

Eve's eyes widen and she couldnt believe what they saw.Jameson kept kissing Tiffany(Patricia) and she also didnt resist.Students started gossiping.

Girl...So now that hot boy is dating the pretty mayors daughter? This is big news! Hot people date hot people, i had high hopes for him but anyway they make a cute couple.

Eve's eyes became waterly and she ran away from the party.She went home straight to her bedroom and couldnt stop crying.

Eve...I cant believe that she is been dating Jameson behind my back! I knew that she were upto no good but she wouldnt have gone for Jameson.I loved him first and i have to make him mine.I will fight whoever comes in my way because am not the type to play with.I wont spare you Tiffany!

After the party, everyone left and Jameson stayed at Tiffanys house.Tiffany went to him with a glass of water.

Tiffany...Have some water to cool down.

Jameson...Thanks Tiff, we've had a long day.How was my performance? Was i great?

Tiffany...Ofcourse you did well.Good job dude.Did you see the look on Eve's face?

Jameson...She is really pissed off.I didnt know that she liked me for real.

Tiffany...Who wouldnt like you when you have that hot face.Now she wants to tore me apart.Am waiting for her reaction, i cant wait to see her hating me.

Jameson...Good luck.Just know that am here if you ever need me.

Tiffany...Thanks James, i know that i can count on you.

Tiffany hired Jameson to act as his boyfriend because she knew that Eve will fall his hotness.She wanted her to get jelous and torment her(Tiffany).Then after, she can get back her body from her but the only way was to make her toture her first, and to get her to do so she had to act like she is stealing away her lover.

Tiffany...Now i have you in my palms.Just please dont go easy on me so that you make it quick for me to get my Self back.

Jameson was also thinking hard at his house.

Jameson...I know that this is acting but i truly love you Tiff and i want this to be a real thing.I wish you can feel what i feel.

Jameson loved Tiffany for real but he never confessed his to her because she hired him just to make Eve jelous and angry.The next day, Tiffany went to class and Eve was already there seated.

Tiffany...Hy Eve, good morning.

Eve...Seriously? After kissing my man you shamelessly greet me?

Tiffany...What? Your man?

Eve...You heard me right.

Tiffany...If he was really your man, he wouldnt have kissed when everyone was watching.

Eve...What are you trying to say? Are you saying that you love him?

Tiffany...Am i not allowed?

Eve...Your not because i went to him first.His mine.

Tiffany...We cant discuss his ownership when his not around.Lets wait for him and then he can tell us who he loves.


Tiffany...Why? Are you scared that he will choose me?

Eve...Even if he chooses you, i wont let you have him.

Tiffany...Girl, dont start with me because i dont like it.

Eve...Its not like am doing you favors.Now you finally show your true colours? You really are a snake!

Tiffany...A snake?

Jameson went to them.

Jameson...Hy guys.How was your night Tiff?

Tiffany...It was great.

Eve...What about me, huh?

Jameson...Btw, since you are Tiff's friend, please give us your blessings in our relationship.


Jameson...Babe, didnt you tell her about us?

Tiffany...I havent.

Jameson...Me and Tiff are officially dating.

Eve...Do you really love her?

Jameson...Why? Did i make it sound like a joke?

Eve stood up and left and Tiffany winked at Jameson.Eve got very furious with Tiffany blaming her for seducing Jameson.The next day, Tiffany went to class but Eve wasnt there.

Tiffany...Am glad that you might be planning something against me.Go on coz i wont even fight back.

She went to the canteen to eat something.

Canteen woman...Someone left this for you saying its your favorite.Dont ask who it is.


She given a box and she opened.


She threw the box away because there was a snake.It ran and everyone at the canteen ran too because they were scared.

Tiffany...So it was you Eve? Nice start, not bad.

She comforted herself and went back to class.She went to her seat and the snake was on it.


She screamed again and everyone in class ran out.Jameson went and grabbed her hand and they went outside.He hugged her.

Jameson...Its okay, am here so dont be scared.

Tiffany...I didnt except her to do that.It was a big snake.

Jameson...Dont worry because i will protect you from her.

Tiffany...But i dont need you to protect me from her because you know that i want her to do this to me.

Jameson...I know but i cant stop myself from worrying about you.

Tiffany...Huh? Why is that?

Jameaon...Let me walk you home.

He drove her back home.

Tiffany...Come inside.

Jameson...No need, i dont want to greet the mayor.

Tiffany...Hahahahaha...his not home yet.Anyway, good night.

Tiffany turned to open the gate and Jameson pulled her close to him and they looked into eachothers eyes.

Tiffany...Wh....what...are you doing James?

Jameson...I dont know but its like am possessed.

He kissed her.

Tiffany...James! What is this about?

Jameson...Cant you see that am deeply and madly in love with you Tiff?


Jameson...Cant you feel my heartbeating for you? I loved you from the first time we met.At first i thought i liked you for your looks but then i seriously fell in love with you.

Tiffany...Lord! James you know that this is not me.Am Eve and the owner of this body died.

Jameson...I know but i truly love you.

Tiffany...Lets talk about talk about that next time.

Jameson...I dont mind.I feel at ease that i have told you how i feel.

Tiffany went to her room and sat on her bed thinking about Jameson's confession and his kiss.

Tiffany...What am i going to do now? I admit that he really is hot and its not good to miss such an opportunity.I will have to try to love him because damn his hot.

Tiffany spent the night thinking about Jameson so did he.They met the next day and Tiffany was shy to even talk to him.She recieved a message from Eve.

Eve..."If you dont want to see any snakes around you and worse, then lets meet now.Dont come with anyone."

Jameson...Is everything okay?

Tiffany...Eve wants to meet me alone.

Jameson...Tell me the address so that i keep watch.


Tiffany went where Eve asked to meet her but was abducted on the way before reaching there.She was taken in the forest and Eve was behind it.

Eve...Suprise! I missed you these days we didnt meet.

Tiffany...Go on and hurt me, thats all you can do better.

Eve...How dare you provoke a devil? Hang her.

She put a rope around her neck and was stood on a chair.

Eve...I just have to kick this chair and then you will be dead.I warned you not to mess with me but you were busy loving my man.Poor you.

Tiffany...You can toture me all you want but you cant kill me, please dont do it.

Eve...Hahahaha...Too late.

She kicked the chair and ran with her gang.Tiffany was hanging feeling herself dying slowly.Jameson ran and held her legs.He managed to save her though her neck was all red from the hanging and she couldnt stop breathing intensely.

Jameson...I never shouldve let you meet her alone.

Tiffany...James...you...you...you saved my life.

Jameson...I promised to be here for you because i love you Tiff.

Tiffany pulled him closer and she kissed her.They kissed non stop and after he took her to his house.He brought her medicine a balm for her neck.She spent the day with him at his house.Eve thought that she killed her but soon foundout that she didnt die.Tiffany fell for Jameson because he saved her life.