
7. Ceremonial

Something was wrong.

Dolores had been known that something was changing. She could hear it. The walls had been aching and groaning for months, if not years, now. Nothing was visible, on the contrary, on the outside everything looked perfectly fine. Better than fine actually. The house looked perfect, decorated quite fancily, and in tip-top condition. All for her little brother's big day.

Today was the first gift ceremony in ten years. The last ceremony for... well... if Abuela got her way, at least six years.

Dolores remembered the last one. She remembered the forgotten cousin. She remembered hearing Mirabel sob, she remembered... How scared Mamá was. How nervous Abuela was. How... how they just stopped talking about two members of the family.

But today was Antonio's big day, and Dolores couldn't mess it up with talking (or thinking) about two relatives he didn't even know.

Now there she was, standing next to her Tia Julieta, and smiling at her brother as he climbed the stairs to their Abuela and placed his hands on the candle. Dolores did her best to be completely composed and happy, but she felt exactly like her mother looked, completely stressed out.

The second Antonio placed his hand on the doorknob was when it happened.

A loud ringing started to build up in her ears, like it did whenever she was too overwhelmed. But this ringing was a million times worse. Typically she could hear other things around her, but all that she heard was the high-pitched sound. It grew louder, and louder, and she had to do her best not to cover her ears with her hands and start screaming. She would not bring attention to herself! She couldn't do that to her brother! She would escape as soon as they started clapping. She'd lock herself in her room until it calmed down and she could breathe.

The sound grew higher as Tonito's door fully formed, and Dolores couldn't even hear the applause and cheers that burst from the crowd. Her ears felt like they were about to burst. Her vision started to go a bit black, she was going to faint.

No. Not now! Not now! She had to just... just...

As people started to spill into her little brother's new room she let herself get swept up in the crowd, but she avoided the door itself. Instead she started to make her way to her own room, feeling her hands creeping up to her ears. She had to get to her room. She had to cover her ears with her pillow. She had to scream into her void and hope that one day she would wake up. She had to-

There was a hand on her shoulder, and she spun around, barely registering Camilo's face just a few inches from hers.

Camilo's lips were moving, but she couldn't hear a sound from his mouth.

He mouthed something, and then repeated it, but she couldn't tell what he was saying. Everything was just... high pitched. She couldn't... couldn't...

“Do-res? Dol-s?” She caught bits and pieces of his next few words, and the ringing started to die down. If she thought about it she could feel a warm liquid start to run down her neck. Was she bleeding?! Was she going to die?! Was she going deaf!?

Camilo's face was terrified. He patted her shoulder and motioned enthusiastically towards Antonio's door. He pushed her to the ground and set her by the wall, and she caught “-ll... B-ck...”

The noise suddenly grew ten times louder, and it took all of her willpower not to scream out in pain. Her hands flew to her ears and she would have been relieved to find that they weren't bleeding if it weren't for the incredible pain she was in. She started rocking herself back and forth, and almost didn't feel a new hand grabbing her shoulder.

She felt rain on her a second later, and looked up at her mother's face.

Her mom was talking, just like Camilo, who was standing behind her. Both of their faces were very nervous. Her mother looked at Camilo and seemed to say something, which made Camilo head off again.

Then Dolores was pulled into her mother's arms, and she just sat there, getting soaked by magical rain but not caring in the slightest.

Camilo returned once again with Tia Julieta. She was carrying a plate of the food that was supposed to be for Antonio's party. She moved next to Mamá and held out an empanada, motioning for Dolores to open her mouth.

When Dolores did the ringing grew even louder. She let out a whimper, but took a bite of her Tia's food anyway.

The ringing remained, but it was duller, and she actually heard her mother say, “Dolores? Dolores baby, are you okay?”

“I'm fine.” She lied, and watcher her mother and tia share a concerned glance. “No really. I'm fine. Tonight is Antonio's... Antonio's night. We should be happy!” She smiled, even though stretching her face only made the ringing in her ears worse. “We'll figure out what's wrong tomorrow. Let's go have fun!”

She stood up, only to immediately feel dizzy and start to sway. Pepa grabbed her arm and slung it over her shoulder, making Dolores lean on her. “Come on mi amor, let's get you to your room,” Pepa said, and Dolores could do nothing but comply.

Flashes of his vision kept coming back to him.

It wasn't as bad as when they were in the living room, but every now and then he'd see his wall start to glow green in front of him. He was going to go back. Back home. Back to his family! Back to his...


He wasn't going to survive this was he?

But this was important. He didn't have to go and... talk to them... Did he? He could just use... His secret hiding spots! Casita would totally still have those. He could sneak around and collect information. He could just... not have to deal with the little part about his family being there.

And then he wouldn't have to lie to Mirabel about not talking with their family. He could just...


Ugh! That would ruin everything! She would know he was there the instant he arrived! She would mess it all up.

But that was okay. That was her gift, and she was a useful member of the family. He'd want Mirabel to tell him if one of their family members showed up in their house, so if Dolores ratted him out it would be fine. It would ruin his hiding plan, but... Meh, it was a stupid one anyway.

Back to square one.

He wouldn't have to worry about it right now though. He had at least a week of thinking while he crossed the mountains. He had all the time in the world to calm down and do things at his own speed.

His mind drifted to Mirabel, and he felt his right hand start to go for the bowl of salt sitting on his mantlepiece.

No... Everything would be okay. He was the patriarch of his family (even though they were tiny) and had been so for ten years. He was basically on the same level, though not the same amount of time, as his mother, and therefore should be able to have a civil dispute with her. She may not like it, but he was in charge of his future now, not her.

And Julieta had given him permission and charge over taking Mirabel away, so she would be on his side.

The magic was just as much his as it was his mother's. She may remember the man who died to give them the miracle, but he was his son. He was completely in the right... to...

He was expecting his mother who want to fight with him the moment she saw him...

He felt tears start to build up. No. That wasn't how it was supposed to be. Parents were supposed to love their children, no matter what they did. If Mirabel had done what he had done he would still love her. He would still want to have a relationship with her. He would still be happy to see her, no matter what she did.

So why didn't his mother do the same?

He breathed in heavily, then continued packing. There wasn't much to pack. He didn't exactly own many clothes, just enough to have spare underthings when it was wash day.

He took the clothes Mirabel had made him, the white button-down shirt that matched hers, complete with butterflies and hourglasses on the hem, collar, and up and down the sleeves, and shoved it in his bag. Julieta would like to see it. She would be sad that Mirabel didn't come, but once he explained she'd understand.

Everything would be fine.

This was fine... This was fine.

At least that's what Isabela kept telling herself that night. Typically she wasn't so stressed, but that day had held a lot of anxiety-inducing events.

First off was her cousin's ceremony. It was the first one since... well... Mir- No. She couldn't even let herself remember her baby sister's name. But there was definitely her unspoken presence seeping through every interaction that was held that day.

First gift ceremony in ten years, and the magic was strong. And so were the drinks she found herself holding. She knew that she should probably drink, she was old enough after all, but she didn't feel like letting even a little bit of her senses go. She knew she got a loose tongue whenever alcohol was in her system, and she would never be able to live with herself, much less Abuela if she said what was actually going on in her mind.

She saw Mariano out of the corner of her eye, and pretended to sip at her drink while being in deep conversation with Seňorita Descanso. The young woman she was 'talking' was going on and on about how much she had been looking forward to Antonio's ceremony, and Isabela had to keep glancing back at Mariano to remind herself of the alternative to speaking with her.

It wasn't that Mariano was bad... It was just...

He was just so... so... Perfect! Like Abuela had had a perfect man mail-ordered from heaven! Like he had been specially bred just to be betrothed to Isabela! He was great! Good with kids, had good hair, liked to laugh and sing, was caring and attentive... He was just... everything Abuela wanted.

So why couldn't Isabela just like him!? Why was something in her just so against the thought of being married to him? What would be so wrong with that?

He was sweet. A hopeless romantic. She often saw him just staring at her while she was in town helping out. He talked to her every now and then, and she even sort of considered him a friend.

And then there came a day when Abuela told her that she wanted him to marry her, and suddenly that friendship felt like a complete and utter lie.

But everything was going to be okay. Marrying Mariano would be good for the Encanto. He would be good for the family. She could do it. At least he wasn't a jerk, or pushy... or... Ugh... Like Camilo. She would rather die than be married to half the men her age in town, so... she should just be glad that Abuela had chosen someone nice.

She saw Antonio and his friends come close to her and saw a way to get out of her Descanso problem. She smiled one last time at the young woman and said sweetly, “I need to congratulate my cousin. It's been wonderful talking to you.”

She flicked her wrist and placed a delicate rose in the young woman's hand. Seňorita Descanso gasped a bit, and said in awe, “Of course. Thank you very much Isabela.” Isabela shrugged a bit, turning towards Antonio, “It's nothing!”

She made a beeline to her cousin and stopped right in front of his Jaguar. Antonio looked up at her, a smile on his young face. “Isabela!” he said happily, “Do you want to ride with me?” He grinned widely at her, and she felt her heart melt a bit.

“Of course.” She said, elegantly sitting down behind her young cousin. She grabbed on tight to Antonio's shoulders and let out a small laugh as the jaguar bounded forward.

For just a moment she forgot everyone's eyes and lost herself in her joy.

Bruno barely slept that night. He knew it was smart to wait until the morning, and couldn't bear to leave without saying goodbye to Mirabel. Plus, it was always a good idea to start right after a good breakfast. He hadn't crossed the mountains in a decade, and hoped that they were just as hospitable as they had been.

There was no smell of food when he left his room that morning, meaning that Mirabel was most likely still in her room. Bruno didn't blame her, yet also couldn't seem to bring himself to explain everything to her. She had to keep the memory of her family as a happy one. He couldn't let her know the truth. But he had to say goodbye.

He knocked on her door, and waited silently for a response.

His hand tightened on the handle of his bag, and he felt the sweat start to build up. He waited for a minute before knocking again.

There was absolutely no answer. He swallowed, and said, “Mirabel? Mariposa? I'm coming in!” He turned the handle on the door and swung it open.

Mirabel wasn't in her room. It was just as clean as normal, mostly due to Casa's caretaking. He felt his heart begin to pound in his chest.

Where is Mirabel? Why isn't she in her room? His protective parent senses started to tingle, and he had to hold his breath for a minute just to not scream out her name.

He spun around, shutting her door behind him and marching into the kitchen. Sure enough she wasn't there either. He called out her name loudly, and received no reply. He glanced around the kitchen, then exited through the side door.

He called out Mirabel's name again, louder this time. Why wasn't she in the house... Had she... No. She wouldn't... No...

“Mirabel Madrigal! If this is a joke it is not a funny one! Come out here!” he shouted, and received nothing but an angry bird's cawing at him. He looked up at the roof and saw a toucan sitting there, glaring at him.

“You haven't seen a teenage girl around here?” He asked the bird. The toucan snapped an angry caw and then flew away, towards the mountains.

The mountains... She had gone to the Encanto! She was going to... She was... That girl was... 

In so much trouble.