
UCM: Tony Stark

A wandering soul, mysteriously replacing Tony Stark at the start of Iron Man, shoulders the responsibility of becoming a hero in a new world. Instead of following the conventional path, they question why a talented individual would risk battles when there are security forces. Determined to change the game, they use advanced knowledge to create technology that will transform Earth. The goal is to render traditional heroes unnecessary by taking global protection to another level, allowing everyone to work for them.

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Chapter 6 Ultron

After a month of vacation, Tony returned to his mansion to check on the progress of things in the world. Although Extremis had not yet been approved for use, legal requests were still coming in, and in the most important countries, the infrastructure for its implementation was nearly complete.

Stark Industries remained a leader in technology and telecommunications. Tony had provided several designs for computers, cellphones, and satellites that were fifty years ahead of any Earth technology.

In the military realm, S.H.I.E.L.D. continued to demand the spatial movement technology that Tony had promised. They wanted to have the same teleportation power as the wizards.

The military had already learned about the combat suits Tony had delivered to S.H.I.E.L.D. and demanded their own, but Tony had no interest in establishing any kind of empire and refused.

The United States already held enough military advantage over other countries.

Due to his refusal, some military personnel threatened to withdraw military contracts, and Tony seized the opportunity to separate Stark Industries from manufacturing military weaponry. He instructed Pepper to abandon that branch and focus on the upcoming new technology.

After updating the management of his companies and addressing customer concerns, Tony began to work on fulfilling his promises, while Sprite worked on adapting Extremis for the Asgardians.

A month later, Fury received the spatial displacement artifacts that Tony had integrated into the combat suits. With the collaboration of a global GPS system and the help of Jarvis's sister AI, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents could be deployed anywhere on the planet. The political repercussions and the extremely powerful nature of this weapon were not Tony's concern but S.H.I.E.L.D.'s.

In the following month, Stark Industries unveiled two new technologies that would be launched on the market in a year. The first involved spatial movement technology, which through a machine would be able to open portals to any part of the world, even to other planets within the solar system.

During the presentation, the company showcased the various civilian uses of this technology, if multiple portals were placed in major cities and even in the smallest towns. The economic and transportation industry advantages were also explained, along with its environmental benefits.

After this presentation, to everyone's surprise, the presenters announced that an even more revolutionary technology for the future of humanity would be unveiled the next day, leaving journalists and guests in a state of shock.

Reactions were swift. The military deployed a battalion in front of Stark Tower in New York, and security forces were stationed at all company branches, even outside Tony's house. Half of the U.S. senators supported the military, demanding full control of this technology, while the other half offered to negotiate.

The president was under immense pressure and was besieged from all sides. However, as someone experienced in politics, he sidestepped the issue and made no official statement. Security agencies merely expressed concerns about how this could impact public safety and did not demand anything, as the military carried significant weight in such matters, and no security agency wanted to confront them.

This was only the governmental outcome. Transport companies were in a frenzy, their leaders practically demanding Tony's head. Journalists were excited about all the news, and social media and news channels around the world were buzzing with discussions about nothing else.

"You forgot to mention 'terrorists'," Tony said, raising an eyebrow toward the senators. "Is the government labeling me as a terrorist?" Tony asked.

"No! Of course not!" said an elderly senator Tony also recognized, as he was one of the shareholders of Extremis Corp – Senator Smith. He stepped forward and positioned himself next to General Ross, and they exchanged glances. The others, whether senators or military personnel, lined up behind.

"This is a matter of national security, and if you resort to threats against our country, expect to be treated as an enemy," General Ross declared sternly.

Tony simply nodded and looked around to see if anyone was going to sit. Since no one did, he crossed his legs and turned his gaze back to General Ross.

"Generals, senators, before we start these negotiations, I believe I should give a brief statement of intentions to avoid misunderstandings or incorrect reactions to my actions," Tony said, waiting to see if anyone had objections. After about ten seconds of silence, he nodded.

"Gentlemen, I have consulted my lawyers even before Stark Industries' presentations. In fact, it's you who decide if a technology I bring to market is dangerous and should be prohibited.

"Even if I put a pencil up for sale, you could classify it as a matter of national security, and I would only spend my time in courts trying to prove otherwise while you do whatever you want with the technology you've acquired. Those are the facts and the rules.

"I like rules. I like laws, and I value civilization. I've accepted this throughout my life. However, following rules and laws doesn't mean I'll allow someone to use them to threaten me, intimidate me, steal from me, humiliate me, or hinder my plans.

"If there comes a time when I deem the laws are being manipulated for the benefit of individuals, institutions, or governments, rather than for the well-being of this nation they were originally created for, believe me, a terrorist will be a baby compared to the threat I will pose to this country's government.

"While I accept rules and laws, I also despise, hate, and abhor when someone uses them to satisfy their own interests and then pretends to throw them in my face.

"So, if you don't start explaining with reasons that I can accept and understand why you're interfering with my plans to improve the lives of people on our planet, I will leave this planet and establish my own country on Mars. I will make the technology I've developed available to all Earth's inhabitants.

"Of course, I detest administrative work, so I don't manage my own companies, and unless forced, I never will. I mean, founding a country to rule it myself, because, in fact, I've already bought Mars and plan to move there in a couple of years or three," Tony explained.

The entourage blinked at first and then seemed conflicted.

"Gentlemen, please, let's take a seat," Senator Smith said with seriousness, and even General Ross obeyed.

What followed was a serious discussion about the civil use that could be given to portal technology, both for cargo and passenger transport.

To avoid security threats, the portals could only be fixed and lead to predetermined destinations. They would also be under military supervision, which would receive appropriate payment for their guarding duties and equipment used for this task. However, under no circumstances could the portals be used for military purposes, though they would be allowed for rescue operations, solely for rescues.

As for what the government gained, there was a whole solar system to explore for resources, with the exception of Mars, which was already Tony's property, and the Sun, which, to avoid complications, was also registered in his name. Although he had no intention of charging for its use, he completed some legal formalities and the Sun became the property of humanity.

Tony promised not to interfere in any operations within the solar system and not to create more companies than he already had.

"Mr. Stark, may I ask you a question about the future?" Senator Smith asked when the meeting concluded, and Tony opened the portal for the senators and generals to return to Earth. Tony, who was standing behind them, nodded. "Earlier, you mentioned that you had plans for our planet. Could we know the ultimate goal of those plans?" the senator asked. Tony nodded and pointed towards Asgard.

"This is as close to my goal as it gets. I plan to turn Earth into our own world of gods, of course, with our own laws, customs, and style. Right now, I'm just laying the groundwork," Tony explained. "I've also selected an international security agency to which I've provided economic and technological support to handle internal and external threats that might affect our species' interests, while always maintaining the fundamental principles of what I consider a proper civilization at this point," Tony said.

"Which organization is that?" General Ross growled.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., of course," Tony responded.

General Ross made a grimace. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. took Hulk away from him, he had become one of his enemies.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a reliable security agency; until recently, it was a nest of spies from other global terrorist organizations," General Ross retorted.

"I know, I've helped clean up the organization. I wouldn't endorse anything before getting involved and putting my reputation on the line for them. I think everyone will agree that if someone should look after the interests of humanity, it's best done from our own perspective," Tony said.

Most of his guests nodded, and the rest left looking pensive. Tony closed the portal after they crossed, bidding farewell to the Asgardian guards.

That same night, the President of the United States gave a speech to inform about the agreements reached and debunk the claims made by the transportation companies, who argued that all workers in the sector would lose their jobs. This was a blatant lie, as only ten percent of the sector's workers would be affected.

On the other hand, due to the exploration of the solar system and the resource exploitation that would stem from this technology, there wasn't enough workforce on the planet to meet the labor demand. Moreover, portal technology meant that a person could work on the edges of the solar system and be back home for dinner, and even lunch.

Similarly, portal technology would have a significant positive impact on the environment, as it would literally allow sending waste to the Sun, including nuclear waste and other hazardous materials. The implementation of portal technology was not a threat to humanity, but rather a revolution and the beginning of a golden era. The United States would back it one hundred percent.

Transportation companies, especially insurers, weren't satisfied with the decisions made, but the fact that a technology would cost them money and power wasn't a sufficient excuse to protest its implementation.

The following day, the discussion was far from over, and legal demands were presented everywhere, most of them directed at Stark Industries.

Amidst the commotion, people remembered that this was just one of the scheduled presentations and that the company had promised an even more innovative technology than space technology. Therefore, when the meeting for the next presentation began, practically the whole world was tuned into the global broadcast.

Stark Industries didn't disappoint, and when the presentation ended, the world transformed, and people were left in shock – a shock that made them see the world in a way they had never imagined before. The world's knowledge would be at their fingertips. Schools, universities, and any theoretical educational institution would become obsolete in the future; even practicals might become redundant for work.

A person could become a scholar in just a single day, mastering all branches of knowledge they could afford. However, now one could attain the entirety of human knowledge for a fraction no greater than ten percent of the cost of sending someone to high school.

With this, public spending on education would be reduced by ninety percent, and teachers would become part of the workforce freed up to participate in the hundreds of companies that would emerge once the workforce was available.

This was a complete reset, a true opportunity to change an entire life, and for the rich and powerful, a chance to shape the future.

The shock caused by this news was so great that it took people an entire day to react. A human being could invest half their life in studying and still not acquire even one percent of humanity's total knowledge. But now, it would take them just a few days to obtain it all.

The Initial reactions to this new technology were not demands, but rather a dispute among the world's over two hundred countries at the UN. Some demanded freedom of information, while others, like the United States, Russia, England, France, among others, clung to their knowledge tooth and nail, shutting down universities and tracking down any source of knowledge at their disposal.

Some even proposed declaring the knowledge of their nations' great scientific minds as public property, but human rights organizations fiercely opposed that proposal, especially in the case of the United States, as Tony Stark was their main scientific mind and had already warned them about the consequences if they tried to intimidate him.

After fighting like hyenas for the benefits, the world realized that this technology also had other applications, some potentially dangerous in the wrong hands and others very beneficial if applied in other areas.

One of those areas was justice, as extracting memories from a person's mind could either convict or exonerate them. Simultaneously, exposing someone's memories could lead to heinous acts. Therefore, the UN requested a year from humanity to establish basic principles for the application of this technology, based on fundamental human rights. As for territorial laws, those remained in the hands of each country and its governments.

Tony knew this would happen, and since it was a serious matter and the agreed-upon timeframe was reasonable, he accepted the decision. This technology needed its own regulations, not just efficient security like portal technology. The more liberal and critical voices were already beginning to protest publicly, arguing that human rights were being violated by not allowing free use of this technology, but that wasn't Tony Stark's concern, as he had more work to do.

One month later, four months after Loki's invasion of Earth, Odin summoned them to Asgard, as everything was ready to repair the Rainbow Bridge.

Before starting their work, which involved harnessing the power of the Space Gem, Odin received them in his throne room, at their request. Since they already had a trade agreement, Odin called them and dismissed everyone else, except his wife, to receive them.

Sprite smiled at the elder who looked expectant, sitting on his throne ten meters away, with the Spear of Eternity in his right hand and his wife by his left side. Sprite wasted no time and produced ten vials of an orange substance and ten vials of a blue substance.

"This is the Super Extremis version for Asgardians. It will grant you eternal youth and super regeneration," Sprite said, pointing to the ten orange vials floating at his right side. "And this is the cure, which negates Super Extremis, but doesn't undo its effects."

"According to our agreement, we will provide a hundred of these serums in exchange for all the knowledge of the Asgardians that they can provide us.

"We do not demand your deepest secrets, but we will also not allow ourselves to be deceived by small matters," warned Sprite, making a gesture to conjure a briefcase where he placed the vials in slots and then sent it to Odin.

Odin raised his free hand to take it and looked at his wife, who nodded, and five capsules containing five decrepit elders appeared. Tony suspected they would be on the brink of death if not for those capsules.

Frigga took five vials and approached the capsules, connecting one vial to each. The capsule absorbed it and injected the substance into one of the test subjects. The reaction was even faster than in humans, and within just half a minute, there was no longer an old man inside the capsule, but a man in his thirties, with a vigorous body.

Frigga stood paralyzed at the sight and proceeded to do the same with the other four, obtaining the same results. After this, she made the capsules disappear and returned to Odin's side, offering a smile.

"We will study this substance," declared Odin. Tony knew they could replicate Extremis, but he didn't care.

Extremis was already a mere drug to him, an external tool that didn't compare to the healing and cosmic regeneration power he gained from the Eternals. This power was not external; it belonged to him and was part of him.

In the hierarchy of power, cosmic power surpassed earthly gods, even Odin himself. This power was used by true gods, like the Celestials, who were the lowest category among them, all the way up to Infinity and Eternity, which were the universe itself. With this power, he could even resurrect the dead or create life, just as the Celestials did.

Of course, Tony didn't know how to wield this cosmic power in such a way, but he knew a method to attain multiversal power on a divine scale and was already working on it. It wasn't complicated at all; he just needed to make the decision to transcend his humanity definitively, a choice he had already made since he arrived in this world.

"We shall await our reward then," declared Sprite with satisfaction.

"It won't be necessary," said Frigga with a sweet smile. "The study is merely a formality and a security procedure. The effects of Extremis have already been tested and proven satisfactory. Therefore, your reward will also be given to you," she said, and a crystal appeared in her hand. "This is a copy of our entire library, please take it," Frigga said, and Sprite hurriedly collected the crystal. Then he touched his bracelet and disappeared from the place.

Tony made a grimace; that meant he would be working alone. He shrugged.

"Where do we start?" Tony asked.

As Tony suspected, Odin only needed the power of the Space Gem to repair the Bifrost Bridge. And from what Tony saw, that would be enough for several millennia of peace or a millennium of war. He also confirmed that these Asgardians hadn't developed anything similar to the Arc Reactor, as if they had, they wouldn't need the Space Gem to recharge their universal space-moving artifact.

Tony smiled.

"I knew you wanted something," Sprite accused with a grin. "But in this information, there isn't even a way to create a celestial-level armor. What could be so valuable?" Sprite asked, as Tony arrived at the laboratory and absorbed the relevant Asgardian knowledge for him and reviewed the rest by categories.

Tony displayed what he had obtained on the holographic screen of the lab's computer.

"The Alignment of the Nine Realms? A cosmic event that occurs every five thousand years is important?" Sprite asked.

"This event will open the path to another Infinity Gem, and I'll be there to take it," explained Tony. Sprite looked at the information again in astonishment.

"How did the Asgardians give us this information?" Sprite asked, surprised.

"They don't know," Tony said with a smile and began to walk. "Follow me, I already have everything I need to transcend and be reborn as a true god, and you'll witness it," he added.

Sprite tensed up, but followed him.

"Tony, that sounds dangerous," Sprite said.

"Of course, if I fail, I'll die, but don't worry, I've taken contingency measures. If I fail, my body will turn to dust, and the Infinity Gems will be in your hands. Could you do me the favor of protecting this world in my place?" Tony asked.

Sprite fell silent for a few seconds, stopping in her tracks. Tony turned around to see what was happening…

Sprite ran towards him and hugged him tightly, snuggling against him. Tony smiled.

"Have you fallen in love already?" Tony asked teasingly. To his surprise, Sprite gave him a punch.

"Of course, I've fallen in love! Idiot!" Sprite scolded with a tearful voice. "I also like video games!" she admitted.

"Well, that's no secret. When you get angry and treat a game like it's your life, it's obvious you're hooked," Tony said with a smile.

"Say something!" Sprite scolded without lifting her head.

She wouldn't let him deflect the conversation. Tony sighed.

"I've said it all," Tony said sincerely. "I don't love you, Sprite. I'm not in love with you either. In my life, I've never fallen in love with anyone. I enjoy your company more than anyone else's, but I knew that from the moment I brought you here.

"I knew that you and I could enjoy many things together, even that we shared the same level of selfishness, so having you by my side wouldn't affect my plans, as we could share them.

"Sprite, I can be with you as long as you want, even after love or infatuation fade. I think I will enjoy being by your side for eternity. But I know that's not love, because I don't see you as a part of me. Even now, I know you won't be any different from waking up next to someone else, wondering if you'll demand something from me, a sentimental response I can't give you.

"A trust I'll never have in you, which will ultimately separate us. Like all the others. Love demands love, but I can only give an uncomfortable answer and claim my space. If I wasn't born to love, was I also not born to be loved?" Tony asked, and he realized he couldn't move. A whole lifetime. He had expressed these feelings before, and each time, it was a farewell…

Sprite lifted her head and blinked as tears fell onto her eyes. Then she raised her hand and wiped the tears from Tony's eyes.

"I know. You tell me this every chance you get. The first few times, I thought you were just boasting; then I thought you were arrogant, but since you kept saying it, I understood it was a warning, a plea, and a question.

"No, you idiot!" Sprite scolded. "I won't leave because you don't love me or because you think you can't. Even if it turns out to be true, I'm not planning on leaving. At least for now, I don't feel like that's a real possibility. Because everything you're giving me now is what I've wanted my whole life.

"Tony, don't die!" Sprite begged and snuggled again. Tony hugged her and closed his eyes, allowing time and worries to drift away.

An indefinite time later, both entered a wing of the lab consisting of a four-meter square cubicle.

In the center, there was a white capsule with pipes and cables connected from the walls, all stylish and impeccable. Tony gestured towards the capsule, and a holographic image appeared that looked like a spatial map or countless rivers flowing in all directions. Sprite opened her eyes wide upon seeing it.

"It's an AI!" Sprite exclaimed. Tony shook his head.

"No, it's more than that. This isn't even my creation entirely. This is a combination between the foundation of J.A.R.V.I.S. and something born from the Mind Gem. This is Ultron, and it goes beyond being a simple AI. It's a supreme intelligence," explained Tony. "Now, I'm a prodigy, but thanks to Vibranium and the study of your body, I've managed to create living metal.

"This metal will be a part of me, and this supreme intelligence will integrate into it, becoming a part of my mind. In theory, we'll be one, but in practice, this supreme intelligence is empty, it doesn't have a mind of its own, and if all goes well, it will become a part of me, assimilated.

"If, on the other hand, I'm wrong, I'll be absorbed by it, and my knowledge will nurture this supreme intelligence, creating a new being. If that happens, this divine creature might not be in favor of living beings or might not have good intentions. Therefore, I've programmed J.A.R.V.I.S. to terminate the program before…" Sprite put a finger to his lips.

"You will succeed!" Sprite affirmed. Once again, she didn't ask him to stop. Tony smiled and nodded.

"Sir, everything is ready," J.A.R.V.I.S. said, and the capsule's lid opened. Tony's formal attire was absorbed into his skeleton through the pores of his body, leaving him in his underwear to enter the capsule.

One day later, Tony sat down after the capsule opened, and while J.A.R.V.I.S.' security measures determined that his cyborg part had integrated without problems and deactivated the self-destruct countdown, Tony smiled.

Sprite hugged his chest without saying anything. Tony lifted her chin and made her look at him.

"You're the most interesting creature in this universe. Do you want to be a goddess?" Tony asked. Sprite rolled her eyes. "Now I can free you from all your limitations. With Pym particle technology to enhance your power and body, a Celestial would have the fight of its life facing you," explained Tony.

"That sounds better, but how do you know the power level of a Celestial?" Sprite asked. Tony brought a finger to his temple.

"Now I possess a supreme intelligence; I've inferred it," he said indifferently.

"Your ego has also reached supreme levels," Sprite laughed, not letting go.

Tony shrugged without making a big deal out of it and stood up from the capsule, hugging Sprite with his right arm and raising his left. The door to the room opened, and Thanos's scepter, which was on a pedestal, flew towards him, shattering and revealing the Mind Gem, which he took with his bare hand, and it disappeared as it merged with his body.

"Don't you need another interface for that?" Sprite asked. Tony shook his head.

"My supreme intelligence was born from the Mind Gem. My understanding of it and the Gems that come into my possession will be absolute.

"I no longer need an interface to control them or even an equivalent power to use them. I am them, and their power directly nurtures my body, so it won't disappear even if I go to other universes," explained Tony, and Sprite blinked. "You can call me Tony Infinite," he added with a smile.

"If you keep this up, I'll just call you Ego Infinite," warned Sprite, and they both laughed.

It wasn't that Tony's ego had grown, but he knew that there was a universe of difference between him and Infinite Ultron in terms of power. Although Infinite Ultron could use the infinite gems to empower itself and become a multiversal threat, its body was still limited, as it was made only of Vibranium.

Tony's current body was composed of two elements: a metallic one, constituting his skeleton, made of living metal, an alloy of Vibranium and Uru; over a thousand tons of both metals shrunk down by Pym particles. His skeleton alone could produce tens of thousands of bodies for Infinite Ultron.

The other component was biological and based on the Eternals, allowing him to harness cosmic power. His cells had also been enhanced by shrinking them to increase their number and potency. However, this required further improvements. Upon becoming a cyborg and obtaining Ultron's supreme intelligence, Tony had noticed errors and unauthorized accesses in the Eternals' design, which he was rectifying thanks to his supreme intelligence. His own body had transformed into a walking server capable of running simulations without impacting his interaction with the world.

In summary, Infinite Ultron could obliterate entire solar systems with its power. Once Tony acquired the gems, he could destroy entire galaxies, as his body could handle much more power than Infinite Ultron. This was his effortless and damage-free normal power level.

Despite this, Tony wouldn't become the most powerful being in the universe, as there were still Eternity, Infinity, and the Living Tribunal, although they wouldn't pose problems for him. These beings wouldn't even intervene if the universe was destroyed; they would simply cease to exist. Tony also didn't know if the Multi-Eternity, Multi-Infinity, or the being known as "The One Above All," the supreme being in Marvel, existed in this universe.

Of course, Tony wasn't going to waste his life chasing power. He just wanted peace and enough power to confront psychopaths like Thanos and Kang.

While he pondered, Tony and Sprite reached the kitchen, where Sprite sat on his lap. Tony smiled.

"Charming," Tony said with a mischievous smile.

"Vacation?" Sprite asked, seizing every opportunity to be playful.

"We don't have commitments to anyone, except Kaecilius, but I've already thought about what he needs. I just need Jarvis's help to build it. As for your upgrades and mine, corrections are being made in my mind as we speak. Are you sure you don't want to be a cyborg? Having super intelligence is incredible," Tony said. "I'm also improving the mind fusion process to eliminate the risk of failures," he added.

"Sounds promising. If you succeed, I'll consider it," Sprite said, and they began discussing where they would go and what games they would play.

NA 1: Now, everything is out of control. Ultron has been assimilated, and the control over the Infinity Stones in the Cinematic Universe is absolute. In the next chapter, he will obtain the rest of the stones, as the Reality Stone is about to appear. Once acquired, due to the absolute dominance he would have over it, it will be "game over" for all the small enemies he might face.