

Tiffany gained conscious and Patricia was standing next to her.

Patricia...Finally! Do you like my new look? Now am you and you are me.You never shouldve treated like that.

Tiffany...Are you a witch? How...did our bodies switch?

Patricia...Wanna hear a story? My real name and identity is not Patricia.My name is Eve and my body was also switched.I was a rich pretty girl just like you but i was very toxic.I always tormented my fellow students because of my face and my name.One day, i hit an ugly girl just because she was ugly and she was even rushed to the ICU.


Patricia...Dont act suprised because you are no different.No one blamed me for my actions and i never apologised to Patricia.She told me that i will be rewarded fairly what she got.The next day, i woke up as Patricia and she was me, Eve.She told me that its a Ugly to Beauty curse and it works only when a beautiful torments an ugly one.No one has the right to torment someone because they are ugly, i learnt my lesson and i always prayed to God to bring me someone, He brought you.Now its your turn to live as patricia and i will as you, Tiffany.


Patricia...Shout all you want you ugly Patricia....Hahahaha

Tiffany became Patricia and Patricia became Tiffany.After three days, Tiffany didnt want to go to school because she was now the ugly patricia and Patricia was her.Patricia was happy with Tiffanys life and identity.She decided to go the dirty house to talk to Tiffany and see how she is doing.She found her laying on the floor and ran to her.

Patricia...Hey...hey...you hear me? What happened to you? Are you fine?

Tiffany couldnt even speak properly and her voice was low.


Patricia...What do you mean?



Tiffany...I cant live in this world with this face....you will have to stay as ugly...as you are.I....dont care who you.....wronged...

Patricia...Hahahaha....you think that if you die i will go back to being the ugly patricia?


Patricia...Let me get out of this place before am accused of your death.But wait, am now Tiffany the Mayors daughter.Fare well Tiffany, i mean Patricia.

She left and later Tiffany died.Patricia continued to live as Tiffany though her real identity was Eve.She was loved by everyone for her beauty and being the mayors daughter.

Patricia...Iam Tiffany now, i have everything i ever wanted but it doesnt feel right.Now that i have everything, am coming for you Patricia(Eve). You dared to take my identity and now your real body is dead.I want to be myself again, i want to be the real Eve.Am coming for my body you curser.

Patricia(Tiffany) looked for Eve(Patricia) who took her body, she wanted to take it back from her and be Eve again as she was born.

She foundout about her school and where she lives.She changed her school and went to hers.

Patricia(Tiffany)...I have to get close to you, luckily am now Tiffany and you cant tell that am Eve.

She went to Eve's(Patricia) school and luckily she got to sit next to her.

Eve(Patricia)...Hy, you are so pretty.I like to be friends with cute people.

Patricia(Tiffany)...Then lets be friends.My name is Tiffany.

Eve...Who doesnt know the mayors daughter?


Within two days, they bonded and became friends.They were sitting in class talking and a hot guy entered.Everyone couldnt take their eyes off of him.


Tiffany...Who is that guy?

Eve...I have...no idea.

Tiffany...His really hot.

Both of them fell for the guy at first sight.After lessons, Tiffany asked Eve to go home together and she refused.

Tiffany...Then i will let you be, see ya.

Eve was planning to follow the new hot guy inorder to talk to him.Everyone left but the guy remained seated and Eve was still in class.She walked and went to him.

Eve...Hy, my name is Eve.You??

Guy...Oh, my name is Jameson.

Eve...Its a lovely name.Can....


Eve...Can we be friends?

Jameson...Sure, Eve.

Eve...Can we exchange contacts?


They exchanged numbers and after Eve left happily.She always texted him flirty messages as signal that she likes him.Eve hid it from Tiffany(Patricia) because she knew that also had a crush on him.Tiffany organised a house party and invited everyone including Jameson and Eve.She went on stage to give a speech.

Tiffany...Thanks guys for coming, lets all have a good time.One more thing, I want to dance with Jameson the schools hottest boy.Eve felt angry, Tiffany went to Jameson.

Tiffany...Shall we please have a dance?

Jameson...I cany say no to such cuteness.

Eve saw and heard them.She felt very angry.They satrted dancing and Tiffany wrapped her hands around Jameson's neck, Jameson slowly held her waist and they dancing with a zero distance between them.Jameson suprisingly kissed Tiffany while everyone was watching.