
Twins of breeding dragons from today

A child has gone to world of breeding the dragons from today with a mysterious system that was created with own imagination, with the help of his power he wanted to change the world and fate of many things to the way he think is right. Both twins are connected souls after their birth in this new world but they both don’t know about it. Only character genesis Edward and other related belong to me. And all other content as a whole belong to the respected writer of the Breeding dragons from today, have all credit for that part. I am just trying create the fan fiction of that story. This story will be very similar to the story of Breeding dragons from today for first few chapters but it will completely change in next chapter. ( Cover photo of the story is not my creation and credit of it belong to the original creator, and if creator want me take down the photo or change it then comment on any paragraph. )

Genesis_writer · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Getting together, and resolving misunderstanding

As Joelson was completely caught up in the matter of condition of his brother there happened a certain incident.

It was a cool sensation in his mind, and his thinking speed seemed to be faster than before. Everything in front of him became clearer, and he could see things more clearly.

Joelson knew that this was because of the increase in his spiritual power.

Spiritual power was the most important core of a mage, and it was also the source of a mage's power. However, spiritual power was powerful, which meant that the more magic elements a mage could control, the more powerful their magic would be.

On the system interface, Joelson's strength had also been upgraded from a "Magic apprentice" to a "Level-one trainee mage."

"Trainee" was because, although Joelson's spiritual power had already reached the standard of a mage, he did not know any level-one magic yet.

Before Joelson could think anything else, he saw his brother clench his head in the agony of pain of going all such things in short amount of time.

Probably all his sufferings, physical pain was nothing in front of the mental trauma, and emotional setback that genesis has received. While thinking about this thing, Joelson don't know how to start the conversation in this awkward situation.

At that moment, voice of Genesis rang out in the complete crazed, self- deprecating tone filled with heart-wrenching pain like he was questioning his whole existence, himself, and his whole life itself saying that, "Why am i here, i shouldn't be here anymore, ahhhhh i am cursed and jinx, i will harm everything around me. i shouldn't exist anymore."

While hearing this, all the defences in Joelson's heart broke down completely, and hugged Genesis in his arms like there is no tomorrow during this pitiful state of his brother.

Genesis saw his brother hugging him completely dumbfounded and confused shouting at the lungs, "Brother, ummm you should let me go and shouldn't stay close to me or you will also be harmed like the mother due to me being cursed, and a jinx."

Seeing this, Joelson, for first time in his both lives felt this powerless unable to change something.

( Ding, rancher, due to the connnected soul being resenting itself with too much hate, connected soul has been put in the state of daze for five minutes to let it recover fast. )

System can he listen my voice in that time period. Joelson asked.

( Denied, all senses of target have been completely locked.)

System is my brother really cursed and what happened to the mom at that time?!

( Insufficient authority to know the whole truth about the existence of Genesis, but for the basic information no curse can be placed on genesis, and he is not cursed. For second question, mother of you two was fated to die after your birth, but due to the genesis was trapped in his mother womb for five years fighting the fate of your mother's death, keeping her alive for that five years. But failed in doing so, resulting in her death after his birth. )

So, System, why is he blaming himself for it.

( Because, he does not know this. Technically you both are twin and should have born almost at the same time, but, for the reason of that complexity, his birth was delayed, making five year younger. )

( Ding ! host connected soul is recovering form the state of daze )

System send this all the information in his mind we have discussed in these five minutes.

( Affirmative )

( Information have been sent )

When Genesis came back to the conscious state, he had the relieved expression on his face, like he was free from the burden of everything that was making go crazy.

Joelson could not hold any longer and slapped the Genesis's face softly with love and shouted, "Genesis is you are not any curse, you are a boon, you are not alone, you have me, your big brother, and i will beat you up if you do something like this ever again." saying last line to soften the atmosphere somewhat.

Genesis heard this, and tightly hugged his brother, but not saying anything to break this moment of brotherly love.

( Ding ! Host has received the gift from the Genesis through the soul sharing. )

( Reward/ Gift- unlimited mana )

Joelson was gobsmacked hearing this notification.

"Brother what kind of cheat do you have." said the Joelson with utter shock, because he couldn't stay still at this notification, reason being he knew that mana is very important to mage and there is nothing like unlimited in this world.

When he looked towards the Genesis, he realized that he had broken the moment with his silly question. He was embarrassed.

Genesis realized his brother was embarrassed and replied starting with the laugh while removing his tears from laughing, "Puaahhahaha, brother you never change, as for the matter cheat or power, i can create powers in the limited amount at some times, and further information cannot be shared, brother remember to hide this fact of unlimited mana well, because we are not strong enough to protect ourselves yet, and this unlimited mana is great help for obvious reasons and a problem as well because it require the spiritual control to use this enormous amount of mana, and when our output is limited to tier-1 when we are rank, so, we still have cultivate to increase our tier level. And last thing you should never change, always be like, my loving brother."

Joelson processed this whole thing and nodded saying, "Oh! it seems this little has grown up now, and for that i gave you one promise. Tell me what do you want."

Genesis's eyes were shining like he found a perfect opportunity giving Joelson a bad feeling. Before Joelson could change his mind, Genesis said, "I want brother you to never stop me when i am being protective of you, never ever, and all the girls that will have relationship with you have to go through my trial, so that i can believe that they are worthy of you." with a serious tone.

Joelson was shocked and said, "Okay brother that was promise."

Genesis cut his brother before he could say anything saying' " then that's final."

Joelson still coughed somewhat embarrassed and said, " Brother i am fine with everything what you said, But what's with matter of girls, and ummm, aren't you too little to say such things."

Genesis said retorting, " Brother did you forget that we are transmigrated, and our body age does not represent our actual mental age, as for the matter of girls, brother, i have a power to check if someone's loyal and have real for us love towards us. With the exception of us two, due to our origin of transmigration. and i never doubted you anyway. for the further information, brother, it is impossible for me share all powers or skills with you that i have, not that i don't want to share it but i can't." saying last lines scratching his head.

Joelson now understood the whole matter and replied with teasing, "okay, okay, i understood everything what you said. But, you should react according to age in world not to raise suspicion and you look cute that way."

Genesis puffed out his cheeks in annoyance about what his brother has said.

Joelson laughed heartedly and said, " brother look at your look now, that's why i am saying you look cute that way."

First genesis gave his brother an angry glare, but then both started laughing unison together like nothing serious ever happened.

Both stayed like that for hours and started living like normal as before in front fo everyone. But in the Dragon god Ranch, they do many things together.

Many days passed.


A few days later.

The carriage swayed as it drove on the mountain path.

The person driving the carriage was a youth with freckles on his face.

"Young Master Joelson, it looks like we'll have to spend the night in the wilderness."

"Yes, I understand."

A faint voice came from within the carriage.

Joelson sat in the carriage with his brother genesis whose age is little for magic academy but qualified due to his talent. When Joelson was leaving for academy, Genesis created a big fuss and insisted on going with his brother, and no one was successful in persuading him to let go his brother to the academy instead of going with him there, but he was so stubborn thta everyone have to give up and let him go together with Joelson.

Although the shabby carriage was covered with a blanket, Joelson's butt still hurt from the jolt.

Today was the third day of departure from home.

The day after the old magician Beard left, Morgan made an important decision.

He decided to send Joelson and Genesis as well due to his mad insistence to the Magic Academy in the capital of the Alcot Empire.

If one wanted to become a mage, it was obviously not enough to just have magic talent. An apprentice with magic talent had to go through systematic learning before he could become a formal mage.

The Magic Academy in the capital of the Alcot Empire was the best place.

Joelson himself was willing to go out for a walk. He had stayed in the Baron's territory for sixteen years and had long been tired of staying there.

Before he left, Morgan gave him a total of five hundred gold coins to cover the expenses on the way and the tuition fees for school, and said to take care of his little brother. Which Joelson agreed to easily.

This was almost half of the savings Morgan had accumulated over the years.

The small nobles in the countryside did not have so much tax revenue.

The fact that he was willing to pay so many gold coins showed how much hope he had for Joelson.

Joelson still remembered Morgan patting himself on the shoulder before he left. He said to himself, "After you go to school, the family will send you ten gold coins every month as living expenses. Study hard, Joelson. The task of strengthening the Edward family is in your hands. I believe you won't let me down."

Joelson spread out his right hand. A fireball was changing shapes in his palm.

This was the result of his three days on the road.

Now he could skillfully control the fire magic elements.

Presumably, it was because he had signed a contract with Du Lu.

Joelson had obtained a part of Du Lu's fire magic talent. Under the control of his spiritual power, the fire magic elements were especially obedient.

It was almost as flexible as a part of his own body.

He had obtained the fireball spell from Beard's notebook.

On the last page of Beard's notebook, in addition to "Meditation", he also recorded two spell casting methods.

One was the Magic Shield, and the other was the fireball spell that Joelson had just used.

Joelson had tested the power of the first-level fireball spell.

A fireball the size of a fist could easily melt two centimeters of steel, which shocked Joelson.

This was also the reason why Joelson had the courage to go to the capital with only a servant.

Although he was not strong at the moment, he had a certain degree of self-protection.

The Baron's territory was far from the capital, and it would take about half a month to travel.

Soon, night arrived.

Joelson and the servant, Martin Jr. were preparing to spend the night in a deserted forest.

After eating some dry food, Martin Jr. put out the bonfire and snored slightly while leaning against the carriage.

Joelson walked out of the carriage and walked all the way into the depths of the forest.

Ten minutes later, Joelson felt that it was about time, so he stopped and stretched out his hand to summon Du Lu.

Du Lu's appearance caused a fiery red light to appear in the dark forest.

Du Lu had already undergone a huge change.

A fire dragon the size of a carriage appeared in front of him.

Its body and wings were already very strong. Its head was as big as a wheel. Its teeth and claws had also become very sharp, exuding a metallic luster. Of course, the most eye-catching part was its body.

Red dragon scales that were like magma covered its entire body, giving off a blazing aura as if it was a ball of burning flames.

Fire Dragon

Name: Du Lu

Strength: Tier 3

Skills: Dragon breath, dragon might, fire magic immunity, bite

Habitat: Small Fire Dragon Nest

Output: 10 gold coins per minute

Growth Value: 3/500

Du Lu had already risen to tier 3, and his body was also rapidly growing. He no longer looked as cute as a puppy when he was just born, and now had some of the might of a dragon.

However, he was still as close to Joelson as when he was born. As soon as he was summoned, he pounced on him.

"Alright Du Lu, stop licking me."

Joelson helplessly pushed Du Lu's huge head away, but Du Lu kept pushing his head over, acting coquettishly like when he was born.

Joelson gently stroked Du Lu's head twice.

Genesis who was standing close to Joelson said that, " Joelson was his brother he have more right on him." as he hugged Joelson

Joelson laughed and jokingly said, "Yeah, yeah everyone know that i am yours."

Genesis with a fake angry look gave Joelson a elbow bump on his chest with a aggrieved look.

Then Joelson tickled on the stomach of Genesis and both started laughing.

Then Joelson thought about fast growth of Du Lu and realized that, this was all because the effects of the dragon scale fruit were too terrifying. Normally, it would take at least a year for a new born dragon to grow to Tier 3, but Du Lu only took three days to eat the dragon scale fruit, it had already grown to this size.

Joelson had also gained a lot of benefits from Du Lu's growth. Same being for Genesis due to the absolute sharing link.

Every time Joelson plucked a mature dragon scale fruit, he would receive 1 exp.

His current experience point was: 20/50

At his current speed, it would not be long before he could advance to a level-2 mage.

If someone else's advancement speed was walking, then his speed was akin to riding on a rocket.

If Beard found out that he had only become a level-2 mage after enduring for a few days until his beard turned white, then it would only take a few days for him to reach that level. He would definitely be furious.

After playing with Du Lu for a while, he looked into Du Lu's eyes and said, "You are no longer a baby fire dragon who only knows how to snore in the lava. You are already a big dragon. It's time for you to learn how to fight."

Du Lu's black gem-like eyes revealed a hint of confusion. He did not understand what he meant.

Joelson did not say anything else. He waved his hand and Du Lu lowered his head.

Joelson climbed onto Du Lu's back with joelson as he insisted as usual.

Du Lu, who had already reached the third level, was enough to carry Joelson and fly in the sky.

Although it was not the first time he rode Du Lu into the sky, Joelson was still a little excited.

The dragon knight was too cool!


Joelson shouted.

Du Lu flapped his wings and flew in the air above the forest.

He was also looking down, looking for a target.

Suddenly, he saw a few dim lights in the darkness.

It was a group of wild wolves!

"Du Lu, go up and kill them!"

He commanded Du Lu excitedly.

Du Lu let out a dragon roar and dived towards the wolf group.

Guys give comments regarding the quality of book so that i can make improvements, and it gave me motivation to warite more.

Thank you for you support.

Genesis_writercreators' thoughts