're not more curious about his supposed future sight," says Bulma, sighing. "It sounds fascinating"

"If it proves to truly be future sight, I'll show an interest" is Durian's response. "For now we wait"

If his vision is to be trusted, it is only a matter of time before the Demon King Piccolo is brought back and when that happens, Durian is sure to be alerted now she's been warned.

In the silence that follows, Chichi is struck by the sudden realization that she has to fight Durian in the finals - that is if the tournament isn't interrupted by the returning Demon King. Would she rather fight demon spawns or Durian?

It's a hard choice to make.

The device in Durian's hand sparks again, this time Durian puts it down as carefully as she would discard an active bomb.

"I may have fried it" she admits in slight defeat. "Probably shouldn't have cut the wire"

"I told you it was a bad idea," Bulma says smugly. "You should've listened"

"Yes, yes, I know" defeated, Durian starts packing things away. "It was a useless endeavor either way"

"No it wasn't, I could've done it"

"Then why did you let me do it?"

"Because I wanted to watch you do it"

Durian huffs.

"You wanted to watch me fail," Durian says with certainty, to which Bulma snorts.

"No, I wanted to watch you use your hands" Bulma admits. "You're very good with your hands"

"Bulma, you deviant"

"Oh, shut up"

Yamcha wants to laugh, but is terrified of what he may get himself into if even a chuckle slips out of him.


Kakarot's vision had not been vivid enough to paint a meticulous picture of what could happen, but from what he could recall from his flashes, the "demon spawn" - as he calls it - had appeared above the crowd of spectators. It is not much, but enough information that has everyone on high alert as Krillin and Chichi have quickly and easily slipped into said crowd to find Master Roshi to warn him of the incoming danger. Yamcha has set off on a different mission of persuading the announcer to postpone the final match until further notice, never telling him openly of the danger but saying enough that the blonde man realizes the gravity of the situation.

The Demon King Piccolo, a malicious creature unlike any other, has been set back into the world by some poor unfortunate soul who knows not of the threat they have released upon the world. When it is phrased like that, it sounds like some fearsome beast that one can never even dream of defeating. The face Roshi makes when he is spoken of, relays this doomed reality, his face grim and sorrowful as he sets his gaze on the horizon. The moment Piccolo had been released they had sensed his presence and it was unlike anything they had ever experienced. The feeling of pure malicious intent and unbridled contempt for everyone and everything settled heavily on their consciousness, a feeling that Roshi was hoping he would never feel again. For a moment it sends him back to that fateful day and the fear that had threatened to suffocate him in the face of that fiendish creature. It is gone as quickly as it had appeared, chased away by a new determination and unshaken confidence his past self had lost in the face of the strongest and most dangerous enemy he had faced.

Krillin shivers momentarily, the feeling unavoidable to the small boy. He sighs once the feeling leaves him, looking at Yamcha who frowns and folds his arms over his chest, a clear sign of discomfort. And that's all it is - discomfort. No fear, no hesitation, simply trepidation, and heedfulness when faced with such dark energy. As Durian had anticipated, he isn't strong enough to pose much of a threat to them, yet he is strong enough to wreak havoc should he go unchecked. It is simply the feeling of his energy that had their shoulders tensing.

There was no doubt in their minds that this creature was nothing but hatred and ill will embodied.

Bulma, the only non-fighter amongst them, releases a shaky sigh, regretting her improved ability to sense ki now she's so intimately been introduced to true malice. She realizes now, that she cannot ignore the feeling, cannot turn her senses away from such an ugly thing and it makes her feel queasy.

"That might give me nightmares" she mumbles to herself, drawing surprised looks from everyone except Durian and Kakarot.

"You can feel that?" Krillin wonders, surprised.

Kakarot snickers at the smugness that overtakes Durian's features at that one question.

"Yeah, it's hard to ignore," Bulma says slowly, tilting her head slightly in the direction the feeling is the strongest and almost flinching away from it. "Yeah, it's really hard to ignore"

"Since when could Bulma sense ki?" It's Yamcha's turn to be amazed.

Bulma shrugs, Kakarot holds in a laugh and Chichi doesn't seem as surprised as she had been some moments before.

"That's not very important right now, is it?"

Roshi hums seemingly in agreement as he stands just behind the rest of them. His shades hide his gleaming eyes but do nothing to hide the debauched smile that appears on his face now he's found an enjoyable view.

Bulma usually wears those short skirts that he enjoys, however, today she has paired them with some dark pantyhose that makes things that much better for the wise old man.

Ah, but his admiration barely lasts for ten seconds before he's smacked on his shining bald head by an unimpressed Durian who watches him fall on his face with as much grace as a flailing rat.

"Have some decorum, old fool"

Of all the times he could have chosen to indulge his perverted predilections it is when they are awaiting a dangerous threat. Clearly, the turtle hermit has no grasp of control over his sinful longings.

"So what's the plan?" someone asks and Durian glances off in thought.

King Piccolo is old, weak and everything else, so it's likely he'd want the Dragon Balls to fix this grave issue. If he somehow acquires technology capable of locating the Dragon Balls, that would explain why Kakarot foresaw one of his sons appearing at the tournament, as Durian has the Dragon Balls on hand just for this situation. If it's not the Dragon Balls, then his appearance at the tournament may be for some other reason - to instill fear and panic, perhaps - but Durian is leaning towards the first reason. Should Kakarot's vision truly be foresight and the very creature he envisioned appears before them today, their first priority is to lead the battle away from the tournament as there are too many innocent bystanders that would make it far too easy for the slimy creature to attempt something once it realizes how severely outclassed it and its creator are.

Once his son is destroyed, Piccolo is likely to be on high alert, meaning he'll either send more of his sons after them or come for them himself. Either way, he'll be on the wrong end of a Kamehameha wave and a step closer to the underworld.

From what Durian has been sensing, the now free Piccolo has already created three sons, each with powers that are surprisingly not that much weaker than his own. It's an interesting development that has her curious about these "demon spawns". It has been glaringly obvious to her that Kami is no earthling and never has been. It has only been confirmed by Kami himself, when he told her what little he remembers of his origin, meaning his species is truly something otherworldly. King Piccolo's ability to create sons might be a curious thing to study. With such an ability it could mean Kami's species reproduces asexually, which in itself is quite fascinating.

Since they are his creations, would they possess the same regenerative ability?

Durian relays her thoughts absently, her mind intently focused on the ki signatures that are now on the move, one headed for the tournament -likely the one Kakarot had envisioned - while the other two remain close to the Demon King, perhaps protectors of their weakened creator.

"This shouldn't take long" Kakarot announces. "He's old and weak and his sons are weaker than him and since Durian has the Dragon Balls there is no chance he'll get his hands on any sort of advantage"

The longer Durian thinks about it, the worse it seems for the supposed Demon King who had killed millions and defeated some of the best martial artists of their time. Currently, he is barely anything compared to a group of ragtag teenagers who've started dabbling in the arts of combat for mere sport - and their resident genius inventor.

Kakarot almost feels bad for him.

Durian, as quick as she is, disappears from their sight within a moment, successfully alerting them to the presence of their expected visitor. No one makes any move to help her, they simply watch as she dashes out to the ring just as a green creature sporting bat-like wings appears above the ring and the tournament spectators with an arrogant smirk on his face, only for that expression to morph into one of surprise when Durian has already charged up a powerful Kamehameha wave that's sent straight for the new arrival.

Durian barely gave the poor creature the time to bask in the terrified glances of the spectators.

Cautious of his possible regenerative abilities, Durian did not hold back her strength, opting to destroy him completely than risk the chances of him somehow surviving, regenerating, and making things bothersome by fleeing or attempting to harm bystanders.

In a blinding flash of blue powerful light, the poor creature is blown out of existence completely, leaving only Durian standing in the ring, squinting upwards suspiciously. Her expression relaxes once she's certain of his complete annihilation.

"This should be a walk in the ballpark," she says to herself, jumping from foot to foot as she stares in the direction she knows the Demon King is. Certainly, he's surprised by how quickly one of his sons had been disposed of and Durian wishes to strike fear in his heart by heading straight for him with no hesitation whatsoever.

A part of her worries about Kami and the Dragon Balls, but he has assured her that things have been taken care of and there is no need to concern herself over the Dragon Balls and potentially losing them. She'll have to trust his words and hope he has not lied to her.

If not, she's comforted by the knowledge that Kami is not from Earth, which means there must be a planet full of creatures like him who might share the same abilities.


"Oh, we're leaving" Kakarot realizes when Durian calls for her cloud and he's over the wall and dashing towards the ring in the same instance. "Chichi, let's go!"

Needing no further encouragement Chichi vaults over the wall without a glance at the others, trusting that they'll follow on their own time.

Durian is swept off on her dark nimbus, while Kakarot and Chichi disappear on their own, disappearing in a flash of yellow and orange and leaving everyone confused and wary as to what had just happened.

"We should really get our own Nimbus" Yamcha grumbles as he rushes towards the back of the building, having run off once Bulma made a beeline in that direction, walking with an odd form of assurance that has the boy raising a brow in question.

Krillin has to run after them both, silently agreeing with Yamcha's words.

Krillin stumbles through the double doors just in time to see Durian circle around to collect Bulma, the half Saiyan laughing when Bulma yells at her for almost leaving her behind.

Yamcha watches them go with envy.

"We should really get our own nimbus"

In all fairness, Durian did advise them to do exactly that.