
Tyrannical Cultivation

Xiao Chen led an unfortunate life, being an orphan at a young age and with no one to rely on he led the life of a thief for most of his life. It allowed him to survive and not die, and as he got older he made an effort to change his ways. Unfortunately not everything went to plan. His life of crime soon caught up to him and Xiao Chen was forced to flee his home and head into the Darkmist Forst, where his fate would change forever.

ChickKing · Eastern
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 Massacre City

"All in a good days work." Xiao Chen muttered to himself, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Gathering the farming equipment he then made his way back to his home. "Honey I am back!" He yelled, but there was no reply.

"Honey? Where are you?" Immediately he began rushing through the house searching for his wife to no avail. The only thing he found, was an odd looking doll. "Welcome to hell." It smiled creepily before thousands of needles shot out of its face.


"Haa, haa, haa." Xiao Chen gasped for air. Trying to get a feel for the place he soon realised he was in a cell, surrounded by 4 other men. Unlike him they seemed to be alert, and scowling unhappily.

"So you're finally up Big Man?" One of the four chuckled. He had messy brown hair and an unkempt beard, overall he looked quite normal aside from his distinct eyes that shone blue. "Do you know anything or do I need to explain everything to you?" He continued.

Collecting his thoughts Xiao Chen looked around warily. It seemed that, that Jiang Ming at least kept his word, he was indeed alive, but his body was extremely malnourished at the moment. "J-Jiang Ming!" Xiao Chen roared slamming his fist into the ground.

"Eyy calm down there bud, are you trying to get us all killed? I can tell you have no idea what's going on so if you care to listen I'll give you a quick run down." The blue eyed man said trying his best to calm Xiao Chen down.

Looking towards the man, Xiao Chen merely nodded. 'I'll have my revenge, but first I need to know what's going on.' He thought, clenching his fists as tightly as he could.

"All right. So basically this is Massacre City, and we're going to have to kill each other." He explained pausing a bit to size up Xiao Chen's reaction.

"Well this is meant to be hell right?" Xiao Chen chuckled. "But then why are you helping me?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself buddy, while only 1 person will make it out alive, for now us 5 are a team. Right now we're trapped inside 1 of a 100 slaughterhouses all spread throughout the city. For this section only 1 team can make it out alive, so its best if we all work together.

Now I know you what you might ask so I'll run through your doubts quickly. Firstly my name is Wave, these Massacre Cities hold people from all throughout the continent so don't be surprised if there are names which are unfamiliar to your locality. Secondly I only know so much because I was designated as a team captain before the beginning of this Massacre City, I don't know why frankly so don't ask me.

Lastly this isn't for entertainment, rather for cultivation. Everyone gathered here, regardless of age is at the Peak of Body Tempering, but we all have a strong vitality. The Sect which runs the Massacre Cities uses the "Blood Seed" cultivation method or something. We've all been implanted with a blood seed, which will help us cultivate rapidly, but it also devours a ton of vitality and few survive the implantation process. The goal of this Massacre City, is to have us kill one another, devour each other's blood seeds and grow stronger."

"Got it, Wave was it? I am Xiao Chen." He replied perfunctorily, from what it sounded like this was a place where he couldn't trust anyone, not like he was in the habit of trusting others anyway. 'To be honest he could've been lying through his teeth, but I do feel a weird sensation below my navel, where I imagine the dantian is meant to be.....the part about the Blood Seed should be true at least.'

"Ah nice to meet you Xiao Chen, are you guys going to introduce yourselves?" Wave asked, peering back to the other three behind him. On further inspection everyone within the cell seemed rather malnourished which Xiao Chen pegged on the Blood Seed.

"I am Ron." A guy, with green hair and eyes introduced himself, he seemed relatively younger, maybe around Xiao Chen's age.

"Wolf." The seemingly oldest of the group, said, he had a large unkempt beard and his hair was completely grey.

"Liu Zhen." Last of the three, Liu Zhen seemed to be in his late 20s possibly, with pitch black hair and eyes.

"As you can see, we're quite the welcoming bunch." Wave chuckled, but almost instantly his expression soured, his ears twitching ever so slightly. "Its begun."

With that, the steel bars of their cell shot upwards, allowing them to exit the cell. They hadn't been able to go over any battle plans but that didn't matter anymore, it was kill or be killed. Wang Chen stood up, his head almost touching the ceiling. Before he could even decide on what to do sounds of battle echoed from the hall.

"Seems you guys are a weak link!" A group of 5 appeared, all rippling with muscle. While they were briefly alarmed by Xiao Chen's massive build, they soon dismissed him as they noticed his scraggly physique. The 5 then entered their cell putting Wave and co on high alert.

Once they were within the cell they dashed towards Xiao Chen, deciding that he was the strongest and their first target. Unfortunately for them, Xiao Chen had already resolved himself. With one big swing he slammed the entirety of their team into the earthen wall of the cell killing them instantly.

"Peak of Body Tempering....what a waste." Xiao Chen muttered before walking towards their corpses. "How do I take their Blood Seeds?" Xiao Chen asked looking at Wave he was still standing there in shock.

"Just hold your hand out and chant 'Devour'." Xiao Chen then held out his hand placing it just below one of their navels. "Devour." Immediately a blood red glow suffused out of the man's body before entering Xiao Chen's hand and rushing towards his dantian.

There was no visible change to Xiao Chen's body, but he definitely felt more invigorated after that and proceeded to devour the remaining Blood Seeds for himself. For a brief moment he thought about sharing them with his teammates, but they hadn't even contributed to the fight so there was little reason to.

Feeling the immense vitality enter his dantian, Xiao Chen felt as though he was regaining his strength, and then out of nowhere his vision changed.

He witnessed a large space with a blood red seed at the center, a few seconds later a soft layer of blood red light surrounded the seed giving off a faint glow. Xiao Chen was intoxicated by this scene, but a pat on his back brought him back to reality.

"How's it feel being in the Qi Gathering Realm?" Wave asked, as Xiao Chen looked at him wearily. If he didn't recognise his voice Wave would already be dead.

".....Quite good...." Xiao Chen muttered, raising a brow at the corpses before him. They'd withered away almost as if they'd existed for hundred of years, but he didn't pay it too much mind. "Its time to hunt!"