
6. Nine years

“Buenas Dias Casa!” Mirabel called out, practically dancing into the small kitchen/dining room. She smiled at the cabinets, which flapped open and shut with joy. She grabbed the only two plates with names on them as Casa slid them down from the cabinet. She chuckled a bit at the house and placed the dinnerware gently on the table.

“So, am I going to have to cook today, or is there going to be a nice surprise for us when we're ready to eat?” Mirabel asked, lifting an eyebrow at the house, which flapped its tiles playfully, like it wasn't going to answer her.

Within a minute Mirabel heard a new house noise, and immediately spun around, just in time to see four fully cooked Arepas Con Queso sitting on a plate lying on the counter. They looked exactly like they had just popped out of the void, and Casa seemed to be proud of its accomplishment.

“Ah, it's one of those mornings... Is Papá okay?” She grinned at the house as it clacked the unspoken equivalent of 'how am I supposed to know? I'm a building,' and then slid the plate of food towards her.

Mirabel lifted it delicately, sniffing the air above it to allow the scent to fill her lungs. “Still fresh.” She said in a half mumble. “Thanks Casa.”

She placed the food in between her and her Papá's plates, then spun around once more, starting to hum a small tune to herself.

A moment after she knocked on his door she was answered by Bruno, who looked like he hadn't had the time to brush his hair, or teeth, or take care of his physical appearance at all. He had a rat perched on his shoulder, and sand in his hair.

Oh. It had been one of those nights.

“Breakfast is ready Papá,” Mirabel said, reaching out and shaking some of the sand out of Bruno's hair. “It was brought by Casa, so you better come before it gets cold.”

Bruno nodded, lightly moving Mirabel's hand away from his head. “Thank you Casa,” he said, patting Mirabel on the shoulder and moving to the table. He took his seat at the 'head' of the small square surface, and seemed pleased to watch a large mug and a pitcher of coffee make their way next to his plate.

“So... Papá...” Mirabel said, sitting down on her own chair and taking two arepas from the plate of food. “I was thinking...”

“Careful Mirabel, that can be dangerous,” Bruno said seriously, wagging a finger at her. “Last time I thought I nearly ran into a wall.” Mirabel laughed at his serious tone, shaking her head at him. “Papá, I'm being serious,”

Bruno gave her a grin and added, “So am I. Be careful with that thinking business. Anyway, what were you thinking about?”

Mirabel felt her smile fade a bit, and she glanced back at the wall behind him for support.

On Bruno's side of the house there was a mural on the wall of the Madrigal family. All twelve members, with their corresponding children underneath the parents. Her eyes went to the rendition of her grandmother, and she said in a quick voice, “IwashopingthatwecouldgobacktotheencantosoIcouldmeettherestofourfamily!”

Bruno blinked in silence at her, and took a long, loud sip of coffee. After a couple of seconds of just watching her breathe he said, in a slow voice as if to offset her pace, “You... want to go to the Encanto?”

Mirabel nodded, staring in confusion at his scared-looking eyes. Bruno wasn't typically 'scared' when they mentioned his family. But the notion of her returning to his childhood home seemed to bring up some bad memories.

“Mirabel, I love you... but I don't think... That's a bad idea.” Bruno said, placing his mug on the table. He grabbed an arepa and started pulling the edges off, crumbling the corn up and letting it fall uneaten to his plate.

He refused to meet Mirabel's eyes, instead keeping his fixed on what his hands were doing. Mirabel placed a hand on his arm and asked, in a respectful voice, “Why? Why can't we go back Papá?”

Bruno's eyes went to hers, and he sighed loudly. “Mirabel. Can we talk about this after I've had my coffee?”

Mirabel sighed, and took her hand back to grab her arepa and eat it. “You just don't want to talk about this. Do you?” Her Papá looked in the opposite direction of her, and she sighed again. “Come on Papá! Please!? Just... think about it. I'm fifteen, that's nearly an adult!”

“In four years.” Bruno butted in, finally taking a bite of his breakfast. Mirabel huffed a bit in frustration, and continued as if he hadn't said anything. “And I think that I'm old enough to go back. What could be so bad there that you don't want to see your family? I thought you loved them!”

Instantly Mirabel knew she had said something wrong. Bruno's face fell, and he looked back at her with sad eyes. “I do love my family. But...” He took a deep breath in, and Mirabel knew that whatever he'd say next would repeat in her mind for a long time. “I had to take you away for a reason Mira. When you didn't get your gift...” He bit his lip, and his eyes fell down to his plate.

“They blamed you?” Mirabel asked, and found herself surprised when Bruno shook his head.

“There were people who believed that there was something wrong with the magic. That you were going to be the downfall of the Encanto.” Bruno admitted, fidgeting in his seat. “I had my last... vision vision, and I saw them throwing you out because they thought you were dangerous. I can't risk them trying to do that to you. Even now.”

Mirabel shifted a bit, her eyes fixed on Bruno's face. “But... I'll have you.” she said, grabbing his hand. Bruno looked at her again and said, “You had me then. What difference will it make now?”

She was about to make another case for her argument before she was cut off by Bruno saying, “Let's not discuss this right now Mariposa. I've got a little too much on my mind right now.” He gave her a small smile, really not more than just a slight twitch of his lips.

Mirabel sighed. “Alright Papá... Later.”

Bruno spent his day like he did every other day. Breakfast, tend little garden, lunch, sit around his room, play with rats, have dinner, watch telenovelas, and then wind down for sleep.

Having a boring life was a good way to get a lot of sleep. He never had too much to worry about in his present life (future was a whole other ordeal) so there was nothing to stress himself out about.

On most days he would spend his free time talking with Mirabel. His daughter never failed to bring a smile to his face, or make him feel better after a particularly unsettling dream, memory, or vision. They shared favorite pastimes (mainly because Bruno's were the only ones he'd introduced her to), mainly ones that used impressions or physical activities.

Bruno had learned a long time ago that if you keep your body moving faster than your brain you could almost outrun your thoughts.

Today was a slower day. Casa seemed to think it was a special day, seeming to be happier than normal whenever Bruno took the time to notice. He kept seeing the tiles on the floor dancing a little out of the corners of his eyes, and the windows seemed to be held open wider than normal.

He didn't know why though, and he couldn't even begin to guess.

Bruno felt a cloud hanging over his head, contrary to the house's mood. Like he had borrowed his sister's gift for the day. Whenever he saw Mirabel he would perk up and smile, but he was glad that he always had a chore to do to keep himself from a long conversation.

It wasn't that he didn't want to see his family again...

Who was he kidding!? He absolutely didn't want to see his family again! He might trigger a tornado from Pepa, Agustin would have his hide for taking his daughter without his permission, and Mamá...

He couldn't bear to think of what his mother would say. She would force him to reveal why he had left, shame him for bringing shame upon the family... She wouldn't understand why he did what he had done.

And the kids? Well, half of them had had a sister taken away, and the other half a cousin. That would go just as well as you might expect.

The only two people he could see being on his side were Julieta and Felix. But they only could insure he would be okay if he survived the others. And that was a big IF.

And besides, Mirabel was happy here. He could see it. She would instantly feel the pressure. It was okay when it was just Bruno with his own not very noticeable gift... but the rest...

She wouldn't be able to bear it. She'd just go back to the Mirabel that he had saved her from becoming. These past ten years would have been worse than useless. He'd just have to convince her that that was the case.

He looked out the window at the treeline above him and saw a sunset peeking over the foliage. He felt a sigh build up in his chest. Here goes nothing. Just have to convince your daughter that she needs to stay isolated.

He left the window in his room, pulling his rat friends out of his pockets and ordering them softly to stay inside. He opened his door and crossed the hall in under a second, coming to a stop in front of Mirabel's closed door.

Holding his breath for a few seconds and crossing the fingers of his left hand he knocked softly on Mirabel's door. She opened it quickly, like she had been anticipating him. “Papá!” she said, leaning against the doorpost and grinning up at him, looking the complete opposite of the feeling that he felt. “What... What are you doing here?”

“We need to talk Mirabel,” Bruno said firmly, and Mirabel shrugged. “Well, we can always talk!” she said, running her free hand through her hair. “I mean, who else are we gonna talk to? Casa?” A slat fell from the ceiling and landed on her head as soon as she said that, knocking her glasses to the side, the house obviously showing its annoyance at that ridiculous notion that Mirabel had hinted at.

Adjusting her frames Mirabel apologized to the house, and Bruno motioned towards the living room. Mirabel gave a 'humph' sound, and followed him out of her room.

“Is this about breakfast? I'm sure that you're going to say no... like you're always gonna do because you're an introvert and you hate people.” Mirabel said, rolling her eyes as she sat down on her chair. Bruno sighed, staying standing and licking his lips. “Well, I am going to say no,” he said, and Mirabel groaned. Bruno held up a hand, and said, “Give me a second.”

“Why? So you can keep controlling my life? You do realize you're the only person I've seen since I was five, right?” Mirabel said, crossing her arms and avoiding eye contact with Bruno.

Bruno stood there frozen. He had known that. Of course he knew that. The last time they'd gone out looking for civilization had ended up with them almost dying of starvation. They had gone for miles around every inch of their circumference, but there was no one out there. They were completely isolated. The only other people besides the two of them Bruno knew were the inhabitants of the Encanto.

He was about to argue his point to her went it happened.

The first sign was how lightheaded he suddenly felt. But that was okay, he would just sit down on the chair behind him. Then suddenly he couldn't feel his legs. And then his vision completely faded to black.

A green light glowed all around him. Green was seeping through his brain. It was pouring from his ears, nose, eyes. It was in his blood. It was everywhere. Everything was GREEN. There was nothing but...

Blackness again. He felt something hard hit his side. Felt his head fall to the ground. His body felt like he had been beheaded.

Then the green was back, and he saw Mirabel. Standing alone.

Then he saw Casita.



He watched in horror as Casita shattered like a dropped glass.

Blackness again.

“Papá! Papá are you okay?! Papá!”

Mirabel, standing in front of Casita. The house breaking down in front of his eyes.

Green. So much green...

Utter darkness. Oblivion.

And then...


Mirabel's brain stopped working.

She'd seen her Papá have visions before. She'd seen his eyes when they were overcome with the future. She'd seen him so tired he simply fell asleep where he was standing. She'd seen him sick and tired at the same time.

But she'd never seen anything like this. Typically his power gave him a warning before seizing control. This time was different. She could feel the difference.

She watched helplessly as he stiffened, swayed for a moment, then crumpled to the ground. She felt a cry build up in her throat, and she thrust herself up, moving to Bruno's side the moment after he collapsed.

His eyes were open. Unnaturally opened, and what scared her the most was what color they were.

They were flickered constantly between his normal hazel and his magical green. He quite obviously wasn't seeing her at the moment, and it seemed like he couldn't feel her as she pulled him up into her arms.

“Papá! Are you okay?!” she called out, their argument completely forgotten. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him gently. He didn't respond, at least not more than his hand lifting up slowly towards the sound of her voice. But then it fell back down and his eyes slid shut.

Mirabel froze. No... nononononono.

“Papá!” she called out, grabbing onto his wrist and feeling for a pulse. When she found his she breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though she felt like she was thinking in a haze she had at least one clear thought. This was a magic problem. She didn't know what else to do besides sit there next to him and hope that he woke up. Her eyes went to the walls and she said, “Casa, can you... get me some food and water? He's going to have a headache-” Before she could finish her sentence a plate with a Flan de coco on it along with a glass of water ran into her thigh. She smiled at the food and said, “Thanks Casa.”

She looked back at Bruno, who had his mouth open slightly. She hoped that he woke up soon, but didn't know how long she would be there.

Luckily she didn't have long to wait. Bruno woke up less than five minutes later, and took a second to just stare at Mirabel's face.

“Mirabel... Are you okay?” he asked, and that made her laugh. “Am I alright?!” she asked, a chortle sneaking in her sentence. She nodded and said seriously, “You're the one who fainted right in front of me!”


“Oh?” Mirabel asked, her mouth dropping open. “I was worried you nearly died! With you going into a vision like that! I thought you already had one!” Bruno blinked stupidly at her, and didn't resist as she helped him sit up and handed him the plate.

He took a bite of the flan and sipped at the water before saying, “I didn't mean to do that. You know that Mira... I think.. that something is wrong with... the magic.”

Mirabel felt herself hold her breath, expecting Bruno to say something serious about it. Instead, he finished eating the flan. “This is good. Did Casa bring it?”

Mirabel shook her head in surprise. “That's it?! You can't just say 'The magic's in danger', and then not want to do anything about it! What was in your vision? What did you see Papá?!”

Bruno winced, and said in a snappish voice, “I saw the magic in danger and had a freak-out magic accident. I don't know what's wrong... But...”

His face fell and something that he must have been clinging to internally seemed to break. “I need to go back.”

Mirabel felt her hopes start to go up. They were going back? Back to Casita? She was going to get what she wanted?!

“But I don't think you're coming with me.”