
Tyrannical Cultivation

Xiao Chen led an unfortunate life, being an orphan at a young age and with no one to rely on he led the life of a thief for most of his life. It allowed him to survive and not die, and as he got older he made an effort to change his ways. Unfortunately not everything went to plan. His life of crime soon caught up to him and Xiao Chen was forced to flee his home and head into the Darkmist Forst, where his fate would change forever.

ChickKing · Huyền huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 Kill

Finished dealing with those 5 intruders, Xiao Chen dusted himself off and left the cell. Immediately he spotted 10s of people battling one another. Before he could process what was going on, a stone flew towards him. Tilting his head to the right slightly, the stone missed and crashed into the ceiling above.

'Seems we're at the end of the hall, so I don't need to worry about being backstabbed....' Xiao Chen thought before locking onto the man who threw the stone at him. "Y-You think size is everything!? Come fight me bitch!" He roared dashing towards Xiao Chen.

His fist hurtled towards Xiao Chen, and oddly enough the image of a tiger overlapped with his fist. This surprised Xiao Chen, but he didn't dwell on it much, meeting the fist with his own.



In an instant the man's arm broke apart, his blood curdling scream echoing through the hall. Before he could even catch his breath, Xiao Chen's other fist slammed into his head killing him instantly. Fortunately for Xiao Chen the man's body only flew a meter or two away, allowing him to easily walk up to him and devour his Blood Seed.

The hall was dead silent as this happened, the man's scream alone had brought attention to their fight, combined with Xiao Chen's hulking figure and brutal defeat of his opponent was enough to alarm all the competitors.

Gazing at the remaining competitors, Xiao Chen counted about 39 people. "Wave, I assume we'll only be able to leave the hallway once all other teams are dead, right?" Xiao Chen asked monotonously as he coldly scanned the men in front of him.

"Y-Yes." Wave replied hurriedly, it was safe to say Xiao Chen's raw power and brutality had shocked him.

"Good! I assume there's some food right? I am starving!" Xiao Chen roared before dashing forth his fists swinging out. He lacked any all skill and form, or even basic martial arts knowledge at that, but his raw power alone was enough to make the 39 murderous foes tremble.

With a single fist he killed another man, and then his other fist flew forward reaping another life. The hallway was wide enough that Xiao Chen could move freely, but not enough where they could even hope to get past and surround him.

"Fuck! We have to kill him before he kills us all!"

"Use any martial art you can!"

They cried before images of tigers, cranes, elephants and various animals emerged. Numerous punches, kicks, palms, and fingers charged forth but their lack of teamwork and coordination caused many attacks to either miss or hit their own allies. The few that did hit Xiao Chen did little to no damage despite his malnourished physique.

"Thank you for the massage." Xiao Chen chuckled before bear hugging about 5 of his enemies. Five distinct cracking sounds broke out, just as their backs did.

"Why the fuck do we have no weapons!?" One of them broke out into tears on the verge of pissing and shitting his pants. Luckily for him before he could do so Xiao Chen's fist swung forth ending his life.

Second by second, more and more of them died, and then a minute passed. Xiao Chen stood at the end of the hall covered in blood from head to toe. "Was that all of them?" He asked, turning towards Wave and the rest who were standing at the other end of the hall.

Hearing this the 4 of them nodded nervously. Xiao Chen then slowly moved towards them, devouring the Blood Seed of every corpse he'd killed on the way. As he did so more and more layers of blood red light began surrounding his seed. Even Xiao Chen's body began recovering and soon his muscles were about 80% of what they'd been before.


Upon devouring the final Blood Seed, a final 9th layer appeared around the Blood Seed completely filling his dantian. 'It seems every 5 people were a single layer.' Xiao Chen thought before turning towards his, "comrades".

"I want answers, clearly the others were in much better condition than you lot but they hadn't devoured a single person." Xiao Chen said towering above the four. This made them quite nervous, after all they saw what Xiao Chen had just done the blood staining his body had yet to even dry.

"I-I'll explain, we're a dud team." Wave replied, to which Xiao Chen raised a brow. "W-Well we were anyway. Look I didn't mean to deceive you, there just wasn't that much time before. As you could tell compared to us the others were much stronger." Wave continued causing Xiao Chen to click his tongue in annoyance.

"Get to the point."

"All right I will. There are 3 types of competitors in Massacre City, volunteers, slaves and criminals. We're volunteers, which is why we're more aware of the over all situation, the stuff I made up about being team captain was bullshit because I didn't want you asking why I knew so much and being suspicious with so little time left." Wave gave a more in depth explanation, to which Xiao Chen nodded.

"And basically that's why we're a dud team. Volunteers like us make up 1% of the total participants and are normally only here for the compensation reward. There are also a minority of the minority who volunteer with hopes of being the last man standing and entering the Sect....but few know the real truth." Wave explained, his eyes clearly displaying his hopelessness.

"Just spit it out I am not in the mood for dramatics." Xiao Chen urged, his mind processing the information as best he could.

"S-Sorry, basically the whole game is rigged, among the participants are those who are already part of the Sect, and even those Massacre Cities which are purely volunteers, slaves, and criminals don't have a good outcome, with the last man standing typically being used as a pill of sorts for an Elder." Wave explained shivering slightly.

Immediately Xiao Chen understood why Jiang Ming brought him here. It wasn't to give him a chance of survival, rather it was just to have him suffer. Even on the off chance he did win, wasn't it almost guaranteed he'd turn into a cultivation pill?

'I have to escape....but how?' Xiao Chen pondered, one thing he did know was power was everything. Which meant for now, he'd acquire as much strength as possible. 'But these 4, especially Wave, could be useful.'

"All right I've heard enough, lead the way I am hungry."