
Twins of breeding dragons from today

A child has gone to world of breeding the dragons from today with a mysterious system that was created with own imagination, with the help of his power he wanted to change the world and fate of many things to the way he think is right. Both twins are connected souls after their birth in this new world but they both don’t know about it. Only character genesis Edward and other related belong to me. And all other content as a whole belong to the respected writer of the Breeding dragons from today, have all credit for that part. I am just trying create the fan fiction of that story. This story will be very similar to the story of Breeding dragons from today for first few chapters but it will completely change in next chapter. ( Cover photo of the story is not my creation and credit of it belong to the original creator, and if creator want me take down the photo or change it then comment on any paragraph. )

Genesis_writer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Constructing the Ranch

Joelson opened the building function on the system panel.

When he opened it, he was shocked when he saw the items inside.

Dragon Nest, building, altar, decorations...

To unlock and use them, one basically needed gold coins. Most of them were gray and could not be unlocked because the current Joelson did not have so many gold coins.

Only now did he know why the novice gift pack included 1,000 gold coins.

It turned out that it was used here to start the construction of the ranch. Otherwise, he would not know where to get 1,000 gold coins.

Finding the fire dragon nest was not too expensive. It only cost 100 gold coins, and he could still afford it.

He chose to buy it to unlock it.

In the next second, he felt a powerful force falling from the sky, and the lawn not far in front of him began to rumble.

The soil rolled, the lawn burned, and hot lava spewed up.

Not long after, everything came to an end, and a dragon nest that looked like a volcano appeared in front of him. The area was not too big, about a few hundred square meters.

Joelson slowly approached the dragon's nest. A hot breath blew on his face, forcing him to stop.

Du Lu's eyes instantly widened and lit up. He quickly flapped his wings and ran over. Walking around the dragon's nest, he looked very excited.

For ordinary people, the hot environment was unbearable, but for Du Lu, who was a fire-elemental dragon, it was very comfortable.

If Joelson's magic level was higher, he would be able to find that the fire magic elements in this area were very rich and active.

"Small Fire Dragon Nest: a suitable environment for fire dragons to grow. Growth Value + 1/day. can accommodate 500 gold coins per day."

There was still room for upgrading this dragon nest. As long as he spent more gold coins to upgrade, when he upgraded to the central or even large dragon nest, these lava pools would turn into active volcanoes.

"Mission completed. Congratulations, host, you have obtained 5 experience points and 50 gold coins."

There was another clatter, and a small pile of gold coins dropped. It was still 50 gold coins. Looking at the gold coins, Joelson was in a very good mood.

Du Lu played around in his new home for a while. When the novelty wore off, he ran back to Joelson and circled around him.

"Brother now that i revealed the complete reality of me to you willingly, you don't even pay attention to me, may be you hate me now, you should also be thinking that i am cursed." Genesis said crying.

"I should leave this world through soul travel that i don't even have anyone in this world."Genesis.

Before Joelson could react he saw Genesis saw him perform a weird ritual, then an incident that was both magnificent and horrifying at the same time started to happen.

A voice rang out even making all the dimensions tremble saying, " A individual has started the soul travel, participant will go to the other world but will suffer endless pain, sufferings through all his lives as a payment."

Then three gates appeared One with holy aura, second with a symbol of the two snakes ( of White and Black colour ), last with the demonic aura representing apex of gods, human, and demons respectively appeared there, like they were here to become witness of this ritual and monitor it.

"Now that participant feels like there is no relation, no feelings and anything else is there in this world is binding him to stay, then participant use his power all of this world so that you can proceed to go to next world leaving everything in this world behind." Voice stated the whole of traveling the world.

"I the genesis using everything in my this life, life force, part of origin, magic create the eternal protection barrier to protect my brother." Genesis announced. His voice was reverberating everywhere, Like announcing the edict of whole cosmos.

Joelson now understand what Genesis understand by the meaning of his silence towards him. He should have thought that i feel deceived for him hiding his secret, consider him a cursed one, and i don't want to him anymore close to him. Joelson thought that it was all his fault for what happened just now to genesis.

Then light of three gates gathered at genesis, burning him and make him go through the strange portal. In an instant, whole thing was completed, leaving no evidence of what happened there.

Joelson came back to his senses when notifications of system appeared.

( Rancher has received the blessing of eternal protection barrier. )

( System has postponed the upgrade )

( Warning connected soul is losing its link with rancher 99%... 87%... 74%.....)

"System, is there any way to bring back my brother?" said joelson crying.

( Yes, there is, and for that you have to sacrifice the given blessing, and establish the absolute sharing link ).

Okay proceed to do this.

( Chances of succeeding is very low. )

No matter what, just proceed.

( Connecting the incomplete soul connection , Chance 1- Failure, Chance 65- Failure, Chance 97- Failure, Chance 543-Failure, Chance 9999- Failure, Last chance- ERROR )

( Last chance- attempt again- successful )

( Connection of incomplete soul is successful. )

( Bringing the Genesis back- in process )

( Process completed )

After this system notification appeared, then a body of unconscious genesis dropped out of thin paper falling towards the ground. At that moment, Joelson ran catching the body placing it on his lap sitting on knees, crying crazily.

Then Joelson looked up and asked system sobbing that, "Why is Genesis still unconscious and what do you mean by incomplete soul."

( Reason of him being unconscious is insufficient energy of all kinds, soul, life , mind, and incomplete soul is due to the sacrifice of origin and part of soul to strengthen and upgrade your system to help you, this system was fixed to never upgrade so it took too much energy to change the impossible. )

( Host is suggested to complete mission that would help in recovering energy of genesis due to this space. )

After listening Joelson started to complete the given mission but still carrying the genesis in his arms.

Du Lu played around in his new home for a while. When the novelty wore off, he ran back to Joelson and circled around him.

Joelson picked him up like he was holding a pet dog.

Du Lu also stuck out its tongue like a puppy, Licking Joelson's face until it was full of hot saliva.

Joelson wiped the saliva off his face and asked Du Lu helplessly, "Du Lu, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

Du Lu actually understood what its master meant and nodded desperately.

Joelson thought for a moment. He could not find anything to feed it now. In the novels of his previous life, newborn dragons would chew off their own eggshells. Why not let them chew on their own eggshells to satisfy their hunger first.

Joelson carried Du Lu to the place where he broke the eggshell. The broken eggshell fragments were still lying on the ground.

Joelson picked up a small piece of the eggshell fragment and brought it to Du Lu's mouth.

The little guy was really hungry. He swallowed the eggshell in one gulp and chewed it up. Those who didn't know would think that Du Lu was eating a biscuit.

Joelson surrounded Du Lu and ate the eggshell piece by piece.

Seeing Du Lu eating so happily, Joelson was also curious about the taste of the eggshell. He broke off a piece and put it in his mouth and took a bite. He think that his brother would to do the same if he was concsious now.

Du Lu saw his master put his eggshell fragments in his mouth and thought that his master wanted to snatch the food from him, so he cried out anxiously.

In the end, the eggshell fragments were too hard. Joelson could not bite them at all. Only the teeth of the dragon race could eat such hard eggshells.

Du Lu raised his head proudly.

After a while, Du Lu had eaten all the eggshell fragments.

On Du Lu's status panel, his growth value suddenly increased by 1 point.

It seemed that dragon eggshells were the most suitable food for newborn dragons.

Du Lu had eaten his fill.

His eyelids slowly closed, and the "Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle" gradually stopped.

His fat body curled up into a ball, so sleepy that he had fallen asleep.

Joelson picked Du Lu up and sent him back to the dragon nest.

On the hot volcanic rock floor, Joelson felt a little hot when he walked on it with his shoes on. This was because this was his ranch. Otherwise, his shoes would have been set on fire when he walked on the volcanic rock, but to Du Lu, this place was like a hotbed.

Joelson watched Du Lu sleep like a baby. He felt that he was not like a rancher, but rather like a little fire dragon's wet nurse.

"Main quest released."

Joelson looked happy but anyone tell he is gloomy. The quest had come again.

"Cultivate a farmland and plant dragon-scale fruits."

"Quest Reward: EXP * 5, gold coins * 50."

Joelson found a small farmland in the construction panel, just like the previous time.

A mysterious power descended from the sky, and a fertile farmland was cultivated.

"Dragon scale fruit."

Joelson found the seed of the dragon scale fruit in the system store. Just one seed was worth a hundred gold coins, which was the reward for completing two quests.

He couldn't help but feel a little reluctant to part with it, but after reading the description of the dragon scale fruit's attributes, he found that it was indeed worth a hundred gold coins.

"Dragon-scale fruit: one of the favorite fruits of the dragon clan. It has magical power and can help the dragon clan grow faster. After eating it, the dragon clan growth value + 10."

It seemed that as long as Du Lu ate one, it could immediately advance to Tier 1.

Joelson directly chose to exchange for five at a time.

Then, he planted the seeds in the farmland.

Because the pasture had a bonus effect, the dragon-scale fruit only needed a short day to grow and mature

At this time, the accumulated experience points on Joelson's body had reached 15 points.

Before the dragon-scale fruit matured, the system did not issue any other missions, so Joelson chose to return.

A white light flashed before his eyes.

The scene in front of him returned to his own room. Everything that had just happened seemed like a dream.

But Joelson knew that everything was real.

Joelson opened his right hand, and a gold coin suddenly appeared in his palm. The gold coin shone under the dim light of the candle, shining with a bright golden light.

The corner of Joelson's mouth rose slightly, revealing a trace of a dark smile.

After obtaining the ranch, it was as if he had a huge portable space.

Just this alone was enough to make 99% of the magicians on the continent jealous to death.

Joelson clenched his hand, and the gold coin disappeared. It was very convenient.

Then, he thought for a moment and decided to choose to level up.

In an instant, in his perception, countless magic elements in the surrounding crazily surged toward him, almost forming a rainbow-colored vortex.

Among them, there were more red light spots representing fire magic elements than the others. Joelson guessed that it must be related to Du Lu.

( Due to the Absolute sharing link, genesis will also receive the energy, empowering the healing process. )

Then eyes of genesis fluttered, waking with the weak weak body swaying to the sides.

Watching this, there was sudden sting of pain in his heart.